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How To: Edit Basic Information in a Photo Gallery Page
How To: Edit Basic Information in a Photo Gallery Page
Samuel Gichuhi avatar
Written by Samuel Gichuhi
Updated over 7 months ago

Now that we’ve walked you through how to create your Photo Gallery and work with images in it, you can now begin focusing on editing the basic information of your Photo gallery. This will include things like your Lead content, the number of columns you want to display and multiple other items.

If you want to learn how to edit the basic information of your Photo Gallery, please follow the directions below.

  1. Log in to your Art Storefronts Control Panel and click on the Photo Gallery you want to edit.


  2. On the next page, find the tab labeled Info and click on it.​


  3. The first section you will see is labeled Control and the first option therein is Online Status. This can be set to On or Off. If this is set to On, it means that this page is visible in your navigation bar. If this is set to Off, it means the page will not appear in the navigation bar and your customers will have to know the direct URL to access it.


  4. The next item is labeled Password Protect. If you’d like this page to be private you can set a password on it. When someone navigates to it, they will be asked to input the password you have set up.


  5. Billboard is the next options and this is where you can choose to add a Billboard, edit one, or delete If you need more information about Billboards, please review How To: Create a Slippery Billboard or How To: Create a Legacy Billboard.​


  6. From there, your next option is Name. This is the name of your page. Whatever is entered in this box is what shows up in your navigation bar. Your customers will see this and it can be changed at any point in time.​


  7. Headline Text is the next field. This text will appear on your page as the main headline of your body content. For SEO purposes, the code used for this is an h1.


  8. Next is Number of Columns. This is where you can select how many columns you want your images to be displayed in. You have the option of using 3 or 4 columns.


  9. Finally, you have the box labeled Lead Content. In this box, you can enter in information about your Photo Gallery and a description of why you chose to create it and the art therein.


  10. Once you’ve filled out these fields and you’re happy with the information contained therein, you can click the button labeled Save and your changes will immediately be applied to the page via the Control Panel and on your Live Site.

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