Global Snapshots | |
/GlobalSnapshots/Recall [snapshot number (number)] | This number is zero-based, so 0 is the first snapshot; it can be sent as float or int |
/GlobalSnapshots/Recall [snapshot name (text)] | Recall snapshot by name (string) |
/GlobalSnapshots/Refresh | This will send back /GlobalSnapshots/Name for all snapshots so that you can rebuild a list of snapshots |
/Command/GlobalSnapshots/AddNewGlobalSnapshot | |
/Command/GlobalSnapshots/UpdateActiveGlobalSnapshot | |
/Command/GlobalSnapshots/RecallNextGlobalSnapshot | |
/Command/GlobalSnapshots/RecallPreviousGlobalSnapshot | |
Global Snapshot Feedback | |
/GlobalSnapshots/Added | Parameters: Name of the snapshot, Index of snapshot |
/GlobalSnapshots/Removed | Parameters: Name of the snapshot, Index of snapshot |
/GlobalSnapshots/Changed | Parameters: Name of the snapshot, Index of snapshot |
/GlobalSnapshots/Cleared | |
/GlobalSnapshots/Recalled | Parameters: Name of the snapshot, Index of snapshot |
/GlobalSnapshots/Name | Parameters: Name of the snapshot, Index of snapshot |
/GlobalSnapshots/Moved | The list order has changed, use /GlobalSnapshots/Refresh to get the list |
Cue Lists |
/Cue/Recall [List number (text)] [Cue number (text)] | Recall a cue from a specific cue list |
/Cue/Recall [Cue number (text)] |
/Command/CueLists/FireNextCue |
/Command/CueLists/FirePreviousCue |
/Command/CueLists/StepUp |
/Command/CueLists/StepDown |
/Command/CueLists/GoToTop |
/Command/CueLists/StopAllCues |
Cue List Feedback |
/CueLists/NextCue | Parameter: Name, Name of the next cue to fire has changed |
/CueLists/ActiveCue | Parameter: Name, Name of the active cue has changed |
ViewSets |
/ViewSets/Recall [index (int)] | Recall a specific view set (zero-based) |
/ViewSets/Refresh | Sends a /ViewSets/Update command for all view sets, so you can update a list. in the controller |
/Command/ViewSets/RecallViewSet1 |
/Command/ViewSets/RecallViewSet2 |
/Command/ViewSets/RecallViewSet3 |
/Command/ViewSets/RecallViewSet4 |
/Command/ViewSets/RecallViewSet5 |
/Command/ViewSets/RecallViewSet6 |
/Command/ViewSets/RecallViewSet7 |
/Command/ViewSets/RecallViewSet8 |
/Command/ViewSets/RecallViewSet9 |
/Command/ViewSets/RecallViewSet10 |
View Sets Feedbacks |
/ViewSets/Changed | Sent when a View Set has been added, removed, renamed |
/ViewSets/Recall | Sent when a View set has been recalled |
Generic Application Commands |
/Init | This will send back all view sets and global snapshot names to the controller |
/StatusPoll | This will send back status info (at the moment the “DSP-meter” value) |
/Command/Application/Quit |
/Command/General/Exit |
/Command/Project/NewProject |
/Command/Project/OpenProject |
/Command/Project/SaveProject |
/Command/Project/SaveAs |
/Command/Project/SaveAsTemplate |
/Command/Project/CloseProject |
/Command/Project/RenameProject |
/Command/Options/PluginManager |
/Command/Options/Audio&MidiOptions |
/Command/Options/ProgramOptions |
/Command/Options/ProjectOptions |
/Command/Options/KeyboardShortcuts |
/Command/View/PluginAudioRouting |
/Command/View/PluginMidiPanel |
/Command/View/PluginSnapshotPanel |
/Command/View/PluginPresetList |
/Command/View/Navigator |
/Command/View/CueListPanel |
/Command/View/GlobalSnapshotsPanel |
/Command/View/TransportPanel |
/Command/View/WorkspacePanel |
/Command/SelectedPlugin/DuplicateSelectedPlugin |
/Command/SelectedPlugin/RemoveSelectedPlugin |
/Command/Transport&Tempo/TempoTap |
/Command/Transport&Tempo/MidiClockSyncOnOff |
/Command/Transport&Tempo/ReturnToZero |
/Command/Transport&Tempo/StartStopTransport |
/Command/ViewModes/Chains |
/Command/ViewModes/LiveCueList |
/Command/ViewModes/PatchView |
/Command/ViewModes/WireView |
/Command/ViewModes/ZoomInWireView |
/Command/ViewModes/ZoomOutWireView |
/Command/Chains/AddNewChain |
/Command/View/FullScreen |
/Command/General/MIDIPanic |
/Command/Controllers/HardwareControllersSetup |
/Command/Controllers/MapControllers |
/Command/Controllers/QuickAssign |
/Command/CueLists/StopAllCues |
/Command/CueLists/FireNextCue |
/Command/CueLists/FirePreviousCue |
/Command/CueLists/StepUp |
/Command/CueLists/StepDown |
/Command/CueLists/GoToTop |
/Command/SelectedPlugin/EnableProcessingOnSelectedPlugin |
/Command/SelectedPlugin/EnableBypassonselectedplugin |
/Command/SelectedPlugin/EnableAudioMuteonselectedplugin |
/Command/SelectedPlugin/EnableMIDIMuteonselectedplugin |
/Command/SelectedPlugin/EnableISO-Modeonselectedplugin |
/Command/SelectedPlugin/UpdateActiveSnapshot |
/Command/SelectedPlugin/CreateNewPluginSnapshot |
/Command/SelectedPlugin/RenameActiveSnapshot |
/Command/SelectedPlugin/AddanewViewSet |
/Command/PluginWindows/ShowHideselectedplugin |
/Command/PluginWindows/TogglePluginWindows |
/Command/PluginWindows/Sendalltoback |
/Command/PluginWindows/Sendalltofront |
/Command/PluginWindows/SelectNextChain |
/Command/PluginWindows/SelectPreviousChain |
/Command/PluginWindows/SelectNextPlugin |
/Command/PluginWindows/SelectPreviousPlugin |
/Command/Workspaces/AddNewWorkspace |
/Command/Workspaces/UpdateActiveWorkspace |
/Command/Workspaces/RecallWorkspace1 |
/Command/Workspaces/RecallWorkspace2 ..and so on up to 10 |
Full list of available OSC commands
Updated over 2 years ago