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Make private offers!

Send direct emails to collectors who have your artworks in cart or wishlist

Updated over 6 months ago

You can make private offers to collectors who have added your works to their shopping cart and/or favorites list!

There are several ways to create a private offer:

A. From the catalog

a) Using the side editing panel

Click on a work so that the panel opens and then click on "apply a private offer":

  1. Give your offer a title in “promotion label”

  2. Choose the type of offer (free shipping or discount)

  3. Enter the amount in the "promotion" field (if it is a discount) as well as the start date of the offer and the duration in the field provided.

  4. Check the overview and if everything is ok:

  5. Click on the "Create and send offer" button.

  6. Collectors who have this work in their cart or wishlist will receive an email informing them of the private offer and it will be visible in their cart.

b) Using the quick action button on the thumbnail

Enter the offer details and click on "Apply Discount".

B. From the "Private Offers" sub-tab


Click on the "+New private offer" button at the top right. You will be directed to the catalog and must then follow the instructions in A. From the catalog (above).

C. From the Dashboard > Engagement tab

Click on the "Create a private offer" button, in the "Works added to wishlist" or "Works added to cart" column. You will then be redirected to the catalog and follow the instructions in A. From the catalog (above).


How are the private offers displayed:

​​On the catalog thumbnail


On an order


In a client's cart


NB: A private offer has a duration of 14 days. Once the offer is approved, you cannot modify it. A work that has had a private offer applied to it will only be eligible for a new promotion (private offer or special offer) 21 days after the end of the previous offer.

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