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Asset Profile

Update your assets' profiles to include important asset information and settings.

Updated over a year ago

Update your assets' profiles to include important asset information and settings.

👍 This article will help you:

  • Edit asset profile information, including location, warranty, and default dashboard

  • Change the asset's status, or delete the asset

To access Asset Profile, go to Apps on the left side menu, select Assets, select an asset, then select Profile from the tab menu.


📘Adding custom attributes to an asset

You can add custom attributes, or fields, to asset profiles to store additional metadata. There are two ways to create custom attributes:

  • Go to Settings > Asset Management and select the Asset Types tab. Select the dropdown menu on the row for a given asset type, then select 'Edit custom attributes'.

  • Add new field keys and values to the end of your assets' JSON or CSV upload.

Asset Details



Asset name

The asset's name.

Asset category (optional)

The highest level categorization of the asset. For example: Electrical, HVAC, Furniture, Lighting.

Asset type

The second-highest level categorization of the asset. For example: for category 'HVAC', type includes 'Boiler', 'Chiller', and 'Air Handler'.

Asset photo

The asset's profile photo. At least 500x500 pixels is recommended.

Quantity (optional)

The quantity of this asset. Most assets will have a quantity of "1", but certain assets, such as light bulbs or bulk purchases, may have a greater quantity that you wish to track individually.

Manufacturer (optional)

The asset's manufacturer.

Model (optional)

The asset's version name or number.

Serial (optional)

The asset's serial number.

Rating (optional)

The asset's primary metric. For example: Rating for an HVAC asset is usually 'Tons'. Rating for a Lighting asset is usually 'Watts'.

Rating unit

The rating metric's display unit.

Description (optional)

The asset's description or other notes, such as its location or installer.

Default dashboard

The asset's default selected dashboard as displayed on the Dashboards tab.


The asset's current status: Active or Retired.




Building (optional)

The asset's building location. Select 'Manage building' to open the selected building's profile.

Space (optional)

The asset's building space location. Select 'Manage space' to open the selected building's list of defined spaces.

Asset tag (optional)

The asset's associated asset tag. Select 'Manage asset tag' to open the selected asset tag's profile.




Date installed (optional)

The date when the asset had been installed.

Warranty end date (optional)

The date at which this asset is no longer covered by a warranty.

Life expectancy (optional)

The asset's life expectancy in years.

Condition assessment (optional)

The asset's condition assessment: Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor.

Additional Details



Unit price (optional)

The asset's total purchase price.

Vendor asset ID (optional)

Vendor asset ID is a unique identifier that links an asset from a third-party system integration to an asset in Atrius.

📘 Asset profile fields may vary

If an administrator at your organization has defined custom attributes for a particular asset type, or if they have chosen to arrange standard or custom attributes in a particular order, then the asset profile information described above may differ slightly—or substantially—from what you see.

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