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List Of OSC Commands
List Of OSC Commands

Full list of available OSC commands

Updated over a week ago

Global Snapshots

/GlobalSnapshots/Recall [snapshot number (number)]

This number is zero-based, so 0 is the first snapshot; it can be sent as float or int

/GlobalSnapshots/Recall [snapshot name (text)]

Recall snapshot by name (string)


This will send back /GlobalSnapshots/Name for all snapshots so that you can rebuild a list of snapshots





Global Snapshot Feedback


Parameters: Name of the snapshot, Index of snapshot


Parameters: Name of the snapshot, Index of snapshot


Parameters: Name of the snapshot, Index of snapshot



Parameters: Name of the snapshot, Index of snapshot


Parameters: Name of the snapshot, Index of snapshot


The list order has changed, use /GlobalSnapshots/Refresh to get the list

Cue Lists

/Cue/Recall [List number (text)] [Cue number (text)]

Recall a cue from a specific cue list

/Cue/Recall [Cue number (text)]







Cue List Feedback


Parameter: Name, Name of the next cue to fire has changed


Parameter: Name, Name of the active cue has changed


/ViewSets/Recall [index (int)]

Recall a specific view set (zero-based)


Sends a /ViewSets/Update command for all view sets, so you can update a list. in the controller











View Sets Feedbacks


Sent when a View Set has been added, removed, renamed


Sent when a View set has been recalled

Generic Application Commands


This will send back all view sets and global snapshot names to the controller


This will send back status info (at the moment the “DSP-meter” value)
You will get back:
/DSPmeter with value as a float parameter




































































/Command/Workspaces/RecallWorkspace2 ..and so on up to 10

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