Workflow Export Fields
Group Level Fields
Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are custom fields specific to your organization. These fields will appear blank in your data export if they are not utilized. For more information or assistance with these fields, please contact your Anvl representative.
Column | Label | Description | Example Format |
A | Id | Unique identifier for your organization. | ccfff357-84bc-4e42-bfe6-2cce7ece45b2 |
B | Region* | The geographic region associated with the Anvl Group. | North |
C | Area* | The specific area within the region related to the Anvl Group. | Area A |
D | Group | The Group in which the workflow was created. | Cincinnati, OH |
E | Group Tag(s)* | Tags related to the group for grouping/filtering. | region: North; area: Area A; BU: Service |
User Level Fields
Column | Label | Description | Example Format |
F | Supervisor UUID | Unique identifier for the supervisor assigned to the workflow. | 5555 |
G | Supervisor Username | Username of the supervisor responsible for assigned in the workflow. | |
H | Supervisor First Name | First name of the supervisor assigned in the workflow. | Sally |
I | Supervisor Last Name | Last name of the supervisor assigned in the workflow. | Supervisor |
J | Worker Username | Username of the person completing the workflow. | |
K | Worker First Name | First name of the person completing the workflow. | Warren |
L | Worker Last Name | Last name of the person completing the workflow. | Worker |
M | User Tag(s) | Tags related to the person completing the workflow (e.g. Job Title, Department, etc.). | Job Title: Technician |
Work Item/Folder Level Fields
If your organization does not use Work in Anvl, you will see system default values in these columns.
Column | Label | Description | Example Format |
N | Work Category | Work folder category in which the workflow was created (e.g. service, construction, sales). | Service |
O | Work Order ID # | ID of work order related to the workflow. | 239409 |
P | Work Name | Name of the work order/folder in which the workflow was created. | Anvl Office Maintenance Repairs |
Workflow Level Fields
A | Label | Description | Example Format |
Q | Workflow Template | Workflow category or type. | JSA |
R | Workflow Template Tag(s)* | Tags, if any, associated with the workflow template for classification. | [{"reportName":"In Shop"},{"workflowType":"JSA"}] |
S | Workflow Link | Direct link to workflow. | |
T | Assigned By | Name of the person who assigned the workflow if created from an Assignment. | Andy Assigner |
U | Assigned Date/Time | Date and time when the workflow was assigned if created from an Assignment. | 2024-09-01T14:08:48-05:00 |
V | Workflow Status | Current status of the workflow (In Progress, Complete, Incomplete). | In Progress |
W | Workflow Start Date/Time | Date and time when the workflow was started. | 2024-09-25T14:50:23-05:00 |
X | Workflow Complete Date/Time | Date and time when the workflow was completed. | 2024-09-25T14:53:57-05:00 |
Y | Workflow Duration | Total time between the Workflow Start Date/Time and the Workflow Complete Date/Time. | 213.548 |
Z | Reviewed By | Name of the person who reviewed the workflow. | Ronda Reviewer |
AA | Reviewed Date/Time | Date and time when the workflow was marked as Reviewed. | 2024-09-27T08:35:17-05:00 |
AB | Strength Score | A score representing the quality of the workflow. This typically evaluates the percent of questions answered, number of photos uploaded, length of free text responses, etc. This is a configurable setting that can be tailored by your Anvl team. | 3.9 |
AC | Media Count | Count of media files (images, videos) associated with the workflow. | 4 |
Flags, Stops, and Interventions
Column | Label | Description | Example Format |
AD | Flags | Number of flags indicating specific issues created in the workflow. Flags are manually created by the person completing the workflow. | 4 |
AE | Open Flags | Number of flags still open or unresolved in the workflow. | 1 |
AF | Closed Flags | Number of flags that have been resolved in the workflow. | 2 |
AG | In Review Flags | Number of flags under review in the workflow. | 1 |
AH | Stops | Number of stop jobs created during the workflow process. | 3 |
AI | Open Stops | Number of stops that are currently open or unresolved. | 0 |
AJ | Closed Stops | Number of stops that have been closed or resolved. | 2 |
AK | In Review Stops | Number of stops currently under review in the workflow. | 1 |
AL | Interventions | Number of interventions created during the workflow. Interventions are automatically created depending on certain responses within the workflow. | 5 |
AM | Open Interventions | Number of interventions that are still open or ongoing. | 2 |
AN | Closed Interventions | Number of interventions that have been closed or resolved. | 2 |
AO | In Review Interventions | Number of interventions under review in the workflow. | 1 |
AP | Workflow Escalations | Total number of Flags, Stops, and Interventions in the workflow. | 12 |