As drone technology continues to evolve, so do the regulations governing their use. While the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) establishes overarching rules for drone operations in the United States, state, local, town, and county governments often implement regulations to address specific community needs and concerns.
This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the country's various drone laws and restrictions. However, it's important to note that these rules are subject to frequent changes. While we strive to keep this list updated, your responsibility as a drone operator is to verify the most current regulations before flying.
Please remember that this article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. We do not assume liability for any rules or regulations that may be violated during drone operations.
Choose Your State
Here is the list of U.S. states sorted alphabetically and organized into two columns:
State Laws and Parks
No state-wide laws prohibit the use of drones or operations in state parks.
Counties, Cities and Towns
City of Orange Beach
It shall be unlawful for any person to take off, land, operate, or to assist in the operation of any UAS out of doors at or within 500 feet of any venue, outdoor special event, or gulf beach area unless such operation has been expressly permitted by the FAA and the city administrator as required by section 54-50 of this Code.
Hobby drone use is not allowed except by a person on their own personal property or on property they have the express permission of a property owner to use. Hobby drone use is not allowed on the beach.
Commercial drone use requires a Drone Use Permit and a City of Orange Beach Business License.
Rule Link:
City of Oxford:
No person shall operate a UAS within the city of any municipal property including but not limited to, city parks or recreational areas or any other area as designated by the chief of police.
Anyone seeking a special exemption to operate a UAS within any of the prohibited areas as designated in this section must apply for and receive written permission from the chief of police.
Rule Link: Oxford Municipal Code
City of Gulf Shores:
It shall be unlawful for any person to take off, land, operate, or to assist in the operation of any UAS over, at, or within five hundred (500) feet of any venue, outdoor special event, or Gulf Beach area unless such operation has been expressly permitted by the FAA and approved by the city by permit issued pursuant to section 3-168 below or unless otherwise authorized in section 3-168 with respect to a local governmental agency and its authorized agents and contractors.
Rule Link: Gulf Shores Municipal Code
City of Daphne
No person shall launch, operate, or land within or upon any City park any remote control airplane, unmanned aircraft system (i.e. "drone" or "quad-copter"), or other unmanned aerial device (excluding kites) unless authorized by prior written consent of the City, except that certain areas may be designated appropriate landing places for law enforcement or official government aviation equipment. Exempted from the restrictions of this provision are:
any sports field located at AI Trione Sports Complex that is not otherwise occupied or in use; and
any other fields (and the airspace immediately above such fields) approved for such purposes by the Daphne City Council.
Any person who obtains a special event permit may use a drone to photograph their special event in the park during the course of the event. For hobby or recreational use, unmanned aircraft, including but not limited to drones, quad-copters, and remote control planes, may only occur on fields located at AI Trione Sports Complex that are not otherwise occupied or in use and any other fields approved for such purposes by the Daphne City Council. Operation of any unmanned aircraft must be done so as to not be flown within 100 feet of people, power lines, buildings, or light fixtures
Rule Link: City of Daphne Ordinance
USS Alabama Battleship
BMP has a strict policy prohibiting all unmanned aerial systems over BMP property without prior approval. Aerial vehicles present safety risks to the public and will not be permitted.
Anyone flying a drone/aircraft or helicopter on BMP property will immediately be asked to stop and/or asked to leave BMP property without obtaining prior permission . Violators will be subject to citation of trespassing by City of Mobile Police Department and potential notification of the FAA.
Any video obtained without consent from the Deputy Executive Director cannot be posted or used and may be subject to financial and legal interventions.
BMP may make exceptions to this policy on a case-by-case basis for certain events/ activities, but preapproval must be obtained by the Deputy Executive Director.
Rule Link: USS Alabama Drone Policy
State Laws and Parks
No state-wide laws prohibit the use of drones or operations in state parks.
State Link: Alaska Drone Guidelines
Counties, Cities and Towns
Southeastern Alaska Aera
In the Southeastern Alaska Area,
during an open commercial salmon fishing period, a person may not use an unmanned aircraft to locate salmon for the commercial taking of salmon or to direct commercial salmon fishing operations;
during an open commercial purse seine fishing period for an area other than a terminal harvest area, a person may not use an aircraft to locate salmon for the commercial taking of salmon or to direct commercial salmon fishing operations one hour before, during, and one hour after an open commercial purse seine fishing period.
Rule Link: Alaska Admin Code
Chugach State Park
Drones currently fall under the definition of aircraft as defined in 11 AAC 20.990 (below). Therefore, the landing and/or takeoff of drones in Chugach State Park is illegal with the exception of Bold Airstrip located at the inlet of Eklutna Lake. 11 AAC 20.020 (below).
11 AAC 20.990. Definitions As used in this chapter, (2) "aircraft" means any motorized device under 12,500 pounds gross weight that is used or intended for flight or movement of people or goods in the air;
11 AAC 20.020. Aircraft (a) Except as provided in (b) of this section, the use of aircraft is allowed in Chugach State Park on Bold airstrip located at the inlet of Eklutna Lake. (b) The use of aircraft for the purpose of practice landing is prohibited.
Rule Link: Chugach State Park
State Laws and Parks
Arizona State Laws
Senate Bill 1449 is the only state-wide law regulating drones at the moment. It amends Section 13-2904 of the Arizona Revised Statutes by adding Section 13-3729, which relates to unmanned aircraft. Some of the rules include;
It is unlawful for a person to operate or use an unmanned aircraft or unmanned aircraft system to intentionally photograph or loiter over or near a critical facility in furtherance of any criminal offense.
Senate Bill: Chapter 170 Senate Bill 1449
Arizona State Parks
The current rule is all recreational drone use is prohibited in state parks. Commercial use will be evaluated with a Filming Permit for news, publicity, and promotional purposes. Film Permit rules require insurance and a current FAA drone registration permit. The final decision and any fees associated with access is at the discretion of park management. Access to areas beyond park boundaries (National Forest, State Trust Lands, Game & Fish, and other agencies) may require additional permission and/or permits. Please consult with the appropriate agency for details. As local, state and national laws and technology continue to change, ASPT will evaluate updates to current rules.
State Parks FAQ: Arizona State Parks Drone FAQ
Counties, Cities and Towns
Navajo Nation
All drone or other UAV flights- except those performed or conducted by the Navajo Nations Division of Public Safety ("DPS") and another first responder to emergencies, incidents, or recognized exigencies--shall require a flight plan approved by the NDOT to the DNOT.
Rule Link: Navajo D.O.T
Permit Link: Navajo Drone Application
Maricopa County
Per the Department’s park rules, drone use is not allowed within Maricopa County's regional park system.
However, if you are an Arizona Model Pilot's Society member located at Adobe Dam Regional Park, you may fly your drone at this location. Additionally, drones may be flown at the Superstition Airpark located off Meridian Road (the southeast corner of Usery Mountain Regional Park).
Rule Link: Maricopa County Drone Rules
Comprehensive Map: Designated RC Feilds
City of Phoenix
No person shall operate a remotely controlled aircraft to take off or land in a park or preserve owned or operated by the City of Phoenix except in parks designated by the Director or designee in operation sites that meet the requirements of subsection E.
Drone use opportunities:
Coyote Basin Park - 2730 E. Beardsley Rd. (27th Pl. and Beardsley Rd.)
Desert Foothills Park - Lower Field - 1010 Marketplace Southwest (Chandler Blvd. and Desert Foothills Pkwy.)
Dynamite Park - 4550 E. Dynamite Rd. (north of Dynamite Rd. at 44th Street)
El Prado Park - 6428 S. 19th Ave. (19th Ave. and Southern Ave.)
Esteban Park - Eastern Quadrant - 3345 E. Roeser Rd. (32nd St. and Broadway Rd.)
Grover's Basin Park B - 17447 N. 20th St. (Cave Creek Rd. and Grovers Ave.)
Mountain View II Park - open space south of the ballfield, 9901 N. 7th Ave. (7th and Cinnabar avenues)
Werner's Field Park - 17831 N. 7th Ave. (7th and Grovers avenues)
Rule Link: City of Phoenix Ordinance
City of Scottsdale
Drones are welcome in most Scottsdale parks, however there are some rules you should be aware of before you fly.
Flying drones is not allowed in the following areas:
Mescal Park
Stonegate Park
McCormick-Stillman Railroad Park
Pinnacle Peak Park
McDowell Sonoran Preserve (per Ord. 4276)
Cactus Aquatic Center
Chaparral Aquatic Center
Eldorado Aquatic Center
McDowell Mountain Ranch Aquatic Center
Rule Link: Scottsdale Drone Saftey
City of Tempe
Tempe prohibits takeoffs and landings with UAVs in Tempe Beach Park, Papago Park (Tempe section), Rio Salado Park, and city preserves.
Rule Link: Tempe Drone Saftey
City of Mesa
The operation of drones, helicopters, airplanes, or any other remote-controlled device is prohibited except in the following non-exclusive designated areas:
Basin 114 (drones, helicopters, and other rotor-powered aircraft only)
Basin 115 and Basin 116 (electric-powered fixed-wing aircraft and gliders only)
Rule Link: Mesa Drone Saftey
City of Apache Junction
Drone usage at the park is permitted at the rodeo grounds facility when the facility is not in use by other patrons.
Drone usage is also permitted at the Staging area of Prospector Park. When using Prospector Park, drones are not allowed to be flown over the park itself, just over the desert area behind the park.
Rule Link: Apache Junction Drone Saftey
Town of Paradise Valley
Commercial users must register with the Town, providing identifying information about the aircraft used. Additionally, they must provide notification of the date, time, and location of each flight.
Both the registration and notice of flights may be done quickly online and there is no fee to register.
It is required that the Notice of Flight form be submitted at least four (4) hours prior to the commercial flight.The purpose of the online notice and registration is to allow residents who witness a UAV flying near their property to contact the Police Department to learn the purpose of the flight and the estimated end time of the flight.
If residents have concerns that the UAV is operating in an unsafe manner, they may pass that information on to the police who can contact the responsible party.
Rule Link: Paradise Valley Drone Ordinance
State Laws and Parks
Arkansas State Parks
All UAS activities are banned in Arkansas State Parks without a special use permit approved by the Office of the Director. While the state's website does not provide information, a few sources confirmed the rule.
To apply for a permit;
Email a copy to
Include your drone registration
Counties, Cities and Towns
Currentley, there are no city or local drone laws enforced in the state of Arkansas.
State Laws and Parks
California State Parks
Drones are currently allowed in State Parks, State Beaches, State Historic Parks, State Recreational Areas, and State Vehicular Recreation Areas except where prohibited by a District Superintendent’s posted order. Posted orders may prohibit drones for numerous reasons, including protection of threatened species, threats to cultural and natural resources, high fire danger, public safety, recreational conflicts, impacts upon visitor experience privacy, and park unit classification. Therefore, drone users should always check with their local State Park District for any specific posted orders.
Rule Link: California State Parks
California State Highway System
Operating an Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS or drone) over state highways and over and around bridges can be hazardous to travelling public and the operator and may be in violation of federal regulations.
Operating a UAS from within the State Highway System (SHS) right-of-way requires a Caltrans encroachment permit
Rule Link: CalTrans Rules
Counties, Cities and Towns
Sacramento County
The playing of rough or comparatively dangerous games such as football, baseball, horseshoes,soccer, or of any games involving thrown, hit,or otherwise propelled objects such as golf balls, balls of other description, stones, arrows, javelins, model airplanes, model helicopters and drones is prohibited except in fields, courts,or areas specifically provided therefor or with express permission of the Director, in areas compatible to said use.
Persons desiring to use a park facility for the specific purpose for which the facility was established shall have priority of use over persons using said facility for another non prescribed purpose.
Rule Link: Sacramento County Drone Rules
Marin County
It is unlawful to fly any aircraft for any purposes related to activities within the purviews of Chapters 5.12 and 5.36 of this code, without a permit issued by the community development agency director.
Applications for permits which involve the use of aircraft shall contain the information required by the community development agency director and shall be submitted at least fifteen working days in advance of the proposed use.
Rule Link: Marin County Drone Rules
San Diego County
In accordance with the preemption principles and other limitations noted
above, the County may restrict and/or regulate the operation of UAS by
persons who are on or in County Property and County Facilities. The County
may also regulate UAS operation to the extent there is danger to the safety
or health of persons on or in County Property or County Facilities.
The UAS operator is at least 25 feet away in linear ground distance
from any other UAS operator.
UAS may not be launched or landed within 25 feet of any,
permanent or temporary structure, or vehicle on County Property. A
UAS that is launched or operated from County Property shall not be
flown within 25 feet of any person other than the UAS operator and
her or his immediate party if any, permanent or temporary structure
or vehicle on County Property.
Request permission four business days in advance of the
expected operation date and time.
Application & Rule Link: San Diego County Application/Rules
Santa Clara Valley
Launching, landing, or operating UAS from or on Authority Land is prohibited unless a Permit is granted by the Authority.
Operating UAS within Authority Airspace is prohibited unless a Permit is granted by the Authority.
Using UAS to intentionally or unintentionally touch, tease, frighten, disturb, harass, chase, harm,
capture, kill, or maim birds and wildlife is strictly prohibited and is a violation of the Authority’s. Access and Use Regulations, as well as California and federal law. See, for example, Authority’s Access and Use Regulations § 5.01.04; Bald Eagle Protection Act (16 U.S.C. § 668); Migratory Bird Treaty Act
(16 U.S.C. Act § 703); California Endangered Species Act (Fish and Game Code §2080); 14 Cal. Code Regs. § 251.1.
Harassing, following or intimidating another member of the public.
Rule Link: Santa Clara Valley Drone Rules
Santa Clara County
A valid permit is required by the Director authorizing such use. No person shall launch or land a drone, aircraft, or personal air vehicle within any park area or on any structure, facility, or equipment located within any park area.
Rule Link: Santa Clara County Drone Rules
Santa Cruz District ~ California State Parks
To protect wildlife and cultural resources, and for the safety and welfare of visitors and staff; the Park Units in the Santa Cruz District are closed to the use of Model Aircraft, Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) and Gliders in flight.
Exceptions include:
Seacliff State Beach: above the field on the Southern end of the primary day use parking lot.
Sunset State Beach: non-motorized gliders at the designated glider-port located across from the South campground.
Events authorized by Special Event or California Film Commission permit.
Any use is subject to closure based on conditions as determined by a State Park Peace Officer.
The District Superintendent, or his designee, may grant exemptions to this order as determined necessary for the proper administration of the park, and to protect the safety and welfare of its visitors, employees, wildlife and resources. All exemptions, except for emergency personnel, must be obtained in writing. Requests for exemptions may be made by contacting the District Superintendent, Santa Cruz District, 101 N. Big Trees Park Rd., Felton, California 95018.
Rule Link: Santa Cruz District Park Rules
MidPeninsula Regional Open Space District Lands
No person shall operate, or possess any self-propelled or remote
controlled drones, model airplanes, boats, automobiles, or other model craft of
any kind or description on, over, or into any portion of District Lands or Water
Areas of the District, except in Designated Areas, or by written permit. When
allowed, model craft shall be operated in compliance with posted or adopted
rules and regulations.
Rule Link: MidPeninsula Regional Lands Ordinance
Permit Link: Permit Applications and FAQs
Orange County Parks
Use of motorized vehicles and equipment (including e-bikes and drones) is prohibited.
Rule Link: Orange County Park Rules
Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority
No person shall cause any unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), drones, or
unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) (collectively “Drones”) to enter or fly in, on or above any park without a permit issued by the Executive Officer or Executive Officer’s designee. Violation of this section is punishable pursuant to § 5.0(a) and § 6.2.1(b)(3).
Rule Link: MRCA Ordinance
Permit Link: Photography Application
Inland Empire District
To protect wildlife and cultural resources, and for the safety and welfare of visitors and staff; the Park units in the Inland Empire District are closed to the use of Model Aircraft, Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), and Gliders in flight.
Rule Link: Inland Empire District Drone Rules
City of Los Angeles
No person shall land, release, take off or fly any balloon, except children toy balloons not inflated with any flammable material, helicopter, parakite, hang glider, aircraft or powered models thereof, except in areas specifically set aside therefor.
Rule Link: City of Los Angeles
City of Malibu
If an Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) or Drone is to be used, a City Drone Application and all attachments are required seven (7) days in advance of the scheduled use.
All FAA requirements apply.
Insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 naming the City of Malibu 23825 Stuart Ranch Road, Malibu, CA. 90265, this must include the 2nd page additionally insured’s endorsement
Rule Link: City of Malibu
City of Los Alamitos
If you have drone-related questions about the local ordinances and guidelines, please call Steven Mendoza at 562-431-3538, ext. 300.
Rule Link: City of Los Alamitos
City of Yorba Linda
No person shall takeoff or land a UAS under the following circumstances:
Outside of the person’s visual line of sight.
Within 25 feet of another individual, except the operator or the operator’s
On private property without the consent of the property owner.
d. Within five hundred (500) feet of any special event or any emergency
response without the approval of a temporary use permit by the Community
Development Director.
That has any type of weapon attached to it. Ordinance No. 2017-1047
Page 3
In violation of any Temporary Flight Restriction or Notice to Airmen issued
by the FAA.
No person shall takeoff or land a UAS in a reckless manner so as to create a
substantial risk of serious injury to any person or substantial risk of damage to the
property of another. 8.52.040
This Chapter shall not prohibit the use of UAS by any public safety agency for
lawful purposes and in a lawful manner.
Rule Link: City of Yorba Linda
City of Calabasas
The following shall apply to the operation of any Model UAS or Civil UAS within the City of Calabasas:
No Person shall operate any Model UAS or Civil UAS within the City of Calabasas in a manner that is prohibited by any federal statute or regulation.
No Person shall operate any Model UAS or Civil UAS within the City of Calabasas in a manner that interferes with manned aircraft, and any Person operating a Model UAS shall always give way to any manned aircraft.
No Person shall takeoff, land or operate any Model UAS or Civil UAS within the City of Calabasas beyond the "Visual Line of Sight" of the Person operating the Model UAS or Civil UAS.
No Person shall operate any Model UAS or Civil UAS within the City of Calabasas other than during daylight hours defined as between official sunrise and official sunset for local time, except that a Person may operate a Model UAS or Civil UAS during periods of civil twilight if the UAS has lighted anti-collision lighting visible for at least three statute miles. As used herein, "civil twilight" means a period of time that begins 30 minutes before official sunrise and ends at official sunrise, and a period of time that begins at official sunset and ends 30 minutes after official sunset.
No Person shall operate any Model UAS or Civil UAS within the City of Calabasas more than 400 feet above the earth's surface, unless the UAS is both flown within a 400-foot radius of a structure and does not fly higher than 400 feet above the structure's immediate uppermost limit.
Excluding takeoff and landing, no Person shall operate any Model UAS or Civil UAS within the City of Calabasas closer than 25 feet to any individual, except the operator or the operator's helper(s).
No Person shall takeoff or operate a Model UAS or Civil UAS on private property without the consent of the property owner.
No Person shall takeoff, land or operate a Model UAS or Civil UAS over publicly permitted events without prior notification and authorization of the City.
No Person shall takeoff, land or operate a Model UAS or Civil UAS within one thousand five hundred (1500) horizontal feet of any manned or unmanned aircraft.
No Person shall takeoff, land or operate a Model UAS or Civil UAS within five hundred {500) feet of any emergency vehicle that is operating with lights and/or sirens.
No Person shall takeoff, land or operate a Model UAS or Civil UAS within five hundred (500) feet of any active law enforcement or emergency response incident.
No Person shall takeoff, land or operate a Model UAS or Civil UAS within two hundred (200) feet of a school facility without prior notification and authorization of school officials.
No Person shall takeoff, land or operate a Model UAS or Civil UAS within one hundred (100) feet of any public building or facility without prior notification, and authorization of the City.
Rule Link: City of Calabasas
City of Hermosa Beach
An operating permit shall be required for every Unmanned Aircraft and Unmanned Aircraft System - "UAS" commonly known as a drone - operated in the City. No person shall operate an Unmanned Aircraft System in the City without first obtaining an operating permit and obtaining an identification number assigned by the City and submission of a copy of the Certificate of Aircraft Registration/Proof of Ownership issued by the Federal Aviation Administration. Permits are good for one year and are renewable annually.
View Drone Guidelines.
Rule Link: Hermosa Beach Rules
City of La Mesa
No individual or group of individuals shall fly or operate any type of model aircraft, including rockets, whether motorized or nonmotorized, with or without remote control in any city park, except for rubberband-powered aircraft, or a hand-launched, nonremote-controlled model glider, each weighing three ounces or less.
Rule Link: City of La Mesa Municipal Code
City of Chula Vista
Except in an area designated with signage by the Director of Public Works for that purpose, or authorized by permit from the Director of Recreation or their designees, it is unlawful to operate any model airplane, model car, go-cart, sky lanterns, fighting kites, drones or similar self-propelled device, toy or model within any City park or recreation area.
Rule Link: City of Chul Vista Code
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
The use of drones is permitted on private property in the City of RPV, as long as the owner of the property consents to such use.
The City has designated two (2) locations in City parks for such use: the operation of non-motorized radio-controlled model gliders at Del Cerro Park (2 Park Place) and the operation of motorized radio-controlled model helicopters and drones at Point Vicente Park/Civic Center (30940 Hawthorne Boulevard).
At both locations, it is necessary for the operator to have a permit from the City’s Recreation & Parks Department that is issued through a local pilots’ club: Peninsula Silent Flyers: ( at Del Cerro Park and the Southern California Organization of Radio-Controlled Helicopters (SCORCH) (contact Darrell Thorp at at Point Vicente Park/Civic Center.
Rule Link: Rancho Palos Verdes Drone Rules
Port of Los Angeles
The Port of Los Angeles is a “No Drone Zone.” Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), commonly referred to as drones, are strictly prohibited for public use.
As defined in Los Angeles Municipal Code 63.44 (B) 8, no person shall land, take off or fly any balloon, except children’s toy balloons not inflated with any flammable material, helicopter, parakite, hang glider, aircraft or powered models thereof, except in areas specifically set aside for therefor.
Applications must be received at least three (3) weeks prior to the desired drone flight date(s).
Rule Link: Port of Los Angeles Drone Rules and Permits
University of California, Santa Barbara
All flight requests must be approved; see "Approving Recreational Flights On Campus"
Faculty, staff, & students can submit flight requests on the UC Drone Web App.
All flights must be reported to the Santa Barbara Airport prior to flying.
All flights must be at or below 100 ft.
All flights must be at least 50 ft. from buildings.
All flights are restricted to the area south of Campbell Hall and to the west of Steck Traffic Circle (see FS: Drone Operations on Campus).
No flights at night or in low visibility weather.
Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary
In addition to the general prohibition against disturbance of marine mammals, turtles, and birds, sanctuary regulations prohibit the operation of motorized aircraft (including model aircraft, quadcopters, drones, etc.) within within four NOAA regulated overflight zones in the sanctuary
Rule Link: Monterey Bay Drone Rules
Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary
Prohibited or otherwise regulated activities include:
Disturbing marine mammals or seabirds by flying motorized aircraft at less than 1,000 feet over the waters within any of the seven designated zones described in appendix D to this subpart
Rule Link: Greater Farallones Drone Rules
Map Link: Seven Designated Zones
Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary
Channel Islands regulations prohibit disturbing marine mammals or seabirds by flying motorized aircraft at less than 1,000 feet over the waters within one nautical mile of any Island, except to engage in kelp bed surveys or to transport persons or supplies to or from an Island.
Rule Link: Channel Islands Drone Rules
Map Link: Designated Zones
State Laws and Parks
Colorado State Parks
It shall be unlawful to operate radio-controlled and/or fuel-propelled models, except in designated areas.
Chatfield Park and Cherry Creek both have designated areas.
Counties, Cities and Towns
Colorado Springs
According to City Code §9.9.412, it is unlawful for any unauthorized person to operate any rockets, drones, model airplanes, or radio controlled aircraft in any park except in areas set apart for these forms of recreation.
Drone use on Department property is ONLY permitted with expressed written consent and a Commercial Film Permit. Commercial use refers to operating an unmanned aircraft for money-making purposes, in furtherance of a business, or incidental to a person’s business. This includes video or photos that produce revenue, real estate photography, news media, telecommunications or other commercial uses.
Permit Link: Colorado Springs Photography Permit
Boulder County
All UAS flights and operations on county open space must have an approved permit. Permits for drones filming or photographing commercial activities will not be considered.
Rule Link: Boulder Drone Rules, Drone Rules and Regulations
City of Boulder
The city's policy is to provide at least 48-hour advance notice to the public about planned drone flights as long as such notification does not jeopardize ongoing public safety operations or investigative activities.
Rule Link: City of Boulder Drone Rules
City of Denver
The throwing, striking, propelling, launching or otherwise operating flying or propelled object of a potentially dangerous nature, such as a hang glider, sky diving, sky sail, drone ("unmanned aerial vehicle"), model airplane or helicopter, model rocket, golf ball, rock, and similar flying or propelled item ("Flying Object" ) is not allowed in a Park Facility.
Rule Link: Denver Drone Rules
City of Lakewood
No person shall launch, land or operate any unmanned aircraft system (UAS) from or on any City facility, park or open space area without a permit, except in areas designated by the Director as “Unmanned Aircraft Flying Areas.”
Unmanned Aircraft Flying Areas currently designated include areas within the:
Drone use is prohibited at Bear Creek Lake Park and William F. Hayden Park.
The launching, landing, or operating of UAS shall be subject to the Director’s permitting process, except when such launching, landing, or operating of a UAS in an Unmanned Aircraft Flying Area, or is by or for official government purposes.
Rule Link: Lakewood Drone Rules
Permit Link: Lakewood Drone Permit
City of Louisville
Per Municipal Code Sec. 4.04.010 and 14.12.010, you may not discharge, take off, land or operate by remote control any motorized or non-motorized aircraft, manned or unmanned, including but not limited to drones, missiles, rockets, helicopters, ultralights and gliders/sailplanes in any City parks or open space. Emergency landings, as determined by City law and code enforcement officers, are allowed.
Rule Link: Louisville Drone Rules
City of Loveland
The recreational use of UAS is allowed without permit at designated park locations under specific circumstances listed below:
No flying above people or crowds
No flight operation from a moving vehicle
Do not discharge or drop anything from drone
No flying near nesting birds
Always protect the privacy of others
Designated park locations:
Barnes Parks and Fairgrounds Fields
Centennial Park
Fairgrounds Park
Loveland Sports Park
Mehaffey Park
North Lake Park
No commercial use of UAS is permitted.
Rule Link: Loveland Drone Rules
City of Fort Collins
It shall be unlawful to Operate a motorized model boat, car, truck, aircraft or other motorized model vehicle in a natural area.
Rule Link: Fort Collins Drone Rules
Town of Vail
To operate a drone in Vail, these devices must:
Be flown below a maximum altitude of 400 feet above the ground
Weigh no more than 55 pounds at the time of operation, inclusive of equipment, payload and fuel
Be flown within the visual line of sight of the person operating the drone
Not be operated over any person not directly involved in the operation
Restricted areas include the pedestrian areas of Vail Village, Lionshead Village, including the town-owned parking structures in both Vail and Lionshead, Ford Park and the area immediately surrounding the Vail Valley Medical Center Heli-Port, including West Meadow Drive.
Rule Link: Vail Drone Rules
Map Link: Vail Drone Map
Town of Telluride
No Person shall operate a UAS so as to endanger or harm the life or property of any Person nor shall any Person operate a UAS in a reckless or careless manner.
Without express prior written authorization from the Town Manager, no Person may operate a UAS on or over any Town property inclusive of public streets, alleys, trails, playgrounds, parks including but not limited to the Telluride Town Park, open space including but not limited to the Bear Creek Preserve and the Valley Floor, parking lots, and public buildings.
No Person shall operate a UAS so as to endanger, harass, harm or injure any Person, Livestock, Companion Animal or Wildlife.
No Person shall operate a UAS who is under the influence of alcohol, marijuana, or one or more controlled substances as defined in Article 18 of Title 18 of the Colorado Revised Statutes.
No Person shall operate a UAS if he or she knows or has reason to know of any physical or mental condition that would
interfere with the safe operation of a UAS, or if he or she knows or has reason to know that UAS equipment is not in
proper working order.
No Person may operate a UAS near any Person, pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, Livestock, Companion Animal or Wildlife not directly involved in the UAS operation to the extent it creates a public safety threat to life or property.
No Person shall enter, hover, land or otherwise operate an unmanned aircraft system on or over another person’s private property without the prior consent of the property owner. Such unauthorized entry onto another’s property
shall be deemed a trespass.
Rule Link: Telluride Drone Rules
Town of Windsor
Except as allowed for Town programming purposes, and as authorized by the Deputy Director, it shall be unlawful for any person to commit one (1) or more of the following acts in any Town-owned park, trail, recreational facility, lake, or open space:
To use or operate any remote-controlled airplane, boat, car, or other motorized model device, including radio-controlled devices, or helicopter, parasail, hang glider, hot air balloon, model airplane, drone, or rocket except pursuant to a written agreement with the Town or by written permission from the Deputy Director or designee.
Rule Link: Monterey Bay Drone Rules
State Laws and Parks
Connecticut State Parks
The use of remote controlled model aircraft or “drones” is prohibited at Connecticut State Parks, State Forests or other lands under the control of the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, unless specifically authorized by the Commissioner in a Special Use License.
Rule Link: Connecticut State Parks and Lands
Counties, Cities and Towns
City of Stamford
The Parks and Recreation Commission and Office of Operations may designate and post certainareas within any park or recreational facility for the operation of powered remote-controlled aircraft and/or remote-controlled ground vehicles whether power is supplied by battery, gasoline or other fuel.
No person shall operate a powered remote-controlled aircraft or remote-controlled ground vehicle within any area of any park or recreational facility not expressly des-ignated for the operation of such craft except that the Parks and Recreation Commission and Office of Operations may issue a permit for the operation of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (“UAV”) by a professional operator, certified as such and authorized by the Federal Aviation Administration (“FAA”) for the professional operation of such a vehicle, in connection with cinematography, newsgathering or other authorized professional activities. Any person operating a UAV under the terms of such a permit may operate the UAV in any part of any park or recreational facility authorized by the permit. Any person operating a UAV pursuant to any such permit shall be in possession of such permit at all times, shall produce such permit on demand by any reasonably identifiable City of Stamford official or any law enforcement officer, and shall comply with all applicable regulations of the FAA, any applicable local, state or federal law, and any limitations or requirements imposed by such permit.
Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (b) of this section, any member
of a municipal, state or federal public safety agency operating a UAV in the perfor-
mance of duty, where otherwise authorized by law, may operate the UAV within the
limits of any park or recreational facility without a permit.
Rule Link: Stamford Drone Rules
City of Greenwich
No person shall engage in motorized toy or model aviation, model boating or model automobiling, except at such times and at such places designated or maintained therefor by the Director or his agent.
Rule Link: Greenwich Municipal Code
State Laws and Parks
Delaware State Parks
To ensure the comfort and safety of park visitors and protection of state park cultural and natural resources, a special use permit is required for operation of a drone or other UAV (unmanned aircraft system) on or over any land or water administered by the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control’s Division of Parks and Recreation.
Rule Link: Delaware State Parks and Lands
Counties, Cities and Towns
Town of Bethany Beach
Except as otherwise provided in Subsection C of this section, no person shall operate any small unmanned aircraft in Town airspace:
Except for hobby, recreational or permitted commercial purposes only and in conformity with this section;
Over property that the operator does not own, without the property owner's consent, and subject to any restrictions that the property owner may place on such operation;
Within 50 feet of the water plant or within 25 feet of any electric distribution facility or of any overhead wire, cable, conveyor or similar equipment for the transmission of sounds or signal, or of heat, light or power, or data, upon or along any public way within the Town, without the facility or equipment owner's consent, and subject to any restrictions that the facility or equipment owner may place on such operation;
Small unmanned aircraft may be operated for commercial purposes with the issuance of a permit by the Code Compliance Officer. Permitting will require proof of FAA small unmanned aircraft registration and a specific identifier for the aircraft.
Rule Link: Bethany Beach Drone Rules
State Laws and Parks
Florida State Lands
No person shall takeoff or land an aircraft on managed lands, except at a runway or a helispot and only with authorization from the Service, and such authorization shall be based upon a determination that the takeoff or landing will not endanger the health, safety or welfare of any person; potentially damage the forest resources; or interfere with management objectives of that forest as provided in that forest’s management plan. Authorization from the Service is not required in an emergency or for Service official business.
Rule Link: Florida State Lands
St. Johns River Water Management District
Taking off or landing aircraft on District Lands is prohibited unless authorized by a Special Use Authorization.
Rule Link: Water Management Districts
Florida State Statue ~ Unmanned Aircraft Systems Act
The authority to regulate the operation of unmanned aircraft systems is vested in the state except as provided in federal regulations, authorizations, or exemptions.
A person may not knowingly or willfully:
Operate a drone over a critical infrastructure facility;
Allow a drone to make contact with a critical infrastructure facility, including any person or object on the premises of or within the facility; or
Allow a drone to come within a distance of a critical infrastructure facility that is close enough to interfere with the operations of or cause a disturbance to the facility.
A person who violates paragraph (a) commits a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. A person who commits a second or subsequent violation commits a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
Rule Link: Unmanned Aircraft Systems Act
Counties, Cities and Towns
Pinellas County
No person operating, directing, or responsible for any airplane, helicopter, drone, glider, hang glider, hot air balloon, dirigible, parachute or other aerial apparatus, including those radio controlled or otherwise unmanned, shall take off from or land in or on any county-owned or managed land, except for purposes of public safety or where written permission has been obtained from the administrator or designee.
Rule Link: Pinellas Park Rules
City of Miami
Unless otherwise exempt under this section, UAS are prohibited from being deployed, launched or flown in any airspace within or over any sporting and/or large venue special event, including but not limited to, over and within a half-mile radius of Bayfront Park, Marlins Ballpark, Miami Marine Stadium, or the Calle Ocho Festival when it is in use during a large venue special event, and over public parks and public facilities during large venue special events.
In all other areas of the city, the following restrictions shall apply:
UAS may not be larger than five pounds including any attachments, and may not be equipped with detachable cargo, releasable payload, or any device equipped to carry a weapon. Any modifications to a UAS must be pursuant to FAA approval and registered via the city's application process.
UAS over five pounds may be operated only by a registered member of the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA), if the operator is subjected to and compliant with AMA rules. Notwithstanding the weight limit, all other provisions of this section shall apply.
An application is required for certain activities so that city officials and employees can regulate activities which would tend to damage private/public property, endanger the public or event attendees, or which are likely to create an atmosphere which would discourage use of city-owned property, other locations or venues for their intended purpose.
Rule Link: Miami Drone Code
Canaveral Port Authority
It is a misdemeanor to knowingly or willfully operate a drone over the lands or waterways of Port Canaveral, allow a drone to make contact with or come within a distance close enough to interfere with the operations or cause a disturbance to the Port, without the prior written consent of the CPA or unless otherwise exempt.
Rule Link: Florida Keys National Marine Drone Rules
Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary
The FAA's recommended best operating practice is to ALWAYS fly at least 2000 feet above ground level (AGL) over ALL national marine sanctuaries, wildlife refuges, parks and other noise sensitive environments (see AC 91-36D). This protects both the pilot and nearby wildlife.
Rule Link: Florida Keys National Marine Drone Rules
Designated Areas: Florida Keys Maps
University of Tampa
No person shall take off, launch, ascend, or descend any aircraft, glider, balloon,
model airplane, or parachute in or upon any department managed land without
contractual authority or an approved facility rental application from the
Any operation or use of drones that violates such rules, regulations, laws, or the University’s policies is prohibited
Any use of a drone on or above University property, as part of any University activity or event,used to photograph, film, or otherwise monitor, capture, or record University property, or operated in a manner that impacts the University’s property or activities must be pre-approved by the University regardless of whether the individual is affiliated or unaffiliated with the University. Any individual who wants to use or operate a drone as set forth above must contact the Office of Campus Safety or the Office of Public Information and Publications
Rule Link: University of Tamps Policy
State Laws and Parks
Georgia State Lands
Drone operation is prohibited in Georgia’s State Parks and Historic Sites. However, occasionally waivers are approved for professional commercial projects which may generate revenue or in other ways help promote the sites.
In these cases, prior approval is required from the Division Director. A commercial film/photography request application detailing the project description, specific site location requested, and exact dates and times of drone use needs to be submitted along with the FAA drone registration,the name of the pilot, and proof of FAA Small UAS Certification or Part 107. Blanket requests will not be approved and drone use is not allowed over populated areas that may put park guests at risk. View film information.
Rule Link: Georgia State Lands
Counties, Cities and Towns
Richmond County
Invasion of privacy prohibited. Except as provided in this sub-section, the use of Model Aircraft or UAS for the purpose of photographing or capturing an image of privately owned property or the owner, tenant, or occupant of such property without express consent is prohibited where a reasonable expectation of privacy exists.
Rule Link: Richmond County Drone Rules
Cherokee County
It shall be unlawful for any person to start, takeoff, or land any fuel-powered engine, jet-type, or electric powered model aircraft, boat, or rocket or like powered toy or unmanned aerial system, except at those areas designated by the county for such use and then only in accordance with such rules, regulations and restrictions established by the director or the director's authorized agent. Furthermore, such permission, when issued, shall be subject to all applicable Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations.
Rule Link: Cherokee Park Rules
City of Conyers
No unmanned aircraft systems, drones, unmanned aircraft, remote-controlled aerial vehicles or unmanned aerial vehicles shall be launched or intentionally landed within the boundaries of the Georgia International Horse Park.
Rule Link: Conyers Drone Code
State Laws and Parks
Hawaii State Lands
The use, launching or landing of drones or other types of aircraft is prohibited.
Rule Link: Hawaii State Parks
Counties, Cities and Towns
Papahanaumokuakea National Marine Sanctuary
The Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument has been designated as a National Marine Sanctuary (NMS). Papahanaumokuakea NMS covers many of the Hawaiian Islands to the west and north from Ni’ihau and Kaua’i and includes both the land and water.
The FAA’s recommended best operating practice is to fly at least 2000 feet above the ground over all NMS, wildlife refuges, and other noise-sensitive environments. This is effectively far beyond the allowed altitude for drone flight.
Rule Link: National Marine Sanctuary Drone Rules
State Laws and Parks
Idaho Department of Fish and Game
The use, launching or landing of drones or other types of aircraft is prohibited.
Rule Link: Idaho Department Fish and Game Rules
Counties, Cities and Towns
Ada County
Prohibitions: No person shall operate an unmanned aircraft
In a manner that harasses, startles, or annoys pedestrians or vehicles, threatens their safety and welfare, or creates or causes a public nuisance, or
In a reckless or careless manner so as to endanger the life or property of another, or
For the purpose of capturing a person's visual image, audio recording or other physical impression in any place where the person would have a reasonable expectation of privacy, or
In a manner that interferes with the lawful efforts of a firefighter or other public safety officer to extinguish a fire or respond to a medical or other emergency.
Registration And Certificate: Every individual operating a UAS must register the same, excluding model aircraft, with the FAA and must obtain a remote pilot certificate from the FAA as required by 14 CFR part 107 rule or the FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012 section 333 (the "section 333 rule"). The individual is required to have the pilot certificate readily available while operating the UAS.
Rule Link: Ada County Drone Rules
Canyon County
Except when authorized by the director of Canyon County department of parks, cultural and natural resources, no person shall launch, land, or operate drones or other radio controlled aircraft in any Canyon County park. Drones and radio controlled aircraft may not operate below five hundred feet (500') in any Canyon County park airspace
Rule Link: Canyon County Drone Rules
Boise State Univsersity
All Drone operators, including but not limited to University employees, students, contractors, subcontractors, agents, volunteers, and visitors are responsible for complying with FAA regulations and any applicable federal, state, and local laws and University policies when operating a Drone on behalf of the University and/or on University-owned or -controlled property. To ensure such compliance, Operators must:
Complete and submit the application form in Section 6;
Abstain from flight unless and/or until approval of the submitted application is granted;
If/when approved for flight, ensure the flight and use adhere to the approval granted by the University Drone Committee, including any requirements for registration, insurance, notification, and any restrictions regarding flight path, payload, filming, etc.
Liability coverage is required for Drone flights on University-owned or -controlled property or for Drone flights conducted on behalf of the University.
Rule Link: Boise State Drone Rules
Permit Link: Boise State Drone Application
State Laws and Parks
Illinois Department of Fish and Game
It is unlawful to take, pursue or intentionally harass or disturb in any manner any wild birds or mammals by use or aid of any vehicle, or conveyance, or unmanned aircraft a defined by the Illinois Aeronautics Act..
Rule Link: Illinois State Bill
Counties, Cities and Towns
McHenry County Conservation District
No person shall upon or in connection with any property of the District start, fly or use any fuel-powered engine, jet-type or electric-powered model aircraft, drone, car, truck,boat or rocket or like powered toy or model, except at those areas
or waters designated by the Executive Director for such use and then only in accordance with such rules, regulations and restrictions promulgated and posted by theExecutive Director or his/her designate. (Class D)
Rule Link: McHenry County Drone Rules
Crystal Lake Park District
Except when and where permitted by special Park District programs or in designated areas, it shall be unlawful on any Park District area for any person to:
launch any type of winged aircraft, real or model;
Rule Link: Crystal Lake Country Drone Rules
City of Chicago
Operating regulations. Except as otherwise provided in subsection (c) of this section, no person shall operate any small unmanned aircraft in city airspace:
within 500 feet of the Chicago Waterworks System, as defined by Section 18-29-202, any water intake facility or any electric generating facility, substation or control center, or within 100 feet of any electric transmission facility, or within 25 feet of any electric distribution facility or of any overhead wire, cable, conveyor or similar equipment for the transmission of sounds or signal, or of heat, light or power, or data, upon or along any public way within the city, without the facility or equipment owner’s consent, and subject to any restrictions that the facility or equipment owner may place on such operation;
over any open air assembly unit, school, school yard, hospital, place of worship, prison or police station, without the property owner's consent, and subject to any restrictions that the property owner may place on such operation;
Rule Link: Chicago Drone Rules
Village of Schaumburg
The operation of a Drone within 100 feet of the perimeter of any Village Property
or on any Village Right of Way during a Special Event is hereby prohibited.
Rule Link: Village of Schaumburg Drone Rules
State Laws and Parks
Indiana State Parks and Lands
Motor-driven airborne devices (including drones) and other airborne human transportation devices may not be operated at DNR properties except at sites designated for that purpose. Licenses to launch and film may occasionally be granted by DNR or by specific DNR divisions. (See IAC 312 8-2-8 (i) for rule language.) An FAA license and proof of insurance may be required. For more information, contact the property manager at the site your organization is interested in using.
Rule Link: Indiana State Parks and Lands Drone Policy
Counties, Cities and Towns
City of Fort Wayne
City of Fort Wayne Municipal Code Section 96.30 requires that drone pilots notify the City before any flights in these specific areas:
Above the Downtown Aerial District, a circular area over downtown with a radius of 5500 feet from the 100 block of W Main St (GPS coordinates of 41.080325, -85.140652;
Above or within 500 yards of a city-permitted public event such as a festival, block party or parade.
To determine whether an event has been issued a city permit requiring drone flight notification, contact the city Right-of-Way Department at 260-427-6155 or
Rule Link: City of Fort Wayne Drone Rules
State Laws and Parks
Iowa State Parks and Lands
No state-wide laws prohibit the use of drones or operations in state parks.
Counties, Cities and Towns
No city, county or town laws prohibit the use of drones or operations.
State Laws and Parks
Kansas State Parks and Lands
UAS use is only permitted within specified UAS operating areas located at some state parks. The use of a UAS is not permitted outside of these areas unless authorized by the KDWP Secretary (see KAR 115-8-13). Within the operating areas, flying over people, structures, campgrounds or beaches is prohibited.The list of state parks with UAS operating areas is currently being developed. This FAQ will be updated when that list is available.
Rule Link: Kansas State Parks and Lands Drone Policy
Counties, Cities and Towns
City of Wichita
The release, launch or operation of remote radio controlled aircraft, balloons, hot air balloons, kites, rockets, gliders/sailplanes, unmanned aerial vehicles, and the towing of banners at or from any Airport, Airport property, or property immediately adjacent to and bordering Airport property shall not be permitted without the prior written consent of the Director.
Any person violating any provision of this Section of the Code is guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500) and/or an imprisonment of not more than six (6) months and/or both such fine and imprisonment.
Rule Link: City of Wichita Drone Rules
State Laws and Parks
Kentucky State Parks and Lands
Below are permit applications for using a drone at a Kentucky State Park and for commercial photography. Completed forms should go to the park manager. (Please note: Some Kentucky State Parks are on property controlled by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. At this time, the corps also must approve drone use and that process is separate from the state park permit process.
Please plan in advance. Drone applications must be accompanied by a copy of the user license and proof of insurance. Without these 2 documents the application cannot be processed.
Rule Link: Kentucky State Parks and Lands Drone Policy
Counties, Cities and Towns
Audubon Parks
Drone use is permitted at Audubon Riverview Park only. Drones are not permitted to fly over Audubon Zoo or Audubon Park. Drone operators must follow FAA regulations including registering the aircraft and possessing a valid license.
Rule Link: Audubon Drone Rules
State Laws and Parks
Louisiana State Parks and Lands
Personal drone usage is allowed at Louisiana State Park properties; however, we request that operators be mindful of other guests and not interfere with their enjoyment of our parks and historic sites. Due to the nature of historic sites, we ask that you contact the site in advance of your visit to determine that drone usage will not interfere with any activities or special programs at the time of your visit.
Also be advised that all drone operators should be aware of and comply with all Federal, State, and local laws regarding drone operation. Commercial drone usage at Louisiana State Parks properties must be approved in advance by the Assistant Secretary. Please contact the administrative office at 225-342-8111 for further information.
Rule Link: Louisiana State Parks and Lands Drone Policy
Counties, Cities and Towns
No city, county or town laws prohibit the use of drones or operations.
State Laws and Parks
Maine State Parks and Lands
The general use of drones (UAS) is prohibited in Maine State Parks, Historic Sites, or DACF Boat Launches without direct oversight and guidance of an approved law enforcement agency or by the issue of a Special Activity Permit.
Rule Link: Maine State Parks Drone Policy
Baxter State Park
Take-off and landing of aircraft in the Park is prohibited except on Matagamon, Nesowadnehunk, and Webster Lakes.
Persons landing aircraft on permitted waters in the Park must register with Park Headquarters or a gatehouse in advance.
"Aircraft" is defined to include any machine or device capable of deriving support in the atmosphere from the reactions of the air, including, but not limited to model craft, hot air balloons, hang gliders, para-sails, para-gliders and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).
The possession or use of a UAV within the Park boundaries is prohibited. UAVs may be transported through the Park if kept in a car trunk, enclosed in a case, or otherwise inaccessible to use.
Rule Link: Baxter State Park
Counties, Cities and Towns
No city, county or town laws prohibit the use of drones or operations.
State Laws and Parks
Maryland State Parks
Unmanned aircraft systems, commonly referred to as unmanned aerial vehicles or drones, operated by persons on lands owned and managed by the Department of Natural Resources must be in compliance with all Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations, as well as all State and federal laws, including all Use of State Parks regulations.
To ensure compliance with those regulations, and that the operation of the drone does not jeopardize public safety or the protection of park resources, all drone operators must contact the Park Manager prior to flying a drone in a State Park.
Drone pilots are responsible for knowing and complying with all FAA regulations.
Rule Link: Maryland State Parks Drone Policy
Counties, Cities and Towns
Frederick County Parks and Recreation
Drones are allowed through completion of a Special Request Form and only allowed in designated parks/areas, following all regulations. Those parks include Catoctin Creek Nature Center, Kemptown Park, Middletown Park, and Utica District Park. All FAA rules and regulations apply to flying drones on Frederick County Park property.
Rule Link: Frederick County Parks Drone Rules
City of Baltimore Parks and Recreation
No person shall engage in model airplane flying, toy aviation, model boating or model automobiling, except at places designated or maintained therefor.
No person shall voluntarily, except by permit, bring, land or cause to descend or alight within or upon any park, or operate, fly or cruise over any park, any airplane, helicopter, flying machine, balloon, parachute or other apparatus for aviation. The term "voluntarily" shall mean anything other than a forced landing.
Rule Link: Baltimore Parks Rules
State Laws and Parks
Massachusetts State Parks
Except in an emergency, bring, take off, land or cause to descend on DCR property any airplane, helicopter, sea plane, so-called ultra-light aircraft, or any other apparatus.
Rule Link: Massachusetts State Parks Drone Policy
Counties, Cities and Towns
City of Chicopee
A drone and/or aircraft shall only take off and land on private property owned by the operator or where written permission is granted by the landowner. Said written permission shall include the name and signature of the landowner, the address of the property and the permissible dates and hours of operation and shall be in the possession of the drone operator during operation of the drone.
Rule Link: City of Chicopee Drone Rules
City of Belchertown
The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs or “drones”) is prohibited on the Quabbin Reservoir Watershed System without a DWSP-issued permit specific to a designated location/time, for designated purposes, with an Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) registered UAV, and operated under FAA rules.
Watershed Protection Regulations 313 CMR 11.09(2)(a)15 states: “No person except in an emergency, shall bring, land or cause to descend within any Watershed System property any aircraft without written permission from the Commissioner.”
Rule Link: City of Belchertown Rules
Town of Holyoke
Not operate over the private property of another unless prior written consent is obtained from the property owner.
Not operate over any property owned by the city, including the Holyoke water works and Holyoke gas & electric, unless prior written consent has been obtained from the city, Holyoke water works or Holyoke gas & electric.
Rule Link: Town of Holyoke Rules
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
If you are looking to fly small UASs on MIT campus, the following steps are required for obtaining permission:
Read the Standard Operating Guide so you fully understand MIT’s rules and regulations related to UAS
Obtain a remote pilot certificate following the Part 107 rules specific to unmanned aircrafts
Obtain FAA approval
Complete the UAS Flight Approval form and obtain permission from the space owner
Email the completed form to
Rule Link: MIT Drone Rules
State Laws and Parks
Michigan State Parks
A person shall not do any of the following in any state park or recreation area
Launch an unmanned aircraft from state managed lands in conflict with 5.1(5).
Operate an unmanned aircraft in conflict with the unmanned aircraft system act (PA 436 of 2016), and as follows:
In a manner that knowingly and intentionally interferes with department employees and their designees performing official duties.
In a manner that interferes with department staff when conducting search and rescues.
Within 100 yards of a cultural or historical site or structure.
Upon or over the viewing platform at Tahquamenon falls.
Upon or over the platform at Palms Book SP.
Over an occupied beach area.
Over an equestrian facility.
Over a campground.
Over a restroom or open-air changing court.
Over an area subject to an aerial right-of-way.
For a commercial purpose without first obtaining written permission from an authorized representative of the department, pursuant to administrative rule 299.922(dd).
Rule Link: Michigan State Parks Drone Policy
Department of Natual Resources
Prohibits the use of a drone in a manner that interferes with department employees from performing their duties.
Prohibits drone use within 100 yards of a cultural or historical site or structure, upon or over the Tahquamenon Falls viewing platform, over an occupied beach area, campground, or equestrian facility, over a restroom or open-air changing court.
Rule Link: Michigan Dept. Natural Resources
Counties, Cities and Towns
Mount Brighton Ski Resort
For safety reasons, recreational drone use by any guest or member of the public, for any reason, is not permitted on or over any of our property. Likewise, commercial use is also prohibited on Vail Resorts' property, except in limited circumstances when an approved operator has obtained an FAA exemption and received written permission from the resort. This includes use associated with special events, marketing and in film/photo applications.
Rule Link: Mount Brighton Drone Rules
Pine Knob Music Theatre
Drones and/or Unmanned Aircraft flown inside or outside of the venue, including the surrounding parking areas
Rule Link: Pine Knob Drone Rules
The University of Michigan
Outdoor use of UAS by anyone from, on, or over the U-M Ann Arbor, Dearborn, or Flint campuses or other U-M property is generally prohibited, unless permitted through a waiver of Regents Ordinance Article XVI or otherwise exempted from that Article under Section 5
Indoor use of a drone on U-M property does not require an application or waiver, but may only occur in a University space or building that has established policies and procedures to permit the safe operation of drones, and only with permission from the building manager
Rule Link: University of Michigan Drone Rules
State Laws and Parks
Minnesota State Parks
It is unlawful for any person to land any aircraft on lands or waters totally within the boundaries of any state park except by permit, or on a designated airport, or landing strip, or in making an emergency landing, conducting rescue operations, or in conducting or assisting in official business of the United States of America, the state of Minnesota, or the county in which the park is located.
Rule Link: Minnesota State Parks Drone Policy
Minnesota Department of Transportation
MnDOT is the state-level regulator for aircraft in Minnesota
MnDOT Aeronautics has prepared specific pages with information based on how you, your company, or your government agency operates or interacts with drones.
Rule(s) Link: MnDOT Drone Rules
Minnesota State Aircraft Insurance
A small unmanned aircraft system that meets the requirements of section 360.55, subdivision 9, is not subject to the requirements under paragraphs (a) and (b).
Owners of small unmanned aircraft systems that meet the requirements of section 360.55, subdivision 9, must, at the time of registration, provide proof of insurability in a form acceptable to the commissioner. Additionally, such operators must maintain records and proof that each flight was insured for the limits established in paragraph (a).
Rule Link: Minnesota Aircraft Insurance Policy
Minnesota Aircraft Registration Requirement
Every aircraft not exempted by sections 360.54 and 360.55 shall be registered as required by this act whether or not said aircraft is being used in the air space overlying the state of Minnesota or on the airports thereof.
Rule Link: Minnesota Registration Rule
Registration Link: MnDOT Aircraft Registration
Counties, Cities and Towns
Dakota County
Aviation takeoffs or landings, including aircraft, hot air balloons, parachutes, hang gliders, or other flying apparatus, are only allowed in a Dakota County park with a Special Use Permit.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs or drones) may only be used in established designated areas.
Rule Link: Dakota Country Drone Rules
Anoka County
It shall be unlawful to use park property for a starting/landing field or flying
aircraft, hot air balloons, parachutes, hang gliders, unmanned aerial vehicle
(drone), or other flying apparatus, unless otherwise authorized by Permit.
Rule Link: Anoka County Drone Rules
Ramsey County
Aviation takeoffs or landings, including toy planes, drones, hot air balloons, and rockets are not allowed in any Park.
Drones may be operated only in designated areas.
Rule Link: Ramsey Drone Rules
Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge
Launching, landing or disturbing wildlife by Uncrewed Aircraft Systems (drones) on national wildlife refuges is prohibited
Rule Link: Minnesota Fish and Wildlife Drone Rules
Three Rivers Park District
Drones and other powered toys, gadgets or models are not allowed without a permit.
Rule Link: Three Rivers Park Drone Rules
Permit Link: Three Rivers Park Permit
City of Minneapolis
No model airplane flying shall be permitted in parks, parkways or on playgrounds except under rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the board
No person shall use any land or water, under the jurisdiction or control of the park and recreation board, for a take-off or landing area for aircraft of any kind, whether motorized or non-motorized, without first obtaining a permit from the superintendent.
This policy shall be applicable to Drones weighing between 0.55 pounds and 4 pounds. Any Drone weighing less than 0.55 pounds is not subject to this policy and any Drone weighing more than 4 pounds is strictly prohibited within the jurisdiction of the MPRB. Drone operators must hold valid licensure for operation through the FAA. Federal regulations, published by the FAA, for commercial Drone use must always be followed.
Rule Link: Minneapolis Drone Policy
Permit Link: Minneapolis Drone Permit
City of Arlington
No person, entity, governmental unit or law enforcement agency may operate a drone within the airspace of the city, unless such has been permitted by the City of Arlington, using forms, procedures and fees as set by resolution of the City Council from time to time.
Rule Link: Ramsey Drone Rules
Permit Link: Arlington Drone Permit
City of Bloomington
A City permit is not required for drone usage in City parks. We ask that you follow all FAA guidelines and regulations when using your drone.
If you plan to use your film to develop business for your company or organization then you must obtain a permit
Rule Link: Bloomington Drone Rule
City of Saint Bonifacius
No person, entity, governmental unit or law enforcement agency may operate a drone within or above the boundaries of the city.
This chapter does not prohibit the use or operation of a drone from or above city limits if:
A law enforcement agency first obtains a warrant authorizing its use;
A law enforcement agency determines, under particular circumstances, that there is immediate danger of death or serious injury to any person;
It is operated only within the boundaries of private property with the owner’s consent;
It is operated by an individual holding a pilot certificate or temporary certificate issued under 14 CFR Part 107 with a small UAS rating; or
It is in compliance with remote identification requirements as defined in 14 CFR Part 89, and is operated greater than 100 feet above ground level; or
The City Council approves drone use for a specific event or purpose.
It is the intention of the City Council, when adopting this section, all future amendments to any state or federal rules and statutes adopted by reference in this section or referenced in this section are hereby adopted by reference or referenced as if they had been in existence at the time this section was adopted, unless there is clear intention expressed in the section to the contrary.
Rule Link: Saint Bonifacius Drone Rules
State Laws and Parks
Mississippi State Parks
Except in an extreme emergency, the operation of aircraft on land or water or the air delivery of any person or thing by parachute, helicopter, hot air balloon or other means, without the written permission of the Executive Director of the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks, is prohibited.
Rule Link: Mississippi State Parks Drone Policy
Counties, Cities and Towns
No city, county or town laws prohibit the use of drones or operations.
State Laws and Parks
Missouri State Parks
Want to fly your drone? There are no laws prohibiting drones on state park grounds, but we do ask that you keep it to the main, open day-use areas and be respectful of other visitors in the park. If you will be taking photos for professional use or sale, there would be a process to go through to gain approval for that.
Rule Link: Missouri State Parks Drone Policy
Counties, Cities and Towns
Jackson County
No person shall operate a remote radio controlled aircraft except in areas designated for such operation by the director of parks and recreation
Any person operating a radio controlled aircraft within designated areas in Jackson County parks shall prominently display on the transmitter at all times frequency flags and channel numbers.
No person shall operate a radio controlled aircraft or boat on or above park land or
waterways unless he has liability insurance of at least the minimum limits offered by the Academy of Model Aeronautics to its members, with regard to aircraft, or the minimum limits offered by the American Power Boat Association to its members, with regard to boats.
No person shall operate any radio-controlled flying device with a sound level in excess of ninety-eight (98) decibels on a weighted scale when measured from a distance of fifty (50) or more feet.
Rule Link: Jackson Country Drone Rules
City of Columbia
It shall be unlawful for any person in a park to take part in or abet the playing of any games involving thrown or otherwise propelled objects such as balls, stones, arrows, javelins, or to operate unmanned aircraft systems or model airplanes from a location in a park, except in areas set apart for such forms of recreation or in areas designated by special permit issued by the director
Rule Link: City of Columbia Drone Rules
St. Louis Forest Park
If you would like to fly a drone in Forest Park, you will need to submit an application for a City of St. Louis Board of Public Service Permit to BPS Secretary Cherise Jones, Room 305, City Hall.
With your application, you will need to submit a copy of your pilot's license, drone specs and a certificate of insurance for $1,000,000. Please contact the Department of Parks, Recreation and Forestry at 314.289.5300 with additional questions.
Rule Link: St. Louis Forest Park Drone Rules
State Laws and Parks
Montana State Parks
Launching or operating an unmanned aircraft system, drone, or model aircraft from a state park is prohibited unless:
use is authorized by a commercial use or special use permit; or
use occurs within an area specifically designated for such use by the park manager.
Rule Link: Montana State Parks Drone Policy
Counties, Cities and Towns
City of Missoula
Unless used by Authorized Persons with the authorization of the Director of the City Parks and Recreation Department, the following activities are prohibited in any Missoula city park, trail, or conservation lands, without
express written permission of Parks and Recreation Director or his or her designee. The City Parks and Recreation Board or City Parks and Recreation Director may establish administrative operating rules and policies in addition to
the prohibitions set forth herein.
Flying or launching powered model airplanes, rockets, drones, or other unmanned aerial systems except as
authorized by permit
Rule Link: City of Missoula Rules
State Laws and Parks
Nebraska Game and Parks
Game and Parks does not permit drones to be flown in state parks, state historical parks, state recreation areas or wildlife management areas, unless a special occasion permit has been approved. Contact the nearest Commission district office for an application.
Rule Link: Nebraska Game and Parks Drone Policy
Counties, Cities and Towns
No city, county or town laws prohibit the use of drones or operations.
State Laws and Parks
Nevada State Parks
Use of drones is prohibited in Nevada State Parks unless in an area designated for that use by a park supervisor or by issuance of a special use permit for use of a unmanned aircraft. All applicable FAA regulations apply.
Rule Link: Nevada State Parks Drone Policy
Counties, Cities and Towns
Washoe County
The use of remote/radio controlled, electrically-powered or gasoline-powered devices, including drones, is prohibited in all county parks unless by permit, in designated areas, or with the express written permission from the director or his/her designee.
No person may operate any electrically-powered, gasoline-powered, remote/radio
controlled device, including drones, in any county park in such a manner as to disturb the peace or pose a threat to public health or safety.
Rule Link: Washoe County Parks Policy
Clark County
Unmanned aircraft or UAV's(commonly referred to as Drones or remote control aircraft) may be operated in designated parks during normal hours of operation and in accordance with all State, County, City, and federal laws and regulations.
Individuals may operate unmanned aircraft only at;
Desert Breeze Park
Mountain's Edge Regional Park
Lone Mountain Park
Bennett Airfield
Silver bowl Park
Horseman's Park
and James Regional Park
Smaller drones designed for racing and/or maneuvers will require a special use permit available through the Parks and Recreation Department.
Rule Link: Clark County Park Rules
City of Las Vegas
Except as otherwise provided in Section 13.58.030, it is unlawful for any person to cause or permit any aircraft to be launched from or land upon the following areas within the City:
Any public street, highway or other public right-of-way;
Any parking lot which is provided for the use of the public
Smaller drones designed for racing and/or maneuvers will require a special use permit available through the Parks and Recreation Department.
Remote control airplanes
Rule Link: Las Vegas Municipal Code, Las Vegas Municipal Code (2)
City of Henderson
Unmanned aircraft (an aircraft operated without the possibility of human intervention from within or on the aircraft, not limited to devices commonly referred to as drones, remote controlled aircraft and model aircraft) may only be operated in designated parks, as posted, during normal hours of operation and in accordance with all applicable Nevada, city and federal laws and regulations.
Individuals may operate unmanned aircraft (following all applicable rules) only at
Amador Vista Park
Cornerstone Park
Hidden Falls Park
Mission Hills Park
Any and all commercial use, events and groups of 10 or more people require a special permit through the City's Parks and Recreation Department.
Rule Link: Henderson Parks Policy
New Hampshire
State Laws and Parks
New Hampshire State Parks
Drone use is restricted at all NH State Parks. Drone operators are not permitted to take off or land within NH State Park boundaries.
Rule Link: New Hampshire State Parks Drone Policy
New Hampshire Department of Transportation
All UAS landings or takeoffs from NHDOT-controlled properties other than state highway rights-of-way shall be evaluated by the NHDOT/Bureau of Aeronautics on a case-by-case basis after the proponent submits the contact information and UAS operation plan to the NHDOT/Beueau of Aeronautics for evaluation and determination.
Rule Link: NHDOT UAS Rules
US Forest Service~ Alpine Zone and Alpine Ski Areas
the following acts and omissions are prohibited on National Forest System Lands located within the White Mountain National Forest, in the States of Maine and New Hampshire, said areas being described and designated as listed in Exhibit A and shown on the map set forth at Exhibit B, which are attached hereto and made a part hereto
Landing any UA within Alpine Zone, Alpine Ski Areas, or within ¼ mile of a national forest system road, trail or area listed and shown in Exhibits A and B. (36 CFR 261.58(y)).
Landing of manned aircraft, or dropping or picking up of any material, supplies, person(s) by means of any aircraft, including helicopters and other types of craft considered as aircraft by the Federal Aviation Administration. (36 CFR 261.58(y)).
Rule Link: US Forest Drone Policy
Counties, Cities and Towns
No city, county or town laws prohibit the use of drones or operations.
New Jersey
State Laws and Parks
New Jersey State Parks
This policy prohibits the operation of drones within all lands and waters managed by the State Park Service unless prior approval has been granted by the Assitant Director, State Park Service in accordance with N.J.A.C 7:2-1.4(b).
Rule Link: New Jersey State Parks Drone Policy
Counties, Cities and Towns
County of Middlesex
No person shall operate radio-controlled flying devices such as, but not
limited to, remotely piloted aircraft, model airplanes, or drones without a written permit. Persons who obtain a written permit may only operate such devices at designated locations and times. Persons operating such flying devices shall adhere to the regulations hereby contained in Appendix C.
Rule Link: Middlesex Parks Policy
Palisades Interstate Park Commission
Flying of drones or radio-controlled aircraft is not allowed in the park.
Rule Link: Palisades Interstate Parks Policy
City of Ventnor
Except as otherwise provided in §107-3, drones and unmanned aircraft are prohibited from being launched from, or landing on, any government or public buildings, property, or parks within the City unless prior written permission has been granted by the Ventnor City Chief of Police for a special event or City sponsored event.
Except as otherwise provided in §107-3, drones and unmanned aircraft are prohibited from operating or flying in any airspace under 400 feet over any government or public buildings, property, or parks within the City unless prior written permission has been granted by the Ventnor City Chief of Police for a special event or City sponsored event.
Except as otherwise provided in §107-3, drones and unmanned aircraft are prohibited from operating or flying in any airspace under 400 feet over the Ventnor City Beaches from May 31st through September 1st in any given year unless prior written permission has been granted by the Ventnor City Chief of Police for a special event or City sponsored event.
Rule Link: Ventnor Drone Policy
Passaic County
The operation of a UAV is prohibited within all lands and waters within the Passaic County Park System unless specifically approved via permit by the Director of the Passaic County Parks and Recreation Department.
If required, a permit may also require the approval of the Passaic County Sherriff’s Department and other applicable Departments.
All requests to launch, land, or operate a UAV on lands or waters within the Passaic County Park System will be evaluated for the appropriateness of the requested activity and whether the use of a UAV will result in unacceptable impacts to park resources and/or visitors.
Recreational drone flying will not be permitted.
Permits will clearly identify the designated areas where the UAV may be operated within the park system.
Rule Link: Passaic County Drone Policy
Long Beach Township
Unmanned aircraft are prohibited from taking off or landing on any beach or beach dune area or any public right-of-way or road, except for landings in the event of an emergency.
Unmanned aircraft are prohibited from flying in any airspace below 400 feet in the following areas:
The airspace over any beach while lifeguards are on duty.
The airspace over any government or public buildings, property, or parks.
No unmanned aircraft shall be operated in a reckless, dangerous, harassing, or threatening manner, or for the purpose of data collection at locations where persons have an expectation of privacy, or in any manner that poses a threat to public utilities or the public health, welfare, and safety.
No unmanned aircraft shall fly within 100 feet of any person.
Rule Link: Long Beach Township Drone Policy
Borough of Point Pleasant Beach
Takeoff and landing. It shall be unlawful for any person avigating any UA/UAS to takeoff from or land on or upon, except in an emergency, any public property except as specifically provided in 3-50.4 below.
Any person who operates or causes to be operated any UA/UAS, within the limits of the Borough of Point Pleasant Beach, must be able to present, immediately upon request by any Point Pleasant Beach Police Officer or Code Enforcement Officer, a current certificate of aircraft registration issued by the FAA for the UA/UAS, together with a remote pilot certificate where the use of the UA/UAS requires such a certificate under 14 CFR Part 107.
No person shall do any of the following things at or upon the boardwalk and/or beaches or the ocean waters located in the Borough:
Bring a drone onto or operate a drone on the beach without the permission of the owner.
No person shall do any of the following things at or upon the municipal beach:
Bring a drone onto or operate a drone on the beach without the permission of the owner.
Rule Link: Point Pleasant Beach Ordinance
Borough of Allendale
Except as otherwise provided in § 118-3, drones are prohibited from flying in any airspace below 400 feet within the Borough.
Except as otherwise provided in § 118-3, unmanned aircraft are prohibited from flying in any airspace below 400 feet with the Borough in:
The airspace over any residential or commercial zoned area in the Borough.
The airspace over any roads with the Borough; and
The airspace over any government or public buildings, property, or parks with the Borough.
Rule Link: Allendale Drones Policy
Roxbury Township
The operation of an unmanned aircraft system on school grounds, the launching or landing of an unmanned aircraft on school grounds, or the flying of an unmanned aircraft over school grounds is only permissible when authorized by the Superintendent or designee.
Rule Link: Roxbury District Drone Policy
New Mexico
State Laws and Parks
Shiprock Pinnacle
A Drone Permit must be obtained before capturing drone footage of Shiprock. As this rock formation is sacred to the Navajos – hiking and/or climbing on the sacred peak is forbidden.
Rule Link: Shiprock Drone Policy
Counties, Cities and Towns
Jemez Pueblo
Per Tribal Code Sections 3-2-88 and 3-2-92, it is unlawful for any person to photograph, videotape, sketch or record the Pueblo village, shrines or religious sites, or any cultural dances or events performed within the plaza.
Violators of these Sections will have their electronic devices/sketchbooks confiscated. Violators may be fined and/or face jail sentences, and have their equipment destroyed, as deemed appropriate by the Tribal Court or the Governor.
By Order of the Governor, the following are prohibited at the Pueblo of Jemez:
Cell Phones
Audio/Video Recorders
Alcoholic Beverages/Drugs
Rule Link: Jemez Pueblo Vistor Policy
New York
State Laws and Parks
New York State Parks
The launch, landing and operation of UAS is allowed in state parks and historic sites only with prior written approval by the agency through a permit authorizing the specific time, location and type of use.
OPRHP retains sole discretion to determine whether to approve or deny requests to launch an Unmanned Aircraft System. The detailed criteria OPRHP will use in determining whether to issue a permit are provided below, and conditions are provided in the attached sample permit.
Any launch or operation of a UAS that has not received prior approval from OPRHP through issuance of a written permit is prohibited. OPRHP will actively enforce this procedure and other relevant agency statutes, regulations and guidelines.
Rule Link: New York State Parks Drone Policy
Counties, Cities and Towns
New York City
A permit issued pursuant to this chapter is required to take off or land an unmanned aircraft within New York City,
An application for a permit to take off or land an unmanned aircraft within New York City must be filed in a form and manner as prescribed on the Department’s website. Applications must contain Proof of insurance as required by subdivision (b) of section 24-06 of this chapter
Applications may be submitted up to one-hundred and eighty (180) days prior to theproposed date and time of the take-off and landing.
Applications must be submitted no less than thirty (30) days prior to the earliest proposed date of take-off or landing
Rule Link: New York City Drone Rules
Permit Link: NYC Drone Application
North Carolina
State Laws and Parks
North Carolina State Parks
Park visitors are prohibited from ascending or taking off within or upon any state park area or state park water surface, of any airplane, flying machine (including drones, unmanned aircrafts, and quadcopters), balloon, parachute, glider, hang glider (except with permit at Jockey's Ridge State Park), or other apparatus for aviation.
In some limited circumstances, these machines may be operated after obtaining a Special Activity Permit from the state park. Additionally, state law prohibits people from launching or recovering any unmanned aircraft systems from state property without consent.
Rule Link: North Carolina State Parks Drone Policy
Counties, Cities and Towns
Gaston County
It shall be unlawful for any person within the confines of the park to voluntarily launch, take off, land, or cause to descend or take off any airplane, flying machine, balloon, parachute, or other apparatus of aviation, except by special permit. Voluntarily shall mean any action other than a forced landing. This section shall also apply to radio-controlled airplanes, helicopters, rockets, etc. in all parks with the exception of the special use facility at Lewis Brooks Airfield, located on Abel Road in Bessemer City, NC.
Rule Link: Gaston County Park Ordinance
City of Kannapolis
It shall be unlawful for any person within the confines of any park to voluntarily take or land, or cause to descend or take off any airplane,flying machine, balloon, parachute, or other apparatus of aviation, except as expressly permitted by the city manager. Voluntarily shall mean any action other than a forced landing. This section shall also apply to radio-controlled airplanes, helicopters, rockets, drones and other airborne objects.
Rule Link: Kannapolis Drone Rules
City of Raleigh
Drones may not take off or land in any of the following spaces:
Rule Link: Raleigh Drone Rules and Parks
Town of Beech Moutain
Prohibited Activities
Model aircraft and unmanned aircraft on Town property. Launch, recovery or operation of model aircraft or unmanned aircraft is prohibited on all Town-owned property without specific written permission from the Town Manager or designee, who may allow it for governmental purposes to include, but not be limited to photography, so long as the operation of the model aircraft or unmanned aircraft is done in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Aviation Administration and North Carolina General Statutes.
Use of model aircraft and unmanned aircraft in public vehicular areas and common areas. No model aircraft or unmanned aircraft shall be launched, recovered, or operated upon any public vehicular area, common area for town homes, apartments, or condominiums, nor shall any such model aircraft or unmanned aircraft be launched, recovered, or operated upon any multi-family property within the jurisdiction.
Rule Link: Beech Moutain Drone Rules
North Dakota
State Laws and Parks
North Dakota State Parks
The operation of any unmanned aircraft system for hobby, recreation, or commercial purposes within any lands owned, leased, or managed by the department is prohibited unless authorized by the director or deputy director.
Any person who violates this subsection is guilty of a class 2 noncriminal offense.
Rule Link: North Dakota State Parks Drone Policy
Counties, Cities and Towns
No city, county or town laws prohibit the use of drones or operations.
State Laws and Parks
Ohio State Parks
It is not permissible for any person to operate or permit the operation of any unmanned aerial craft within the boundaries of any state park except with permission from the chief or the chief's authorized agent, or where airfields or landing zones maintained specifically for such craft are located.
Rule Link: Ohio State Parks Drone Policy
Counties, Cities and Towns
Columbus and Franklin County
Drone flying for recreational purposes are allowed in all Metro Parks during park hours of operation, with the exception of any of the state Nature Preserves, and only at the discretion of the on-duty Park Rangers.
At any time, a Park Ranger may ask you to pause, or to wait until the area is safe to fly your drone, and Metro Parks reserves the right to ask guests to cease any activity that may be unsafe, impact the experience of other visitors or impede park operations. In addition, you are also required to adhere to any FAA regulations regarding drones during your flight.
Metro Parks does have a designated drone field at Scioto Grove Metro Park (when entering the park turn right at the roundabout, the field is immediately on your right). This field is open to anyone wishing to fly a drone in that area and it is open daily during park hours of operation.
All other drone photography and filming for commercial or media use apply for a permit and be approved by Metro Parks, and first emailed to
Rule Link: Columbus and Franklin Drone Rules
Hamilton County
Per Great Parks of Hamilton County bylaws, drones may not be flown in any of the parks without written permission from the Chief Executive Officer.
Rule Link: Hamilton County Drone Guidelines
Butler County Metro Parks
No person shall use or operate a toy or model airplane, helicopter, boat, car, unmanned aerial vehicle (drone), rocket or truck which is powered or operated through the use of electricity, an internal combustion engine, or compressed air in the Park unless that person is doing so within an area designated for such a purpose.
Rule Link: Bulter County Rules and Regulations
City of Clevland
Anyone who launches, operates, or causes to be launched or operated, any unmanned aircraft system within the limits of Cleveland, Ohio, must be able to present, immediately upon request by any member of the police or fire force, a current certificate of aircraft registration issued by the Federal Aviation Administration for the unmanned aircraft system.
Rule Link: City of Clevland Drone Policy
Clevland Metro Parks
Persons may launch, land or operate, or cause to be launched, landed or operated, a drone weighing less than 20lbs/9.07kg in airspace within the Park District ONLY IN THE FOLLOWING DESIGNATED AREAS and must
possess a current authorizing certificate issued by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA),
meet a 333 exemption, or
is flying the drone strictly for hobby or recreational use.
Designated areas within the Park District are open fields, in the following locations except during those dates and times of scheduled events:
The Polo Fields located in South Chagrin;
The Top O’ Ledges in the Hinckley Reservation;
Main Street Diamond located in Mill Stream Run Reservation;
The fairways of all Cleveland Metroparks golf courses, except Sleepy Hollow or Manakiki, from November 1st through March 15th when the golf course is not open for golf:
(1) The operator of the UAS shall not be permitted on the greens or tees at any time.
(2) The operator shall not interfere with any non-golf activity that may be occurring on the golf course (e.g., snowshoeing, cross country skiing, etc.)
Even in designated areas, all operators, whether recreational and commercial, must learn and comply with all FAA regulations. It is not Cleveland Metroparks’ responsibility to inform, train or educate the public about the FAA regulations.
A separate permit must be obtained to conduct a special group event or activity in Cleveland Metroparks including filming requests
Rule Link: Clevland Metro Park Drone Rules
Cincinnati Park
Except as expressly set forth in these Regulations, no person shall operate, fly, launch, drive, or use any motor propelled vehicle, or flying apparatus or other vehicle (except motor vehicles driven on roadways designed for that purpose subject to any separate regulation thereof) on or over park property, including but not limited to airplanes, balloons, gliders, hang-gliders, boats, snowmobiles, go-karts, rockets, powered model planes, motorbikes, motorcycles, or automobiles, except with the written permission of the park board and except within such areas as may be designated by the park board and except in compliance with any reasonable safety regulations set by the park board and made a condition of any consent.
Rule Link: Cincinnati Park Rules
City of Avon Lake
It shall be unlawful for any person to use a park as a starting or landing field for aircraft, hot air balloons, parachutes, hang gliders, drones or other flying apparatus except as authorized by the Recreation Department.
Rule Link: Avon Lake Park Ordinance
Anderson Township Parks
INo person shall use or operate any radio controlled aircraft, including drones and other unmanned aerial vehicles, or any other similar device in any park or facility without specific written permission from the Executive Director.
Rule Link: Anderson Township Park Rules
Five Rivers Metroparks
The use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) is prohibited without a UAS Permit.
Permits may be obtained for commercial or scientific research purposes only. Recreational flight of UAS is not permitted from MetroParks property.
Permit applicant shall procure and maintain for the duration of the permit period insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from, or in connection with, the ownership, maintenance, or use of the UAS. Coverage shall be provided by endorsement to a Commercial General Liability (CGL) policy covering CGL on an “occurrence” basis, including products and completed operations, property damage, bodily injury, and personal and advertising injury, with limits no less than $1,000,000 per occurrence
Rule Link: Five Rivers Drone Policy
State Laws and Parks
Oklahoma State Parks
Drone usage is prohibited in State Parks, unless in locations designated by the Director or by permit.
Rule Link: Oklahoma State Parks Drone Policy
Counties, Cities and Towns
No city, county or town laws prohibit the use of drones or operations.
State Laws and Parks
Oregan State Parks
While there are no statewide rules specifically about using drones while in a state park, park managers may adopt temporary rules that protect sensitive plants and animals as well as public and private property, and allow managers to smooth over conflicts between visitors.
Some parks, like Silver Falls and Smith Rock, have temporary limits on places and times a person can use a drone while in a state park.
In other cases, park rangers may respond to a complaint by asking a drone operator to move to a different area or stop flying. Please check specific park web pages for temporary limits in place.
Visit Find A Park for a list of parks.
Rule Link: Oregan State Parks Drone Policy
Oregan Metro Parks
Metro prohibits the use of unmanned aircraft systems (e.g. drones) on its Property. Within the boundaries of any Property, it is unlawful to:
Use or operate any power‐propelled model rocket, drone aircraft, glider, wheeled or tracked vehicle or boat, except in areas specifically designated by Metro and posted for such use.
Launch drones from Metro Property or land drones on Metro Property.
Fly any drones at a height of less than 400 feet in the airspace above Metro Property land or water. Metro reserves its rights under ORS 837.380 to recover treble damages and attorneys fees for any trespass in violation of this Section, as permitted by law. [Ord. 18‐1419]
Rule Link: Oregan Metro Parks Rules
Counties, Cities and Towns
Lane County Parks
Special Use Permits may be obtained to allow an activity contrary to or not described by the rules above. Examples: drone use, geo-caching, metal detecting and scientific research, etc. Permits are required for special events and special uses of park areas.
Rule Link: Lane County Parks Rules
City of Portland
No person shall operate any remote-controlled internal combustion powered vehicle, or any remote-controlled electric or internal combustion powered watercraft or aircraft, in, on or over any Park, except in such places the Director may designate for such use.
Rule Link: City of Portland Drone Rules
Port of Portland
The Port of Portland prohibits recreational UAS operations on Port aviation, marine, industrial, and environmental properties. Requests for commercial and public UAS operations on Port properties requires a permit obtained through the Port of Portland.
All applications are subject to Port approval. A minimum of 5 business days is required to process applications.
For more information email us at
Rule Link: Port of Portland Drone Rules
Except as permitted by the SROA General Manager, the takeoff/landing of unmanned aircraft, including but not limited to aerial drones, is prohibited in Sunriver.
An exception applies when Sunriver Police and Fire Departments or other agencies having authorized jurisdiction are acting in an official capacity requiring the use of an unmanned aircraft/drone.
Unmanned aircraft, including but not limited to drones, that takeoff/land outside Sunriver are excluded. Violation of this rule constitutes a Class A offense.
Rule Link: Sunriver Rules and Regulations
State Laws and Parks
Pennsylvania State Parks
The bureau permits drone and other UAS use at six designated flying sites within the following state parks:
Drone and UAS operators need to contact the park office of the flying site that they plan to visit to ensure compliance with all rules and regulations.
Please be advised that the entire park at each of these locations is not open to UAS or drone usage. Only the designated flying site within each park is open to UAS use.
The use of drones or other UAS is restricted at all other Bureau of State park locations.
Rule Link: Pennsylvania State Parks Drone Policy
Counties, Cities and Towns
Penn State University
Use of a Drone on University Property or for University-Affiliated Activities not on University Property is prohibited unless the operator is a student, University employee (in the course of their employment), or other individual approved by the University to operate a Drone.
Approval for all Drone operations on University Property must be provided by the Drone Operations Analyst. Such approval is at the sole discretion of the University.
All such uses of a Drone, for any purpose, regardless of the size of the Drone or whether the mission is being conducted indoors or outdoors, must abide by University Policy and procedures, as well as the applicable FAA authorization.
Rule Link: Penn State University Drone Rules
Rhode Island
State Laws and Parks
Rhode Island State Parks
Special Use Permits are required for these types of events and activities so that State Parks staff can best serve your needs while balancing the needs of other park visitors and the capacity of each park and facility.
Drone use (approval is restricted to commercial use - no private use permitted)
Rule Link: Rhode Island State Parks Drone Policy
Counties, Cities and Towns
Town of Narragansett
Unless otherwise exempt under this section, UAS are prohibited from being deployed, launched or flown in any airspace within 500 feet or over the town beach during beach season, any large venue special event in the Town of Narragansett, and over public parks, roads and public facilities during large venue special event.
An event principal, or their designee, may apply for a permit to operate a UAS in conjunction with a permit to organize a large venue special event.
Rule Link: Narragansett Town Rules
South Carolina
State Laws and Parks
South Carolina State Parks
If you are interested in bringing a drone to a South Carolina state park, please contact the park you are interested in directly for more information.
Rule Link: South Carolina State Parks FAQs
Counties, Cities and Towns
City of Charleston
Drones or unmanned aerial vehicles shall not be operated in a manner that disrupts the quiet enjoyment of property or imposes any risk to persons or damage to property.
Drones or unmanned aerial vehicles shall not be operated over or within one-quarter mile of any school property while the school is in session, hospitals, parks, recreation facilities and fields, sporting events, road races or walks, outdoor festivals or fireworks shows, stadiums, public gatherings of 50 or more people, near moving vehicles, highways, bridges, busy streets or anywhere they might interfere with or distract drivers.
Rule Link: Charleston City Drone Rules, Charleston City Code
Town of Mount Pleasant
No person shall operate a drone or any other remotely controlled flying object; fly a kite; or release helium balloons, flying lanterns or any other flying object at the MWP.
Rule Link: Mount Pleasant Ordinance
South Dakota
State Laws and Parks
South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks
You cannot use a drone to eavesdrop or engage in any other type of surveillance in a private place. SDCL 22-21-1.
You cannot fly in a manner that causes serious public inconvenience, annoyance, or alarm to any other person, makes unreasonable noise; disturbs any lawful assembly or meeting of persons, or obstructs vehicular or pedestrian traffic. SDCL 22-18-35.
You cannot fly in a manner which interferes with the management of the area or the authorized use of the area by others. ARSD 41:03:01:01.
Rule Link: South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks
Counties, Cities and Towns
City of Aberdeen
The airport manager authorizes limited drone operation in city airspace for hobby or
recreational purposes only, except that it shall be unlawful to exceed such authorization by operating a drone:over property that the operator does not own, unless the property owner consentsand subject to any restrictions that the property owner may place on such operation
over property owned, leased, or operated by the city, including but not limited to airports, parks, lakes, public swimming pools, trails, parking lots, and buildings, except drones may be operated in conformity with this section:
over the following city properties, subject to any restrictions thereon
imposed by the city:Northwestern holding pond nature area (near 24th Avenue
Northwest);Baird Park (near 24th Avenue Northeast);
Riverside Memorial Park holding pond area; end
Kuhnert Arboretum on Dakota Street South; and
Moccasin Creek Soccer Complex from Melqaard Road north to the
lateral line of 12th Avenue Southeast and from South Cochrane
Street west to Moccasin Creek:
Rule Link: Aberdeen Drone Code
State Laws and Parks
Tennessee State Parks
The use of drones in state parks, and state natural areas, is prohibited except in rare circumstances. Such instances require prior permission from the Park Manager and the issuance of a permit.
Rule Link: Tennessee State Parks
Counties, Cities and Towns
Davidson County
No person shall voluntarily bring, land or cause to descend or alight within or upon any park, any airplane, flying machine, balloon, parachute, or other apparatus for aviation. "Voluntarily," in this connection shall mean anything other than a forced landing.
Any landing other than one caused by mechanical or structural failure of the aircraft or any of its parts shall be deemed to have been made voluntarily, and this shall include landings caused by error or oversight, negligence or failure to comply with FAA regulations or rulings.
Rule Link: Davidson County Ordinance
City of Nashville
Metro Parks is not able to permit the use of drones in parks outside of designated flying areas for any purpose, including photography or filming. Metro Ordinances require that no person shall voluntarily bring, land or cause to descent or alight within or upon any park, any airplane, flying machine, balloon, parachute, or other apparatus for aviation (which includes drones). "Voluntarily", in this connection shall mean anything other than a forced landing.
Rule Link: City of Nashville Drone Rules
State Laws and Parks
Texas State Parks
Martin Dies, Jr. offers a zone for flying remote-controlled aircraft (including drones).
You can request a filming permit for your craft at any park by contacting that park.
Allow several weeks for us to review your request.
Drones are allowed in state parks in two circumstances:
Martin Dies, Jr. State Park has a designated area.
For filming purposes at other parks. You must obtain a filming permit from the park.
Rule Link: Texas State Parks FAQ, Texas State Parks Rules
Counties, Cities and Towns
Harris County
A person may not operate a drone or model aircraft in a park except in a specifically designated area, and the drone or model aircraft must remain in the operator’s line of sight, unless otherwise authorized in writing by the Park Superintendent.
Rule Link: Harris County Park Rules
State Laws and Parks
Utah State Parks
Dead Horse Point is a small state park that often experiences high levels of visitation. In order to protect peoples’ privacy and enjoyment, along with the well-being of wildlife, drones are prohibitedfrom March through October of each year throughout the entire park.
Between November 1st and the last day of February of each year, drone use is permitted by permit only. Permits cost $10 per day and forms may be obtained online or at the visitor center. Please download the form and bring it with you to expedite the approval process at the visitor’s center. Permits must be approved by park staff at the visitor center (open 9 am-5 pm; closed Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years’).
With a permit, drones for recreational use are allowed in
Jordanelle State Park
Wasatch Mountain State Park
Fred Hayes State Park
Sand Hollow State Park
Drone use is by permit only in Great Salt Lake State Park. Permits may be obtained at the Visitor Center or Entrance Station for a fee of $1.00. You may also print the form here and bring it with you.
Drones are prohibited at Antelope Island State Park from March – November. Drones are allowed by permit only from December – February. Day-of permits are available from the park visitor center during open hours. Please contact for more information.
Due to its proximity to the Provo Airport Utah Lake State Park is a no-fly zone for drones.
Due to drone regulations being on a park-by-park basis, this list may be incomplete. Please visit the Utah DNR website and find your desired park to verify their drone rules.
Rule Link: Utah State DNR
Counties, Cities and Towns
No city, county or town laws prohibit the use of drones or operations.
State Laws and Parks
Vermont State Parks
Aircraft are not allowed in State Parks and Forests facilities without the written approval of the Commissioner of Forests, Parks and Recreation except in an emergency.
Rule Link: Vermont State Parks
Counties, Cities and Towns
Town of Colchester
No person shall operate, direct or be responsible for any aircraft, helicopter, glider, balloon, parachute, uav, drone or other aerial apparatus that shall take off from, operate within, or land within park property except in emergency law enforcement situations or when permission has been obtained from the Director.
No person shall launch or operate any radio-controlled model rocket, airplane, glider, boat, car or similar vehicle without permission from the Director.
Rule Link: Town of Colchester Rules
State Laws and Parks
Virginia State Parks
Recreational or hobbyist flights of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) is prohibited on DCR lands. Persons who seek to use unmanned aircraft on a DCR State Park or Natural Area Preserve for commercial or approved research operations shall apply for a special use permit at the site’s office prior to engaging or participating in this activity.
A commercial operation is defined as use of a UAS by a business to collect data or images for business purposes.
The permit must be on hand while engaged in the activity.
Permit applicant must provide copies of the following:
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Remote Pilot Certificate for the remote pilot-in-command during the operation of the UAS
FAA UAS registration for all UAS vehicles that will be used in the operation
Pre-flight checklist
Emergency response plan
Proof of liability insurance in the amount of $1M
Purpose of flight
Flight plan with maps
A copy of the research permit if the use of the UAS is for research purposes
Rule Link: Virginia State Parks
Counties, Cities and Towns
Prince William County
The following acts are violations of this chapter: Operating or permitting to be operated any powered model aircraft in the outdoors during the nighttime. Any person desiring to use county parks or facilities to operate such aircraft at any time must first obtain permission from the park authority.
Rule Link: Prince William County
York County
No person shall fly or control from a public area any type of airborne equipment, including, but not limited to, model airplanes (radio- and wire-controlled) and hot air balloons, without a permit from the appropriate governing official.
Rule Link: York County Ordinance
State Laws and Parks
Washington State Parks
State parks allows the use of remote-controlled aircraft, also known as drones or unmanned aircraft systems, on a limited basis.
Permits are required for each instance of use. For more information or to submit an application, start by contacting the park where you want to fly.
For adequate processing time, submit your permit application to the park 60 days or more prior to the date you plan to fly your remote-controlled aircraft.
A non-refundable application fee of $25 is due upon submission of a permit. Additional fees may be assessed.
Rule Link: Washington State Parks
Permit Link: Washington State Park Application
Washington Department of Transportation
Starting April 1, 2022, commercially operated drones in Washington state are required by law to register with our Aviation Division. Registration is necessary for drone owners who operate their systems under 14 CFR Part 107 rules for compensation or hire, or as an extension of a business activity
Rule Link: Washington DOT Rules and Registration
Counties, Cities and Towns
Snohomish County
No person shall operate any radio/remote controlled unmanned aircraft or self propelled model airplane, glider, car, boat or any model rocket within a county park except in areas specifically designated by the parks division and posted for such use.
Rule Link: Snohomish County Park Rules
City of Seattle
It is unlawful to operate any motorized model aircraft or motorized model watercraft in any park except at places set apart by the Superintendent for such purposes or as authorized by a permit from the Superintendent.
Flying an Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS or “Drone”) in the City of Seattle for commercial photography purposes requires operators to be fully licensed by the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA), as well as follow all 14 CFR Part 107 requirements.
In some instances, a City of Seattle Master Film Permit is required for use.
Rule Link: City of Seattle Municipal Code
Permit Link: Seattle Filming Permit Application
Washington State Capital
Launching, landing, or operating an unmanned aircraft from or on lands and waters within the boundaries of the state capitol campus is prohibited except for the exclusions listed under WAC 200-250-040
Rule Link: Washington Capital Drone Rule
Eastern Washington University
A university employee or student who wishes to operate a drone as part of their university employment or an official university activity must contact the director
Anyone planning to use a drone on or above Eastern Washington University property for a nonuniversity purpose shall:
(1) Obtain approval from the director;
Provide proof of FAA approval;
Enter into a contract which holds the university harmless from any resultant claims or harm to individuals and damage to university property; and
Provide proof of insurance as required by the director.
Rule Link: Eastern Washington University Drone Rules
City of Bellevue Park
Drones are not allowed in Bellevue Parks to ensure the safety and enjoyment of all visitors. Private and commercial requests to operate drones (UAS) will not be approved to take off/land/operate on parks property unless the applicant is a Local Government Agency, one of the City’s non-profit community partners, or an entity with an easement or right of entry over the proposed flight area. All other private and commercial requests will not be approved.
Pilots are encouraged to use their drones at Marymoor Park Airfield. This nearby alternative welcomes recreational model aircraft. Drone users need to register with the FAA and follow the safety and liability requirements of the MAR/C Club. Follow the above link to register and become a member.
Rule Link: Bellevue Park Drone Policy
Olympic Coast National Sanctuary
Olympic Coast regulations prohibit disturbing wildlife in the sanctuary by operating aircraft below 2,000 feet above ground level, within one nautical mile of the coast and offshore rocks and islands.
West Virginia
State Laws and Parks
West Virginia State Parks
Permit the use of drones within State Parks, Forests and Rail Trails. Persons who intend to operate an unmanned aircraft system shall register at the area superintendent’s office prior to engaging or participating in the operation of any unmanned aircraft system and specify where the activity will take place.
A superintendent may only prohibit, issue directives, or implement time and place restrictions on unmanned aircraft system use in areas or portions thereof in order to:
protect the safety and privacy of other park users,
protect area facilities,
protect the peaceful and quiet atmosphere of the area, or
prevent harassment of wildlife. Enr. CS for HB 4607 5 Upon registration the superintendent shall provide a list and map to the unmanned aircraft system operator of any prohibited areas within the park. Participants in drone operation activities assume full responsibility and liability for any risk or injury related to using an unmanned aircraft system.
Rule Link: West Virginia State Parks
Counties, Cities and Towns
No city, county or town laws prohibit the use of drones or operations.
State Laws and Parks
Wisconsin State Parks
The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), also known as drones, and other flying-related activities, including but not limited to, hang gliding, parasailing, hot air ballooning, land sailing, flying model airplanes, or sky diving, is prohibited, except where posted for their use, at state parks, state recreation areas, state natural areas, the Kettle Moraine and Point Beach state forests, and the Lower Wisconsin state riverway per Wis. Adm. Code ch. NR 45.04(1)(c) [exit DNR].
Richard Bong State Recreation Area has an area where visitors may fly model airplanes, rockets, hang gliders and hot air balloons.
All flying-related activities take place in the Special Use Zone.
Visitors must call ahead at least a week before their planned event for permission to use the area, which is often booked in advance for specific activities
Counties, Cities and Towns
Waukesha County
To fly an unmanned aircraft in any Waukesha County Park, you must first obtain a permit.
The permit is good for one year from the purchase date.
Complete the no-charge application process online.
Rule Link: Waukesha County Park Rules
Permit Link: Waukesha Drone Permit Application
Kenosha County
To possess or operate a remote controlled or other type of self-propelled model airplane, rockets or to possess other airborne devices in any County Park.
Rule Link: Kenosha County Municipal Code
City of Chetek
Except as otherwise provided in this section, no drones shall be operated at or above a height in excess of the height limit indicated on the map referred to in Subsection (b) of this section.
Rule Link: City of Chetek Ordinance
City of Green Bay
Prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person or entity to fly or operate a drone, as defined in Wis. Stats. 175.55(1)(a), below an altitude of 400 feet within the designated boundaries of a special event during the scheduled time of the event.
This subsection shall not apply to authorized public safety agencies or operators having obtained approval from the event organizer or from the Federal Aviation Administration.
Rule Link: Green Bay Drone Rules
Town of Greenfield
No person shall launch, land or operate a UAV within 100 feet of any individual except the operator and assistant operator.
No person shall launch or land a UAV from any private property without the consent of the property owner.
No person shall launch, land or operate a UAV within 500 feet of any festival, event, picnic, protest or public assembly of more than 100 persons.
No person shall allow the launch or operation of an autonomous UAV.No person shall launch, land or operate a UAV in a manner so as to endanger the safety of any person or property. The operation of a UAV while under the influence of intoxicants or any other drug constitutes reckless operation.
No person shall operate a UAV in such a way as to harass, intimidate or otherwise cause a disturbance
No person shall launch, land or operate any UAV within 500 feet of any emergency vehicle which is operating its emergency lights or siren.
No person shall launch, land or operate a UAV within 500 feet of any active law enforcement, firefighting or emergency response incident.
No person shall launch, land or operate any UAV within 500 feet of a school while school is in session or during school-sponsored events without prior authorization of the principal of the school or district administration.
No person shall launch, land, or operate a UAV within 500 feet of any law enforcement, jail or municipal lockup facility.
Rule Link: Town of Greenfield Ordiance Drones
University of Wisconsin - La Crosse
Third parties or hobbyists planning to use a UAS must
Provide proof of a Part 107 Remote Pilot Certificate or other proof of FAA approval
Be under a contract which holds the university harmless from any resulting claims or harm to individuals and damage to university property
Provide Risk Management with certificate of insurance meeting requirements: General Liability = $1,000,000 per occurrence; Aircraft Liability = $1,000,000
Drones operated near residential buildings must remain 100 feet from the building or contact Housing 24 hours in advance of flight and receive approval to be closer the building.
Univserstiy of Wisconsin- Whitewater
A university employee or student planning to operate an unmanned aircraft system (UAS) as part of their university employment or used in support of research, teaching or testing as part of a university program on or off university lands or property must first contact the institution's risk management department or other administrative department as determined by the university
If any third party or hobbyist wishes to use a UAS or model aircraft over university lands or property, the individual must receive approval through the institution's risk management department or other administrative department as determined by the university.
Additionally, any student, student organization, student group or club, third party or hobbyist must adhere to all campus policies and proper proof of insurance must be approved and filed with the University Risk Management Office prior to use. Such evidence of insurance must include general liability coverage with a $2,00,000 per occurrence limit.
Rule Link: UWW Drone Rules
Western Technial College
A College employee Pilot in Command (PIC) planning to conduct or supervise drone flight used in support of teaching must be authorized by the division dean or associate dean.
Any College drone operation over non-college private property or publicly owned property not open for public recreational use must have prior approval by both the property owner and senior leader or designee
Any College drone operation over non-college publicly owned property open for public recreational use must comply with all applicable laws or regulations.
Rule Link: Western Technical College Drone Policy
State Laws and Parks
Wyoming State Parks
The operation or use of aircraft on lands or waters other than at landing areas designated in special regulations is prohibited. Where water surface is designated as a landing area, the operation or use of aircraft on the water within 500 feet of beach areas, boat docks, piers, ramps, or within one (1) mile of water control structures is prohibited.
Rule Link: Wyoming State Parks
Counties, Cities and Towns
No city, county or town laws prohibit the use of drones or operations.