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Agency Tracking

A snapshot view or a deep dive by day, position and shift; Your choice!

Updated over a year ago

First we will note, the defaulted screen is to your current month, utilize the filters for a specific date range or the buttons on top to toggle month-to-month.

This page also defaults to show you data from all agencies, use the dropdown menu on the right to break it down by agency as well.

Now, lets take a look at these five black cards on top:

These first four are showing you your averages per-a-day based on the dates and agencies filtered above.

  1. Nursing Assistant, average shift per-a-day

  2. LPN, average shift per-a-day

  3. RN, average shift per-a-day

  4. Average Total Agency shifts per-a-day

The fifth card is showing you your total monthly agency cost for the date range and agencies filtered. Keep in mind, these are under estimates, not including any differentials etc.

Here we see our chart breakdown by day, position and shift:

We'll go left to right;

  1. Date

    • Finding the date you are looking to delve into

  2. NA Shifts

    • Nursing Assistant agency usage breakdown

    • Day shift

    • Evening shift

    • Night Shift

    • Total Nursing Assistant usage

  3. LPN Shifts

    • LPN agency usage breakdown

    • Day shift

    • Evening shift

    • Night Shift

    • Total LPN usage

  4. RN Shifts

    • RN agency usage breakdown

    • Day shift

    • Evening shift

    • Night Shift

    • Total RN usage

  5. Lastly, all the way to the right, you have your total shifts by date.

At the bottom of your chart;

  1. You will find your total count by shifts and cost based on your filters set above

  2. If you are filtered to a specific agency it will also display your contracted rates

  3. This file is exportable to excel, just keep in mind, it will only export the displayed data

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