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Angi Pro Leads App iPhone Troubleshooting Basics
Angi Pro Leads App iPhone Troubleshooting Basics

Different troubleshooting solutions to issues you may be having with your Angi Leads app on iPhone

Lindy avatar
Written by Lindy
Updated over 5 months ago

Here are some tips to start troubleshooting your Angi Pro Leads app:

  1. Please ensure you are using the correct app. The Angi Pro Leads app is available in the Apple App store (for iOS devices).

  2. Receiving an Incorrect Username/Password error? Follow the steps on the login screen to recover your account:

  3. Verify that you have a good wi-fi or data (5G) connection.

  4. If you are on a company device, it can be important to make sure they do not have a private VPN that is preventing you from accessing Angi. You would need to connect with your company's IT representative if you are unsure.

  5. Many issues with your mobile device can be resolved by simply restarting your phone. This may help clear some memory and close background apps that may be slowing down your device.

  6. Ensure you are on the most recent version of your Angi Pro Leads app, as well as the latest software version for your mobile device. If you're unsure how to check this, see below.

  7. Sometimes simply signing out/back into the App does the trick! If you're unsure how to sign out of your Angi app, instructions are shared below.

  8. Check your iPhone general settings to see if your device requires a software update. If you are unsure how to update your software, see the instructions below.

Updating App Version Within the Apple App Store

Sometimes a fix can be as simple as updating to the most recent version of the Angi Pro Leads app. Even if you have your apps set to update automatically, you may have some apps that require a manual push. You can confirm if an update is needed directly from the App Store.

  1. Navigate to the App Store on your device. The icon will look like this:

  2. Click on the Search icon in the bottom right corner that looks like a magnifying glass. Then type "Angi Pro Leads" in the top search bar.

  3. Click into the white background (with navy blue A) Angi Pro Leads app once it populates in the search results. From here, you will be able to quickly tell if an update is needed as it will state "Update" right at the top. If no update is needed, then it will say "Open" here instead. (You can also see what the most recent version of the Angi app is under "What's New". In this example, we can see that an update is needed:)

  4. Once you have performed the update, it will now say Open. You may now open the app directly from here, or navigate back to your home screen and open from the normal app tile.

  5. Once you've updated your app, go back and log in to see if the issue is resolved.

Viewing Your Angi app Version and/or How to Log Out of the app

You can also view what version of the app you're using in the app itself. If you are already logged into the app, it may be a good idea to log completely out of the app and then log back in. To log out:

  1. Click on Account circle icon on the top right of the homepage, next to your company name.

  2. Once on the Account page, scroll to the very bottom, where you will see the current app version, as well as the option to Log Out.

  3. Once you have logged out, log in again to see if the issue is resolved.

Double Check if your iPhone needs a Software Update

If you're still experiencing issues after following all of the steps above, it may be important to check if your device requires a software update. Steps to perform a software update can be found here provided by Apple Support.

Additional Troubleshooting Suggestions

  1. Sometimes taking a screenshot of the issue can help during the troubleshooting process. You can follow this link to find out more information on how to take a screenshot on your iPhone.

  2. Additionally, a screen recording of the issue occurring can also be helpful, especially if we are unable to reproduce the same issue. You can follow this link to find out more information on how to take a screen recording on your iPhone.

  3. If you have tried all of these troubleshooting steps and you're still running into a problem, please report your issue to an Angi Representative. Gather the info below and chat in so a Support Specialist can try to assist.

    1. Phone model name (Settings, General, About)

    2. iOS version (Settings, General, About)

    3. Angi app version (Open App, Go to Account page, Scroll to bottom of screen to view version)

    4. Login email address or username you are attempting to log into your account with. (Please do not share any passwords with Angi representatives.)

    5. Include screen shots/screen recording, and detailed description of issue occurring.

  4. In the meantime, please use a desktop or your phone's web browser to log into to access your Angi for Pros site.

Note: These are general instructions to assist with troubleshooting on your device. Not all devices will have the same functions and therefore may not follow the exact same steps. You may need to do independent research or speak with your phone provider if you are having additional issues.

If you have questions or are experiencing any issues, reach out to Angi Customer Care at (877) 947-3639 or start a live chat during business hours (Monday - Friday, 6 AM - 6 PM MST).

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