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How to set up GPAD triage appointments: SystmOne (TPP)
How to set up GPAD triage appointments: SystmOne (TPP)
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Anima requests can be booked into specialised appointment slots in order to contribute to GPAD. Here’s how to set it up.

You can also watch our 5 minute video tutorial that walks through the steps below, click here.


  • Step 1: Setting up the correct GPAD settings in Anima

  • Step 2: Configuring GP Connect Roles for your team

  • Step 3: Creating and editing a new slot type for Anima GPAD bookings in SystmOne

  • Step 4: Creating and editing a new rota type for Anima GPAD bookings in SystmOne

  • Step 5: Set up rota, organisation, and slot type booking rules for Anima GPAD bookings

  • Step 6: Trigger a refresh of slots in Anima via Organisation Settings

  • Step 7: Check that GPAD is set up correctly

  • FAQ:

    • When does the GPAD request populate in SystmOne?

    • How can I prevent patients booking into GPAD slots?

    • How can I prevent GPAD slots from showing on the NHS App?

  • Note: Ensure that your rota types and rota names of your non-GPAD bookable rotas do not have your GPAD keyword otherwise they will not be visible for appointment bookings.

Step 1: Setting up the correct GPAD settings in Anima

  1. Head to your Anima clinic desktop app.

  2. In the bottom left hand corner, click on Settings, and then click Organisation Settings.

3. Stay on the Practise Details tab.

  1. Scroll down until you see Triage Slots at the bottom.

  2. You can either use your own clinic level settings ( Use own settings) or PCN level settings ( Use PCN settings)

  3. Check the box to Book Anima requests into triage appointment slots

4. Enter a unique keyword that can be used to identify slots you want Anima to book into from SystmOne. We’ll use animatest.

5. If you want Anima to automatically book into these slots check Book triage slots automatically Note you can specify whether auto-booking will occur for Medical / Admin, or both Request types.

6. Once you’ve done these steps, remember the keyword you set as you’ll need it in Step 3 and make sure to click Save Changes!

Step 2: Configuring GP Connect Roles for your team

All users that you want to be GP Connect bookable (even for GPAD) in Anima must have a GP Connect role. You may have already done this but it’s worth double checking in case you’re facing any issues.

  1. Head into SystmOne, click Setup, Users & Policy, Staff & Organisation Setup

2. Right click on a user and click Amend Staff. This will bring up a pop up window.

3. In the pop up window, click on the Local Settings tab at the top and ensure that the GP Connect role has been chosen.

4. Click Ok to save the changes. Note: You have to do this for every person in the clinic who has face-to-face interaction with patients and whose appointment books you want to be visible within Anima.

Tip! We recommend thinking carefully about how your team works as this will ensure that invites are sent to the correct members of the team. Try to ensure the roles assigned group teams based on what they do (e.g. can they prescribe?). Here’s a quick example:

- All GPs in one group under “General Medical Practitioner”

- All prescribing nurses under "Specialist Nurse Practitioner”

- All non-prescribing nurses under “ Staff Nurse”

- All healthcare assistants and GP assistants under “Health Care Support Worker”

Step 3: Creating and editing a new slot type for Anima GPAD bookings in SystmOne

  1. At the top of SystmOne, click Setup, Users & Policy, and then Organisation Preferences.

2. A pop up window will appear. On the left hand side column, under Patient Call Screen, click Slot Types.

3. Click New Slot Type or Amend Slot Type.

4. Important! Ensure that the settings below match your GPAD slot.

  • Name: Ensure that the Name includes the keyword you used in Step 1: Setting up the correct GPAD settings in Anima (in our case we used animatest)

  • Type: Ensure that the Type is Bookable and Bookable through remote booking

  • Description: Ensure that the Description includes the keyword you used in Step 1: Setting up the correct GPAD settings in Anima

  • Appointment Type: Written/Online Appointment

  • Flags to set: Online Services Appointment

5. Then click Ok to save the changes!*

Step 4: Creating and editing a new rota type for Anima GPAD bookings in SystmOne

Now we’ve set up our slot type, it’s time to set up a GPAD rota!

  1. On the top tab click Appointments, and then Appointment Ledger.

2. If you already have a GPAD rota, right click on it, then click Administration, and then click Amend - This will open up a pop up.

3. Next to Type, click New - here you want to create a new rota type for your GPAD slots. Make sure the Rota Type Name includes the keyword we had in Step 1: Setting up the correct GPAD settings in Anima. In our example, we would have to make sure the Type would be called something like GPAD - animatest because we set our keyword as animatest.

4. We also have to make sure the Name of the rota itself has the keyword. In our example, we could call it GPAD animatest bookings because we set our keyword as animatest.

5. Now, on the right hand side, ensure that the slot type you created in Step 3: Creating and editing a new slot type for Anima triage bookings in SystmOne is in your GPAD rota. If not, you can click add to add the GPAD slot type.

6. Then click Ok at the bottom to save changes!

Step 5: Set up rota, organisation, and slot type booking rules for Anima GPAD bookings

Adding GPAD Rota Booking Rules

  1. From the SystmOne dashboard, click Setup at the top, followed by Users & Policy, and then Organisation Preferences

2. You’ll then get a pop up window. On the left hand side, click Provider under GP Connect.

3. Ensure the Enable GP Connect Appointments Provider checkbox is ticked.

4. Now, in the Rota Booking Rules box, click on the + symbol in the first box.

5. Find the name of the GPAD Rota Type you set up in the previous step (remember this isn’t the Slot Type!). This is the Rota Type from Step 4: Creating and editing a new rota type for Anima triage bookings in SystmOne

6. Select if you want any organisation to be able to book into that rota type, or only specific organisations (either button below depending on the situation). We’ll select the bottom button.

7. Then click Ok.

Giving Organisations Access To Your GPAD Rota Type

Now you want to grant organisations access to the GPAD rota type.

  1. Click on the + sign in the second box next to Organisation.

2. This will open up a pop up box with the title Rota Booking Rule. Now in the left hand Available column, find the GPAD rota type you want to provide organisation access, click on them, and then click the right arrow to move them to the Selected column (like below).

3. Now in the second box below this (called Organisations)*, click the + sign. This will open up another box to search for the Sites you want to have access to the rotas you have selected. If you want PCN wide access, you’ll click on PCN level site. Note! Sometimes there can be more than one organisation for your surgery, if you’re unsure, add both!

4. Then click Ok. The organisation rule will now appear.

5. Then click Ok again at the bottom to ensure that all changes on the page are saved. Make sure you click Ok at each step to ensure your changes are saved!

Adding GPAD Slot Booking Rules

You’ve now given your clinic/PCN access to the GPAD rota type. The next step is to give clinic/PCN access to the GPAD slot type.

Adding Slot Type Booking Rules

Let’s move to the third box down named Slot Type. You may have existing slot types that will be displayed here. Here you want to add your GPAD Slot Type booking rule.

  1. To add your GPAD Slot Type booking rule, click on the + symbol in the third box (as shown below).

2. Find the name of the GPAD Slot Type you created and select the second option.

3. Then click Ok.

Giving Organisations Access To Your GPAD Slot Type

Now you want to grant organisations access to the slot types they need.

  1. Click on the + sign in the FOURTH box next to Organisation.

2. In the left hand Available column, find the name of the GPAD slot type, click it, and then click the right arrow to move it to the Selected column (like below).

3. Now in the box below, click the + button under Organisation. Select the organisation you want to be able to book into this slot type.

4. Then click Ok. The slot type rule will now appear. Click Ok again to save all your rules.

Step 6: Trigger a refresh of slots in Anima via Organisation Settings

Head to the Anima desktop app. Click SettingsOrganisation Settings → Scroll down and click Force appointment slots update. This ensures any updates you've made in SystmOne will update in Anima.

Step 7: Check that GPAD is set up correctly

If you want to confirm that GPAD is set up correctly in Anima, you can do two things.

Firstly, check in Anima:

  1. Go the Anima patient dashboard (click the Dashboard button in the top right hand corner of the Anima desktop app if you’re not there already)

2. Double click on a request to open up a patient request

3. In the top left hand corner of the patient request, you’ll find a GPAD tag which will say Booked. Please note if you are using the new Anima v1.5 view, GPAD will show in the Notes section (see second image below)

Secondly, check SystmOne:

You can also check you appointment book to see if the GPAD slots are being booked when you open a patient request in Anima.


When does the GPAD request populate in SystmOne?

The GPAD request will populate when the patient request is opened in Anima.

How can I prevent patients booking into GPAD slots?

You can create a preset for sending out appointments - then you can tell all your clinicians to ensure that when they send out an invite, they use the new preset that excludes GPAD.

  1. Go to your Anima dashboard on the Anima Desktop App - if you’re not there already, click on Dashboard in the top right hand corner.

  2. Double click into a patient request

3. Go to the Manage tab, followed by Bookings/Invites and then click Invite patient to choose appointment time and in the dropdown select Face to Face Consult

4. In the popup, click Customise appointment filters, select only the appointment types you want to be bookable (aka exclude your GPAD slots). Make any other changes and then click Save this configuration as a preset.

5. Now, when clinicians invite patients to book - they can search for this preset and use this going forward to prevent booking into a GPAD slot.

How can I prevent GPAD slots from showing on the NHS App?

  1. From the SystmOne dashboard, click Setup at the top, followed by Users & Policy, and then Organisation Preferences

2. You’ll then get a pop up window. On the left hand side column, go to the Appointments tab, then External Appointment Booking.

3. External Appointment Booking in this scenario means accessible via the NHS app - ensure that your GPAD and Anima slots are not bookable here

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