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What is Strength Score?

Strength Score highlights both "pencil-whipped" and high-quality workflows.

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Written by Support Desk
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Strength Score is one of Anvl’s core metrics that evaluates the quality of a workflow. Each workflow is assigned a customized Strength Score tailored to the specific needs of each client, ensuring it accurately reflects the quality of the processes completed. The minimum Strength Score for any completed workflow is "1," while the maximum score is "5."

For example, Job Safety Assessments (JSAs) often have Strength Scores that emphasize the inclusion of detailed job conditions, such as open text, photos, and the time spent completing the JSA. On the other hand, workflows like Layered Process Audits (LPAs) typically focus on answering all required questions and identifying issues discovered during the audit.

In collaboration with your Customer Success Manager, the Strength Score can be configured to meet your specific needs. Below are some examples of attributes that can be adjusted within a workflow’s Strength Score:

Example Attributes:

• Were any flags raised?

• Was the average number of photos added per photo question at least one?

• Did the workflow take at least N seconds to complete?

• What percentage of text/photo questions received a response?

• What percentage of text questions included a response?

• Was the longest text response at least N characters long?

• Was the median text response at least N characters long?

• Were there any interventions?

• Were there any stops?

• Were at least N questions answered?

• What percentage of checklist questions were answered?

• Were at least N open text questions answered?

• Did all mandatory questions have an open text response of at least N characters?

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