Adding knockout questions helps to streamline your interview process by automatically archiving applicants that don't meet one or more of the criteria that you set in your Question Template.
Finding Your Question Templates
To find the question templates, click on the dropdown menu under your name in the top black bar and click Question Templates.
You'll be taken to a list of all existing Question Templates. Here, you can edit an existing template or create a new one.
Adding Knockout Questions to a Template
Under the Auto-Archive Candidates section at the top of the page, toggle Enable Auto-Archive on to add a knockout question. You'll then be prompted to choose which color(s) will auto-archive an applicant. Note that green is the only color that will not auto-archive an applicant.
After deciding which question you'd like to be a knockout question, click the toggle arrow to view your available answer types. Keep in mind that knockout questions can only be used for Multiple Choice or Slider answers!
Turn the Enable Scoring toggle on, and the option to Select Score will appear. Set the color score of each answer that corresponds with color chosen under the Auto-Archive Candidates section at the top of the page.
Once you've selected a score and have completed your Question Template, click Save Template at the bottom right corner of the page.
Applicants that are auto-archived will be moved to the Archived section of the Applicants page.