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Pay a contractor

Request payment for your contractors

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Written by Tech Support
Updated over 9 months ago

A key component to working with contractors is ensuring that they are paid accurately and on time. Follow the steps below to create a payment request that includes any invoices, contracts, or other paperwork your accounts payable people may need. This payment request will be e-mailed, as a PDF, to your financial team for processing. (Learn how to set up your organization's designated financial e-mail.)

Payment Requests and Invoices

There are two ways to request payment for a contractor.

  • Create a payment request and send it to your financial team.

  • Process a contractor's invoice, using it to create a payment request, then send that request to your financial team.

Here's how to review a Job's current payment requests and invoices:

  1. Go to the Jobs screen and click on the name of the Job you wish to review.

  2. Select the "Payment Requests" tab.

  3. Select "Payment Requests" on the left side of the screen to display the Job's current payment requests and their current statuses.

  4. Select "Invoices" on the left side of the screen to display any invoices you have received from the contractor this Job, and those invoices' current statuses.

Note: If a Job has a new invoice, a "New Invoice" icon will appear next to it on the Jobs screen.

Create a payment request

  1. Click the "Create Payment Request" button to bring up the "Create Payment Request" pop-up window.

  2. Upload the contractor's invoice, or any other necessary paperwork, with the "Upload" interface. (Note that this interface can only upload PDF files.)

  3. Enter the amount of money you wish to pay the contractor. This amount cannot exceed the balance owed to the contractor for the Job. (If the Job is paid out in multiple sums, each sum is subtracted from the displayed balance.)

  4. Enter any message you want to send to your financial team who will be receiving and processing the request. (This is an internal message, and won't be seen by the contractor.)

  5. Check the "Attach Contract" option if you wish to include a copy of the Job's contract with the payment request.

  6. Once you're satisfied with your request, click the "Review and Submit" button to bring up a copy of the payment request to review. If you need to edit the content, click the β€œBack” button and to close the request without sending it. Otherwise, click "Submit" to send it to your organization's Financial Email.

Note: While you can use AWEbase to make or revoke a payment request, AWEbase does not track or send actual payments to the contractor. To discuss processing and tracking payments, contact your organization's financial team.

Process a contractor invoice

  1. Select "Invoices" to display any invoices you've received for the Job.

  2. Click on the invoice you want to process. This will open the invoice slider on the right side of the screen.

  3. Click "View Invoice" to bring up a copy of the invoice to review, then either...

  4. click "Back" to close the invoice,

  5. click "Decline" to decline to decline the invoice (which requires an explanation that is sent to the contractor), or

  6. click "Process Invoice" to create a payment request for the amount listed on the invoice that has the invoice attached, then complete steps 2-6 above.

Payment Status Icons

On the Jobs page, each Job has a "Payment Status," which is indicated by an icon:

  • No Payment Requested: Your organization hasn't requested payment at all for this Job.

  • Partially Requested: Your organization has requested payment (as detailed above) for a portion of the Job's balance, and that payment has not yet been marked as sent.

  • Partially Sent: All requested payments have been marked as sent, but there is still an outstanding balance remaining to be paid on the Job.

  • Fully Requested: Your organization has requested payment (as detailed above) for the Job's entire balance, and that payment has not yet been marked as sent.

  • Fully Sent: Payment for the full balance of the Job has been marked as sent.

Weighted Payment Allocation CSV

To receive a detailed breakdown of payment requests as a CSV email attachment, see the information here.

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