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Answers to common questions from Build users
UWP signing issue with VS 16.9.x (msbuild 16.9.x)
How to find your build command in App Center
I don't see my repository under GitHub organization
Android native or React Native build fails due to missing gradle dependencies
My build scripts (Bash) does not execute the logic written inside it.
Restore Private AzureDevOps Package Management feeds using PAT.
When do I have to update my build configuration manually through Save & Build?
Configuring Build scripts
Why do I get an extended build time when "Run launch test on a device" is enabled?
My Build Failed, What do I do?
Why is the build in App Center taking longer than my local build?
Do you support on-premises repositories?
Build - AzureDevOps Connection issue aka "No Projects Found"
I have connected to the wrong Bitbucket account. How can I re-connect to the correct one?
I have connected to the wrong GitHub account. How can I re-connect to the correct one?
I have connected to the wrong Azure DevOps account. How can I re-connect to the correct one?
The repository I want to connect to is not listed
I'm connected to Bitbucket and my builds fail with Git error.
My Xamarin.iOS builds build from solution file (.sln) instead of project file (.csproj)
My Xamarin.iOS builds fail claiming I need to provide signing information
Xamarin build fails with: The "WriteRestoreGraphTask" task failed unexpectedly
My builds fail at Restore Nuget step, what should I do?
I get an error: No projects found and No configurations found for Xamarin builds
Xamarin and Xcode version dependencies
How to restore a private NuGet feed?
React Native build fails with: 'FBSDKCoreKit/FBSDKCoreKit.h' file not found
React Native Builds fail with, "The engine "node" is incompatible with this module. Expected version ">=x.x.x" ; error Found incompatible module
React Native build fails with "FATAL ERROR: CALL_AND_RETRY_LAST Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory"