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How To: Use Liquid Variables with Co-Pilot
How To: Use Liquid Variables with Co-Pilot
Jovana T avatar
Written by Jovana T
Updated over 12 months ago

Liquid Variables are placeholders that are replaced with values from your website. Our team uses liquid variables to automatically pull in specific data, such as product title or product link, into the text of your Facebook and Instagram posts as well as the body of your emails. As a result, any time you wish to change the featured product, the text of the post/email is automatically going to reflect the correct product data, and you will not need to replace this data manually.

In this article, we’ll walk you through all the liquid variables available through Co-Pilot.

Table of Content:

Please Note: Liquid variables are an advanced feature. You should not be using them if you are not comfortable with them yet, and you are not certain how they work.

IMPORTANT: To correctly use liquid variables they need to be inside of the opening and closing tags. Example:


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Liquid Variables for Facebook

Here is a list of all available liquid variables for Facebook posts

  • ##{{product_social_media_description}}

    • this liquid variable pulls in the content of the Social Media Description field from the featured product

    • Social Media Description field is located on the the site manager product page

    • If you are working on a post in your Co-Pilot dashboard, and you see you are missing a social media description for the featured product, you can easily add it by clicking on the Edit link next to the product. This will take you to the site manager product page

  • ##{{product_title}}

    • this liquid variable pulls in the content of the Name of the featured product

    • Name field is located on the the site manager product page

    • If you are working on a post in your Co-Pilot dashboard, and you want to rename the featured product, you can easily do so by clicking on the Edit link next to the product. This will take you to the site manager product page

  • ##{{product_link}}

    • this liquid variable pulls in the link to the featured product

  • ##{{product_wp_link}}

    • this liquid variable pulls in the direct link to the featured product on the Wall Preview Feature.

  • ##{{product_ar_link}}

    • this liquid variable pulls in the direct link to the featured product on the Live Preview (Augmented Reality) Feature.

    • To use this liquid variable, make sure you have the Live Preview feature included in your plan

  • ##{{product_3d_link}}

    • this liquid variable pulls in the direct link to the featured product on the Live Preview (Augmented Reality) Feature.

  • ##{{product_short_description}}

    • this liquid variable pulls in the content of the Short Description field from the featured product

    • Short Description field is located on the the site manager product page

    • If you are working on a post in your Co-Pilot dashboard, and you see you are missing a short description for the featured product, you can easily add it by clicking on the Edit link next to the product. This will take you to the site manager product page

  • ##{{product_regular_price}}

    • this liquid variable pulls in the regular price of the product. This is the product price without the campaigns discount applied

  • ##{{product_discounted_price}}

    • this liquid variable pulls in the discounted price of the product. This is the product price with the campaigns discount applied

  • ##{{product_discounted_amount}}

    • this liquid variable pulls in the $ of % value of the campaign's discount. This is not the same as the discounted product price. This is simply the amount that your buyers will be saving if they purchase the featured product.

  • ##{{newsletter_page_link}}

    • this liquid variable pulls in the link to your Newsletter form page, your Lead Capture Tool

  • ##{{bestseller_product_gallery_link}}

    • if you have a product gallery on your website, who's URL ends with /bestsellers, this liquid variable pulls in the link to that page

  • ##{{homepage_link}}

    • this liquid variable will pull in the link to your websites homepage

  • ##{{coupon_discount_amount}}

    • this liquid variable will pull in the $ of % value of the campaign's discount

Liquid Variables for Instagram

Here is a list of all available liquid variables for Facebook posts

  • ##{{product_social_media_description}}

    • this liquid variable pulls in the content of the Social Media Description field from the featured product

    • Social Media Description field is located on the the site manager product page

    • If you are working on a post in your Co-Pilot dashboard, and you see you are missing a social media description for the featured product, you can easily add it by clicking on the Edit link next to the product. This will take you to the site manager product page

  • ##{{product_title}}

    • this liquid variable pulls in the content of the Name of the featured product

    • Name field is located on the the site manager product page

    • If you are working on a post in your Co-Pilot dashboard, and you want to rename the featured product, you can easily do so by clicking on the Edit link next to the product. This will take you to the site manager product page

  • ##{{product_hashtags}}

    • this liquid variable pulls in:

      • #producttitle (name of the product)

      • #searchkeywords (search keywords on the product)

      • #artistname

      • #businessname (from Site Settings > Info)

  • ##{{product_short_description}}

    • this liquid variable pulls in the content of the Short Description field from the featured product

    • Short Description field is located on the the site manager product page

    • If you are working on a post in your Co-Pilot dashboard, and you see you are missing a short description for the featured product, you can easily add it by clicking on the Edit link next to the product. This will take you to the site manager product page

  • ##{{product_regular_price}}

    • this liquid variable pulls in the regular price of the product. This is the product price without the campaigns discount applied

  • ##{{product_discounted_price}}

    • this liquid variable pulls in the discounted price of the product. This is the product price with the campaigns discount applied

  • ##{{product_discounted_amount}}

    • this liquid variable pulls in the $ of % value of the campaign's discount. This is not the same as the discounted product price. This is simply the amount that your buyers will be saving if they purchase the featured product.

  • ##{{coupon_discount_amount}}

    • this liquid variable will pull in the $ of % value of the campaign's discount

Liquid variables and if flows for Facebook and Instagram

There are also liquid variables which check if the featured product has a specific medium (wall art print or merch) enabled. These liquid variables allow our team to generate different content for your posts based on which mediums you have enabled.

For example: Our team often promotes highly popular merch products such as Tote Bags. To do that, we will use the following if flow:

{% if offers_tote_bags? %}
{% else %}
Check these out. I'm considering offering totebags. Anyone want to be the first one to buy one? Lemme know and I'll make it happen. THIS IS WHAT YOUR POST TEXT WILL SAY IF THE FEATURED PRODUCT DOES NOT HAVE THE TOTE BAGS ENABLED
{% endif %}

Please Note: Liquid variables for medium availability are an extremely advanced feature. You should not be using them if you are not not proficient.

Medium variables available:


Product type variables available:


Liquid variables for Email

In email tasks you can use following liquid variables for products:

{% for product in products limit:1 %}


##{{product.regular price}}


{% endfor %}

In the above flow

  • ##{{}}

    • this liquid variable pulls in the content of the Name of the featured product

    • Name field is located on the the site manager product page

  • ##{{product.linked_name}}

    • this liquid variable pulls in the Name of the featured product and links it to the product page

  • ##{{product.linked_picture}}

    • this liquid variable pulls in the Image of the featured product and links it to the product page

  • ##{{product.regular price}}

    • his liquid variable pulls in the regular price of the product. This is the product price without the campaigns discount applied

  • ##{{product.discounted_price}}

    • this liquid variable pulls in the discounted price of the product. This is the product price with the campaigns discount applied

  • ##{{product.discounted_amount}}

    • This is not the same as the discounted product price. This is simply the amount that your buyers will be saving if they purchase the featured product.

Other available liquid variables for emails are:

  • ##{{sender_firstname}}

    • this liquid variable pulls in the First Name of the website owner User

  • ##{{sender_lastname}}

    • this liquid variable pulls in the Last Name of the website owner user

  • ##{{homepage_url}}

    • this liquid variable will pull in your homepage

  • ##{{linked_homepage}}

    • this liquid variable will pull in the link to your homepage

  • ##{{coupon_discount_amount}}

    • this liquid variable pulls in the $ of % value of the campaign's discount. This is not the same as the discounted product price. This is simply the amount that your buyers will be saving if they use the promoted discount code.

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