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Awake Labs 2.1 Release Notes

This release notes highlights new features of the Fitbit watch technology and the support it provides to caregivers and self-advocates.

Written by Yvonne Osagie
Updated over a week ago


What’s New

How to download the updates

  • Is your phone an Android?

  • Is your phone an Apple?

Baseline Capture for Fitbit

  • What is a Baseline?

  • New Baseline Capture features

    • Scheduling daily baseline captures

    • Running immediate baseline capture

Mobile Login

How to download the updates

  • Is your phone an Android?

  • Is your phone an Apple?

Will you contact us if you have feedback?

What’s New

This release contains enhancements to Awake Labs version 2.1

Highlights of the contents include:

  • Updates to Baseline Capture for Fitbit

    • Ability to set a daily baseline capture

      • Ability to manually capture baseline

  • New Awake Labs mobile login

How to download the updates

You need to download an update to the Fitbit and Awake Labs mobile app in order to take advantage of the new functionality mentioned in these release notes.

Is your phone an Android?

  • Updating your Fitbit

    1. Make sure your Fitbit is connected to your phone

    2. On your Android phone navigate to the Fitbit mobile application

    3. Click the account button in the top left of the application

    4. Click the Sense or Versa 3 link

    5. Click Gallery

    6. Click on the Awake Labs clock face

    7. Click the Update button and wait for it to complete installing

      Note: It may take up to 15 minutes for your watch to start sending data again. Keep your watch and phone connected.

    8. After it is finished installing click See all details

    9. Scroll to the bottom and verify that the version number is 2.1.1 Note: This may also take a few minutes to update.

  • Updating your Awake Labs mobile application

    1. Open your Android phone

    2. Navigate to the Play Store

    3. Click on the account icon in the top right of the screen

    4. Click Manage apps & device

    5. There will be two options, Update all or See details, click See details

      Note: if you don’t see those options and the option reads See recent update, the update of the Awake Labs mobile might have run automatically. Skip to step 8.

    6. Find the Awake Labs app and click Update

    7. Wait for the application to finish installing

    8. Open the Awake Labs mobile application

    9. Click on any participants card

    10. Click the hamburger menu in the top left and Click Settings

    11. You have successfully updated the mobile version if it reads 2.1.6

Is your phone an Apple?

  • Updating your Fitbit clock

    1. Make sure your watch is connected to your phone

    2. On your iPhone navigate to the Fitbit application

    3. Click the account button in the top left of the application

    4. Click the Sense link

    5. Click Gallery

    6. Click on the Awake Labs clock face

    7. Click the Update button and wait for it to complete installing

      Note: It may take up to 15 minutes for your watch to start sending data again. Keep your watch and phone connected.

    8. After it is finished installing click See all details

    9. Scroll to the bottom and verify that the version number is 2.1.1 Note: This may also take a few minutes to update.

  • Updating your Awake Labs mobile application

    1. Open your iPhone

    2. Navigate to the App Store

    3. Click Update

    4. Wait for the application to finish installing

    5. Open the Awake Labs mobile application

    6. Click on any participants card

    7. Click the hamburger menu in the top left and Click Settings

    8. You have successfully updated the mobile version if it reads 2.1.6

Baseline Capture for Fitbit

What is a Baseline?

A baseline is a measurement of calm for the person wearing the watch. A person’s baseline can change. That is why it is important to collect a baseline measurement at least once a day. If a baseline is captured when the person wearing the watch is agitated, stressed, or excited, the readings on the mobile app can be inaccurate.

For Fitbit watches

With previous iterations of the Awake Labs Fitbit wearable the baseline was captured thirty minutes after a watch wearer woke up or turned on their Fitbit. To give more flexibility to caregivers and the watch wearers Awake Labs has made updates to how the baseline can be captured.

For Samsung watches

No functionality is changing. The baseline will still be captured every time the watch is turned on. Remember it is important to turn the watch off and on daily for the watch to capture the baseline.

New Baseline Capture features

Scheduling daily baseline captures

You will now be able to set the time that the baseline will capture on a daily basis for each of your participants. Follow the steps below to set up a participant’s daily baseline.

  1. Open your Awake Labs mobile application

  2. Click the Hamburger menu button

  3. Click Your Account

  4. Click View connected devices

  5. Find the participant that you are updating and click the down arrow to expand the participant view

  6. Click Last baseline capture

  7. Click Schedule Time

  8. Enter the time that you wish the baseline to capture daily for this participant

  9. Click Yes to save the scheduled time

Important things to note about the scheduled time

  • When setting the scheduled time it will not take effect until the next day.

    • Example: It is 8:27 AM right now. I set the schedule time for 8:30 AM. The first time it will run for that watch wearer will be 8:30 AM tomorrow and every subsequent day at 8:30 AM.

  • The watch must be connected in order to run the baseline capture at the scheduled time.

  • The participant also must be awake and not engaging in exercise in order for the schedule baseline to run. If the participant is asleep during the scheduled time, the baseline capture will run 30 minutes after the participant has been awake.

Running immediate baseline capture

For instances where the scheduled baseline capture was taken during an inopportune time, you will now have the ability to start an immediate baseline capture for the person wearing the watch.

This might happen if the watch wearer was in a state of agitation, excitement or stress when the baseline was captured. That will make the readings innaccurate. Fortunately, you can refresh the baseline up to 4x per day!

  1. From the Baseline Capture screen click the Refresh baseline button

  2. A pop-up will appear indicating how many immediate baseline captures this participant has left today, click Yes to run the baseline capture right now

  3. A screen will appear letting you know that the baseline will be captured for this participant

  4. Exit Connected Devices and click Home for the watch wearer. If their watch is connected, it will show the baseline being captured

  5. Once the baseline capture has been completed you can go back to the Your connected devices screen to see the Last baseline capture date and time have been updated

Important things to note about the immediate baseline capture

  • Each watch wearer can only have 4 immediate baseline captures each day. Once the fourth capture has been completed, the next time a capture can occur is the next day.

  • The watch must be connected in order to run the baseline capture immediately

  • There is a 30 minute period before and after the scheduled baseline capture where an immediate baseline capture will not be allowed

  • There is a 30 minute period after an immediate baseline capture has completed where another immediate baseline capture will not be allowed

Messaging when an immediate baseline capture cannot be executed



A scheduled baseline capture is running

A scheduled refresh is already in progress. Wait for this to complete and then try again. You may have to wait up to 30 minutes.

An immediate event is running or queued to run

We're already preparing a baseline refresh for this watch wearer, please wait a moment.

Maximum number of immediate baseline captures has been exceeded

This watch wearer has run out of refreshes for today. Try again tomorrow.

30 minute cool down for immediate baseline capture

Too fast! You will need to wait a period of time before attempting another refresh. This waiting period may last up to 30 minutes.

30 minute cool down for schedule baseline capture

The scheduled baseline recently completed. You will need to wait a period of time before attempting another refresh. This waiting period may last up to 30 minutes.

30 minutes leading up to schedule baseline capture

A scheduled baseline refresh will begin shortly for your participant.

Mobile Login

The Awake Labs mobile application’s login screen has a new design.

Views of the new design

  • Login page

  • Country selection

  • Populated login page

  • Forgot password?

    • Clicking forget password will take you to instructions on how to request a password reset. Forgot password link

  • Create account

    • Clicking forget password will take you to instructions on how to request a password reset. Create account link

Error Messages

  • Email required

  • Password required

  • Incorrect login information

How to download the updates

You need to download an update to the Fitbit and Awake Labs mobile app in order to take advantage of the new functionality mentioned in these release notes.

Is your phone an Android?

  • Updating your Fitbit

    1. Make sure your Fitbit is connected to your phone

    2. On your Android phone navigate to the Fitbit mobile application

    3. Click the account button in the top left of the application

    4. Click the Sense or Versa 3 link

    5. Click Gallery

    6. Click on the Awake Labs clock face

    7. Click the Update button and wait for it to complete installing

      Note: It may take up to 15 minutes for your watch to start sending data again. Keep your watch and phone connected.

    8. After it is finished installing click See all details

    9. Scroll to the bottom and verify that the version number is 2.1.1 Note: This may also take a few minutes to update.

  • Updating your Awake Labs mobile application

    1. Open your Android phone

    2. Navigate to the Play Store

    3. Click on the account icon in the top right of the screen

    4. Click Manage apps & device

    5. There will be two options, Update all or See details, click See details

      Note: if you don’t see those options and the option reads See recent update, the update of the Awake Labs mobile might have run automatically. Skip to step 8.

    6. Find the Awake Labs app and click Update

    7. Wait for the application to finish installing

    8. Open the Awake Labs mobile application

    9. Click on any participants card

    10. Click the hamburger menu in the top left and Click Settings

    11. You have successfully updated the mobile version if it reads 2.1.6

Is your phone an Apple?

  • Updating your Fitbit clock

    1. Make sure your watch is connected to your phone

    2. On your iPhone navigate to the Fitbit application

    3. Click the account button in the top left of the application

    4. Click the Sense link

    5. Click Gallery

    6. Click on the Awake Labs clock face

    7. Click the Update button and wait for it to complete installing

      Note: It may take up to 15 minutes for your watch to start sending data again. Keep your watch and phone connected.

    8. After it is finished installing click See all details

    9. Scroll to the bottom and verify that the version number is 2.1.1 Note: This may also take a few minutes to update.

  • Updating your Awake Labs mobile application

    1. Open your iPhone

    2. Navigate to the App Store

    3. Click Update

    4. Wait for the application to finish installing

    5. Open the Awake Labs mobile application

    6. Click on any participants card

    7. Click the hamburger menu in the top left and Click Settings

    8. You have successfully updated the mobile version if it reads 2.1.6

Will you contact us if you have feedback?

We love to hear from the users of our technology. It’s the best way that we can continue to provide you with a product that you love.

Will you contact us if you have any feedback?

  • Yes

    Great! Thank you. You can share your feedback with us by sending an email to

  • No, thanks

    No problem! We hope you enjoy the Insights feature 🙂

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