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Invoice a client

Send an invoice to request payment on a Job

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Written by Tech Support
Updated over a week ago

When and how much to invoice your client is between you and them, and may be established in the Job's contract. Some clients prefer you to invoice them when the Job is done; others prefer you don't invoice them at all, as they will request payment on your behalf. You can always use the AWEbase comment system to discuss your client's preferred procedures.

To invoice a client for a Job, do the following:

  1. Go to the Jobs screen and click on the name of the Job for which you wish to submit an invoice.

  2. Click the "Send Invoice" button to open the "Send Invoice" pop-up.

  3. Note the Job Balance. This is the amount the client still owes, plus any invoices that have been submitted but have not yet been processed.

  4. Select either "Generate Invoice" (to create an invoice from scratch), or "Attach Invoice" (to create an invoice from one that already exists).

Generating an Invoice

If you select "Generate Invoice," you can create an invoice from scratch by doing the following:

  1. Enter the payment terms that you and your client have agreed to for this Job.

  2. Enter the amount you want the client to pay.

  3. Enter your VAT and tax withholding information, if required.

  4. Add a message to your client if you wish.

  5. Click "Review and Submit" to bring up a copy of the invoice to review. If you need to edit the content of the contract, click the “Back” button; otherwise, click "Submit" to send the invoice to your client.

Attaching an Invoice

If you have your own invoice that you have already created, you can upload it to AWEbase by selecting "Attach Invoice" and doing the following:

  1. Upload your invoice (which must be a PDF file) by either dragging it from your computer into the browser, or by clicking the “Select a File” button to choose it from your computer.

  2. Enter the invoice number or ID from your invoice.

  3. Enter the amount you want the client to pay.

  4. Add a message to your client if you wish.

  5. Click "Review and Submit" to bring up a copy of the invoice to review. If you need to edit the content of the contract, click the “Back” button; otherwise, click "Submit" to send the invoice to your client.

Note: When you send an invoice to your client, its status is marked as "Submitted."

Once your client submits your invoice to be paid, its status is updated to "Processing."

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