π This article will help you:
Edit bill point profile information, including scope, display unit, and source currency
Reference other bill points to create a calculated bill point formula
To access the Bill Point Profile, go to Bills on the left navigation bar, select a bill point, then select Profile from the tab menu.
Bill Point Details
Field | Description |
Bill point name | The bill point's full name. Examples: |
Bill point short name | Include a shortened bill point name to be shown in place of the Bill point name on cards and visualizations (optional). |
Atrius ID | The bill point's unique identifier in Atrius. It should be changed with caution, as it can affect calculated bill points. |
Building | The building which your bill point is intended to represent. |
Bill point scope | Bill point scope determines whether a bill point represents an entire building or only a portion of a building. |
Data type | The bill point's data type. Use this to filter the list of available point types displayed below. |
Point type | The bill point's point type, which allows you to filter bill points in tables and cards in Atrius. Point type determines the available reading type and unit options displayed below. |
Reading type | Reading type determines how incoming readings are processed. 'Interval consumption' provides time-based consumption delta readings (e.g., kWh or gallons). |
Source unit | The unit of measure used by the bill point's source system. |
Display unit | The unit of measure in which bill point data are displayed in Atrius. |
Offline threshold | Offline threshold determines the duration after which a notification email will be sent about an outdated bill point. |
Description (optional) | The bill point's description or other notes. |
π§ Important notes about bill point scope
You may specify only one Whole building bill point for each point type, for each building.
Points supersede bill points: If a building has both a Whole building point and a Whole building bill point for a given point type, the point will be used.
To update bill point scope for multiple bill points at once, go to Bills on the left side menu and select the Bill Points tab. Select one or more bill points using the checkboxes on the left side of the table. Then, go to Actions > Set scope.
The formula section displays for calculated bill points only.
Field | Description |
Input bill point(s) | The bill point(s) used in the calculated bill point formula, and their corresponding storage units (in parentheses). |
Formula type | Select 'Advanced' to provide different formulas for cost and consumption, otherwise use 'Standard'. This should only be used in special circumstances. |
Formula | Enter the formula that should be used to calculate readings for this bill point. When creating a formula, you can reference other bill points in Atrius by appending a '$' in front of the desired bill point's Atrius ID (e.g., $Atrius_ID). You can also use many of the same mathematical operators found in formulas created in spreadsheet applications, including +, -, , /, and parentheses. Examples: |
Disable unit conversions | When selected, unit conversions will not be used when consumption values are calculated across bill points. |
Partial calculation | When selected, evaluation occurs when one or more of the input bill points have a reading. Otherwise, all input bill points must have a reading. |
Calculated Bill Points
Field | Description |
Calculated bill point(s) | The calculated bill point(s) in which this bill point is cited in a calculated bill point formula. |
Field | Description |
Integration | The bill point's integration type. |
Provider (optional) | The bill point's provider. |
Account (optional) | The bill point's account. |
Utility service | Utility service determines how consumption and/or cost readings of this bill point are used in a calculated bill point. |
Bill range | Bill range determines how bill points are processed. |
Source currency | Source currency determines how bill point costs are inputted. Costs will be converted from the source currency to US Dollars using the conversion rate for the bill period. |
π Contact Customer Support
For any questions regarding this article, please contact Atrius Customer Support.