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Assets allows you to browse asset inventories, visualize when assets have been purchased or installed, and create asset dashboards

Updated over a year ago

Assets allows you to browse asset inventories, visualize when assets have been purchased or installed, and create asset dashboards that combine maintenance and energy data.

👍 This article will help you:

  • Use filters and period selections to find valuable asset information

  • Store asset files, and associate related points and work orders

  • Create asset dashboards

To access Assets, go to Apps on the left side menu, then Assets.



Assets can be fixed (e.g., sink, ceiling fan) or portable (e.g., furniture, IT equipment), inside (e.g., overhead light fixture) or outside (e.g., parking lot light fixture).

Assets can have work orders associated with them. Work orders represent the maintenance and lifecycle costs of an asset.

Add new assets

Atrius provides a standard format for pushing assets data via a JSON API or CSV upload. You may also upload a single asset at a time.

  • JSON API: Go to Settings > Developer API to learn more.

  • Single or Batch CSV Upload: Go to Apps > Assets, then choose 'Add an asset' to add a single asset or multiple assets.


A single asset may be added by completing the form. Multiple assets may be added at one time by following the Batch Asset Upload instructions.

Once your assets integration is complete, assets data will automatically be available in the app, depending on the frequency with which data is pushed from your external system, or manually uploaded via a CSV file.

📘 Adding custom attributes to an asset

You can add custom attributes, or fields, to asset profiles to store additional metadata.

There are two ways to create custom attributes:

  • Go to Settings > Asset Management and select the Asset Types tab. Select the dropdown menu on the row for a given asset type, then select 'Edit custom attributes'.

  • Add new field keys and values to the end of your assets' JSON or CSV upload. New asset fields must be defined with an underscore between words. Example: custom field 'Life_expectancy_date' with value '2014-10-20'.

Graph & table filtering

On the main Assets table, you can filter by the following parameters:




Select one or more buildings for which assets are assigned.


Select one or more asset categories. Category is a higher-level representation of the asset type.


Select one or more asset types. Type is a subset of the category.


Select one or more manufacturers that produced the asset.


Select one or more asset models provided by the manufacturer. Model represents the number or name of that version of the asset.


Select one or more statuses of the asset. Status represents whether an asset is active, retired (visible), or disabled (hidden).


In the adjacent dropdown menu, select a time period over which to view asset trends. This period represents the "date installed" for the asset. Choose from standard calendar views, rolling views, or a custom period. 'All time' is selected by default.


Once your filters have been selected, the assets graph and table will update automatically.


Select any table column header to sort that column alphabetically or chronologically.




The building with which the asset is associated. Select this link to visit the building's profile page. If a red "i" icon is shown, then this asset is not assigned to a building in Atrius. See "Unassigned Buildings" below.


The physical location of the asset, either inside or outside a building. For example: room number, roof, basement, adjacent outside location.


The name of the asset. Select the asset name to view additional asset details, dashboards, files, and associated work orders.


The high-level categorization of the asset. For example: Electrical, HVAC, Furniture, Lighting.


The deeper-level categorization of the asset; a subset of a particular category. For example: for category "HVAC", type includes Boiler, Chiller, Air Handler. For category "Lighting", type includes Bulb, LED, Incandescent.


The quantity of assets for the row. Most assets will have a quantity of "1", but certain assets, such as light bulbs or bulk purchases, may have a greater quantity.


The manufacturer that produced the asset. The model is also included in this field within parenthesis.

Unit Price

The total purchase price of the asset or assets represented in the row.

Date Installed

The date when the asset had been installed. The graph above the table renders these dates along the y-axis.

❗️Unassigned buildings

Any building with a red "i" icon is missing an association with a building by the same name in Atrius. If this is a new building, first create a new building. Then go to the new or existing building's Profile page and enter the following unique identifier in the 'Vendor Building ID' field. Now you may assign this asset to the building by resending this asset via the API.

Dashboards & cards

To view or create dashboard reports for an asset, go to the Dashboards tab of the asset. Use the Dashboards dropdown to create a new asset dashboard or toggle between existing asset dashboards.


To associate an existing dashboard with an asset: 1) go to Dashboards on the left side menu and select a dashboard from the table, 2) select Actions, then 'Dashboard settings', 3) for Scope, select 'Asset', then choose the building and asset location.


Select the 'Add a card' button, then select the Building Trends or Building Comparisons card type from the menu. Select your desired building or building group, then for Data type select 'Assets'.

To add a profile of metadata for an asset, create an Asset Profile card.


Assets affords a special set of card configuration options, summarized below for the Building Trends card:



Asset category

Select the appropriate asset category, or view all asset categories. Below, "Asset type" will update to show only asset types belonging to that category.

Asset type

Select the appropriate asset type, or view all asset types. Below, "Asset" will update to show only assets belonging to that type.


Select the appropriate asset, or view all assets.


Select the display unit: cost or count. If 'Count' is selected, a new field called "Max aggregation for 'Other' series" will appear later in the form.

Cost type

Select a specific cost type. 'Parts, Labor, & Other' is equivalent to total work order costs.

Chart type

Select a graph format of bars or stacked bars. If 'Stacked bars' is selected, a new field called "Stacked by" will appear.

Stacked by

Select a stacking dimension to show the breakdown of costs by type. 'Work order problem type' will include a stacked bar for every available problem type.

Max aggregation for "Other" series (optional)

To reduce the number of individual stacked bars and highlight only the largest data series, specify up to how many series should be combined into a new series named "Other."


Unit will default to Dollars, Tasks, or Assets, depending on the previously selected "Metric".


Select from among 10 asset- and work order-specific callout sets.


Go to the Points tab to see the points associated with an asset. To add one or more points, select the 'Add a point' button.

You can add points to an asset without navigating to the asset itself. Go to Points or Bills on the left side menu. Select one or more points or bill points using the checkboxes on the left side of the table. Then, go to Actions > Add to asset.



Go to the Files tab of an asset to see saved documents and images. Each asset has its own storage for any file. Get started by uploading asset photos, specifications, documentation, and more.


Work orders

Go to the Work Orders tab to see the lifecycle cost of an asset. This table represents all work order requests associated with the asset. Work orders are connected to assets via the 'Vendor Asset ID'.

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