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How To: Set up Apple Pay and Google Pay as a Payment Method
How To: Set up Apple Pay and Google Pay as a Payment Method
Jovana T avatar
Written by Jovana T
Updated over 11 months ago

We are now introducing Apple and Google Pay as one of the payment methods available on your site. This allows your customers to make secure purchases and pay easily with their iOS and Andriod devices without entering a single piece of information. It is an incredibly important feature as we try to optimize our checkout process! This is a huge benefit to everyone as this can help you earn more sales and improve your customer experience.

Please Note: It is important that you have a verified Stripe account. Apple Pay and Google Pay are features provided by Stripe, therefore you must be using a Stripe account to utilize this feature.
In case you haven't set up your Stripe account, please refer to our guide here How to Setup Stripe as Payment Method

  1. First, log in to your Stripe Dashboard.

  2. Navigate to the Developers tab make sure to Turn OFF Viewing Test Data then click API keys.

  3. Once you're in the API keys tab look for the Publishable Key, it should start with pk_live. Please copy the entire key.

    Please Note: You MUST activate your Stripe account or you’re not going to be able to complete this process. In case you haven't set up your Stripe account you can check our guide here How to Setup Stripe as Payment Method

  4. Now that you've copied the Publishable Key, navigate to your Art Storefronts Site Manager and click the Site Settings Tab. You will then proceed to the Shopping Cart tab underneath. As you go through this step we've assumed that you have a verified stripe account setup with secret key added into your website's merchant field.

  5. Under the INFO tab, you'll find the field labeled Choose Your Merchant. Select Stripe
    from the drop-down menu and it will reveal the publishable key field.

  6. In the Publishable key field simply paste the key that you copied from over to Stripe. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page. Make sure the Publishable key is still there after the page refreshes. At this point Apple Pay and Google Pay are active on your site and there is nothing else you need to do.



    To begin testing your Apple or Google Pay, you must be on your live site and be using your mobile phone.

    To use the Apple Pay button you must have an Apple Pay account with a valid credit card on file and make sure you're in supported regions. Here's an article of how you can set up Apple Pay

    After you've established your Apple Pay account you can test this on your iPhone using the Safari browser.

    The Apple Pay or Google Pay button will then appear on the checkout page as one of the payment options.

  7. For Apple Pay- Customers should click the Apple Pay button to process the payment through their bank or credit card linked to their Apple wallet. The customer will either use their finger on the Touch ID to confirm or type in their passcode.

  8. Wait for the screen to load the message and click OK to proceed to final step. NOTE: the payment has not fully processed yet.

  9. Click place order to complete the payment and that will be your final step.


    For Google pay, you must have a google pay account with a valid credit card on file. Make sure you're in a supported country or region - Here's an article of how you can set up Google Pay

    After you've established your Google Pay you can test this on Android mobile using the Chrome browser.

  10. Select the Google Pay option.


Select the Pay button and you will be prompted to finish the payment after.


Note: You must continue to the next step to complete the order.

Congrats- you have now successfully placed an order with Apple Pay or Google Pay!

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