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Managing Relationships of Files to Folders
Jeremy Sandstrom avatar
Written by Jeremy Sandstrom
Updated over 8 months ago

A key feature of Amplifi is that your images can live multiple locations in the system. Here are a few options for moving or adding to an additional relationship to an image file as both a bulk action and on an individual file basis. All of the options below can be performed during standard navigation, search, and advanced search.

Add images to a folder in bulk

  1. On the Files tab of the results listing page, select the images you would like to add to a new folder and then in batch actions select Add to Folder.

  2. In the folder association selector popup, choose the folder to which you would like to add the selected images.


    NOTE: This action is additive and will not remove the file from any existing folder relationship(s) unless the file is only found within the Unassociated Files system folder.

Moving images from one folder to another in bulk

  1. Using the folder navigation on the left, click to the collection folder where the files are currently related. You should see the name of the folder in search box indicating that the folder is now activated as a filter.

  2. Next click on the Files tab to show the files within the collection (as above).

  3. Select the files you would like to move (all or a subset).

  4. In the Batch Actions selector, chose Unify Metadata. This will allow you to remove the relationship to any existing folders and assign to a new folder (NOTE: if you have used manual tagging of your images will cause the tags to also be standardized utilizing this method. If no tags are entered, tags will be removed from the selected folders).

  5. In the Unify & Update All Metadata Across Selected Files interface remove any folders where you no longer want the files to appear and click the "-" icon.

  6. Next add the type the name of the folder where you want to "move" the files in the search box and select that folder by clicking on the title.

  7. Click Save Changes and the files will now be related to the folder that you indicated in the previous step.

Adding an additional relationship for a file to a folder in bulk

  1. Using the navigation click to the collection folder (as in above example).

  2. Next click on the Files tab to show the files within the collection.

  3. Select the files to which you would like to add a new folder relationship (all or a subset)

  4. In the Batch Actions selector, chose Add Metadata. This will allow you to ADD an additional folder relationship to any existing folders (NOTE: While similar to the Unify Metadata function, the Add Metadata does not alter any existing metadata and is only additive in nature so in this case, your images will retain any unique tagging and will gain additional relationships to folders).

  5. In the Add to Existing Metadata interface search for and add any folders you want to add to the files.

  6. Now your files will be related to multiple folders.

Removing files from a collection folder in bulk or individually

  1. Open your collection folder either by browsing in navigation or by searching.

  2. Click on the tab for the file type you want to remove.

  3. Select the file(s) you want to remove from the collection folder.

  4. Click the Remove button.

  5. This will remove this image file from this collection only, but it will remain in any other collection folders where it might have a relationship. If there are no other related folders to the image file, then that file will move to the Unassociated Files system folder.

Changing folder relationships for an individual file

  1. Open the details view for the file you wish to change (More Info icon).

  2. Click on the View icon.

  3. In the File Details panel, scroll down to the Folder Tags section. Here you can add or remove any folder relationships for the selected file.


    NOTE: If you remove all folders, the file will move to the Unassociated Files system folder.

  4. Scroll up to the top of the File Details panel and save your changes.

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