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Rewards Module
Updated over 2 months ago


The rewards module will allow you to display a reward bar on the top of your cart!

It can display up to a maximum of 3 rewards at this time.

It's important to note that this module does not give out shipping or discount rewards, it only tracks progress towards a set goal.

In order to actually give your customer a reward, you'll need to do one of the things below.

Giving Free Shipping Rewards

Giving Discount Rewards

  • You'll want to create an Automatic Discount in Shopify that has a minimum requirement which matches the reward's minimum amount in UpCart.

Giving Free Product Rewards

Recommended Method

You'll want to create a free version of the product in your Shopify Admin, then use that as the reward product in UpCart.

To create a free version of your product, duplicate the product in your store and set its current price to 0.

We also recommend adding the word "Free" to the product title so you can easily differentiate it from the original!

Alternative Method (Not Recommended)

Alternatively, you can create an Automatic Discount to apply a 100% discount on the reward product.

This isn't recommended since the discount may be overridden in certain scenarios due to Shopify's Discounting Limitations.

Please note: You can add up to three product to be added per product reward tier. This will add all three products to the cart when the tier is met. UpCart currently does not have a feature that allows the customer to choose one of the three products, meaning it is not possible offer customers an option for their free gift yet.

General Settings

Bar Background Color

This is the color of the unfilled parts of the reward bar.

It also determines the background color of reward icons when a reward hasn't been achieved yet.

Bar Foreground Color

This is the color of the filled parts of the reward bar.

It also determines the background color of reward icons when a reward has been achieved.

Text After Completing Full Rewards Bar

This text will be shown at the top of the rewards bar when all reward tiers have been earned by your customer!

You can style the text by highlighting the pieces of text that you want to change, and then using the buttons above the text field to change things like bolding, italics, underlines, and text color.

Reward Basis

This setting allows you to tell UpCart whether the rewards bar should track Cart Total or Item Count.

  • Cart Total

    • Uses the total value of the cart to determine whether or not a customer should receive a reward.
      For example, you may offer a Free Shipping reward to customers who have at least $100 worth of items in their cart.

  • Item Count

    • Uses the total item count of the cart to determine whether or not a customer should receive a reward.
      For example, you may offer a Free Shipping reward to customers who have at least 5 items in their cart.

Advanced Settings

To see the advanced settings section, you need to click the "Show Advanced Settings" button pictured below.

If you're only interested in learning about a specific setting, please view the sections below

However if you'd like to learn how ALL these advanced settings work, here's a video going over them.

Reward Product Page Accessible From Cart?

This is the easy one to understand. If you turn on this checkbox, people can click on the reward product's title and it will take them to the product page for it!

With this setting disabled, the product title link will not be active and your customers will not be able to visit the product page for the product.

Geolocation Pricing Override

This setting allows you to tell UpCart what rewards goals should be shown to international customers.

It can be enabled or disabled by clicking on the checkbox next to the setting name.

When disabled, a reward tier's minimum amount would apply to every currency you support. For example, a minimum amount of "100" would mean that your customer would have to spend $100 CAD, $100 USD, 100 YEN, 100 Euros, etc... to get the reward. 100 in every currency!

When enabled, the amounts set up in the "Configure Geolocation Pricing" menu will be applied. For more info on that, keep reading!

After clicking on the "Configure Geolocation Pricing" button, you'll see a menu like this:

The screenshot above says:

"All countries will have a 100 minimum amount for Reward Tier #1, and a 150 minimum amount for Reward Tier #2."

If you want to make it so specific countries have different amounts, then click the "Add New Geolocation Pricing" button to add an extra condition!

This will add an additional row to the table. You can then specify what countries you want to target, via Country Code. For example, IT for Italy, AU for Australia, JP for Japan.

Then for each row you create, you can specify the reward goal of each tier for those countries!

The order of the rows is important though.

UpCart checks the top row first, then the second row, then the third, etc...

Because of this, you want to make sure you have the broad cases (like "Matching All Countries") on the bottom of the table to prevent scenarios where your other rows aren't being taken into consideration.

You may also notice an "Exclude" checkbox.

When checked, this makes it so all countries that aren't selected will be targeted instead. These usually get put near the bottom of the table to ensure other countries are taken into consideration first.

Example of Usage

The video shown below goes over an example, showing how we can set a €65 goal for those shopping in euros while keeping our $100 goal for other countries.

πŸ”— You can access the list of Shopify country codes here

Automatic Currency Conversion

This setting will automatically convert your reward goals for you by using Shopify's currency conversion rate at the time.

Keep in mind, since this is Shopify's currency conversion rate this means that UpCart has no say in what your reward goal will be for each country. If you'd rather have a fixed number for each country, we recommend using the Geolocation Pricing Override setting mentioned in the previous section instead.

⚠️ Warning⚠️

This setting will also convert prices in the Geolocation Pricing Override setting mentioned in the earlier section if both settings are enabled.

Meaning any numbers that you set in the Geolocation Pricing menu will have Shopify's conversion rate applied to them as well.

Example of Usage

The video shown below goes over an example, showing how we can automatically convert our $100 CAD reward goal to Euros with this setting.

It also goes over how to check the current conversion rate for the market of your choice!

Rewards Settings

This is where you can setup a maximum of 3 rewards to display on your rewards bar!

Reward Type

This dropdown allows you to tell UpCart what type of reward you want offered.

The possible options are

  • Shipping

    • The rewards bar will show a truck icon when there's multiple reward tiers

  • Discount

    • The rewards bar will show a discount tag icon when there's multiple reward tiers

  • Product

    • The rewards bar will show a gift box icon when there's multiple reward tiers

How Reward Type Affects Progress Tracking

Reward Type will actually affect the logic that's used when tracking your customer's progress towards their reward!

This happens regardless of if you have a single reward, or multiple.

If you do have multiple reward tiers, you'll notice that there's a tier title for each reward. (Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3)

Keep this in mind when reading the next section, as it's important!

The reward type use in your "Tier 1" section is the reward tier that will determine what logic your progress bar uses. If you have a single reward, the reward type still affects the logic being used in the exact same way.

See below what the progress bar's logic will be based on the reward type you have selected!

  • Shipping

    • If your "Tier 1" reward is a Free Shipping reward, then discounts are taken into consideration!

    • Example: If your customer has a 10% discount on their $100 order, the rewards bar will know that the customer has $90 in their cart.

  • Discount and Product

    • If your "Tier 1" reward is a Discount or Product reward, then discounts are ignored!

    • Example: This means if your customer has a 10% discount on their $100 order, the rewards bar will believe that the customer has $100 in their cart!

πŸ“˜ Good to Know

If a reward is in Tier 2 or Tier 3, you can still make it display first in the rewards bar!

UpCart will display the rewards based on their Minimum Amount or Item Count setting. No matter what tier the reward is in!

Why Is This Done This Way?

If the bar always ignored discounts, someone who has a 100% discount would see that they achieved the Free Shipping reward, even if their cart actually contains $0.

You most likely don't have your Shipping rules setup to offer free shipping for free orders!

On the opposite end, if the bar always tracks discounted values, then someone with a 100% discount would be told that they didn't get the discount!

Unfortunately it's not possible to have both types of logic in the same bar, which is unfortunately why we had to result to this kind of system.

If you still have questions, about this, we have a video below that will hopefully clear things up for you.

Minimum Amount

This field only shows if you have the Reward Basis setting set to "Cart Total".

The number you insert in this field will determine how much money needs to be spent to get the reward.

Item Count

This field only shows if you have the Reward Basis setting set to "Item Count".

The number you insert in this field will determine how many items need to be in the cart to get the reward.

Product Selection

This field only shows if you have the Reward Type setting set to "Product".

The products you select will all be added to the cart automatically when your customer gets the reward.

πŸ“˜ Good to Know

The product(s) will simply be added to the cart, they aren't discounted!

If you're trying to offer a Free Gift to your customer, we recommend using one of the methods highlighted in the Giving Free Product Rewards section of this document.

Text Before Achieving

This is the text that will be shown to the customer before they achieve the reward in this tier.

You can style the text by highlighting the pieces of text that you want to change, and then using the buttons above the text field to change things like bolding, italics, underlines, and text color.

Remove Tier

This button is only visible if you have more than one reward.

Clicking on the button will remove the tier specified.

Add New Rewards Tier

This button is only visible if you have less than 3 rewards, since we have a 3 tier maximum at this time.

Clicking on the button will add an additional reward tier to the bottom of the tier list.

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