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How To: Edit Basic Information on a Blog Page
How To: Edit Basic Information on a Blog Page
Hazel Dulay avatar
Written by Hazel Dulay
Updated over 7 months ago

When working on your Blog, you may want to change some of the basic information of the page. Fortunately, Art Storefronts provides an easy way to do this and contains all the page’s basic information in one place.

If you want to learn how to edit basic information on a Blog page, please follow the directions below.

  1. Log in to your Art Storefronts Control Panel and click on the Blog where you want to edit your basic information.


  2. On the next page, you will see several options, but the first is Online Status. This can be set to On or Off. If set to On, it means that the Blog page will appear in your navigation menu. If set to Off, it means that the Blog page will not appear in the navigation bar. This does not take the page offline. It only means it cannot be accessed unless someone knows its exact URL.


  3. Password Protect is the next box. In this section, you can enter a password for your page. When a customer navigates to it they will be asked for the password and if they don’t know it, they will not be able to access the page.


  4. Next, we have the section labeled Billboard. You do have the ability of Adding, Editing or Deleting a billboard for your Blog page. If you need more information on this, please review How To: Create a Slippery Billboard or How To: Create a Legacy Billboard.


  5. Name is the following section. This is where you can change the name of your Blog page at any time. Please remember that this does appear on your website and your customers will see it. It is best to keep it simple and concise.


  6. Following name is Headline Text. This text and will appear on your page, as the main headline of your body content. For SEO purposes, the code used for this is an h1.


  7. Instant Confirmation Message is next. The content you insert here will appear on the screen immediately after your visitor submits the form in the subscribe box widget.


  8. Then, the next box is labeled Send Confirmation E-mail. If set to Yes, a confirmation email will be sent to your visitor after they submit the form in the subscribe box widget.


  9. Type of Confirmation E-mail is next. If Default Template, we will use the same default header and footer we use for all your emails. If Custom Template (code from scratch), we will NOT use the same default header and footer we use for all your emails. The code you enter the "Confirmation Email Content" section should contain the entire code of your email. This is a more advanced option for those who want to use custom coded emails.


  10. Confirmation E-mail Subject Text is where you’ll enter in the title of the e-mail that is sent out to people who choose to subscribe to your blog.


  11. Confirmation E-mail Content is where you will type out and format the e-mail that you want to send to your customers after they subscribe to your Blog.


  12. The last item on the page is titled Sync New Members to MailChimp Lists. Here, you can automatically sync new members to specific lists you have created within MailChimp.

    Please Note: To use this, you must (1) have a MailChimp account (it's free), (2) have created at least 1 list within your MailChimp account, and (3) have entered in your API key from MailChimp into the Integrations section within your site manager. When you have done all 3 of these things, you will be able to use this feature.


  13. Once you have made all your desired changes and you are happy with the appearance of your information you will want to click the Save DO NOT CLICK THE BACK BUTTON. If you click on anything other than Save you may lose all the changes you just made.

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