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Create and Customize a Private Subforum

Create and customize private subforum on your community!

Danilo from avatar
Written by Danilo from
Updated over a week ago

๐Ÿค” About Private Subforums

Private Subforums are the perfect way to create restricted areas within your community. If you have different user groups in your community and would like to create specific areas for their discussions to fall under, you can create Private Subforums so only members of that group can access the subforum.

๐Ÿ”ง Setting up a Private Subforum

1. Access your Beam Dashboard and set up your desired User Roles

2, Go to Platform Settings > Subforums

3. Click on the [Add Subforum +] button
โ€‹(Skip to Step 7 if you already have a subforum created)

4. Name your subforum (between 3 to 20 characters) and choose an icon

5. (Optional) Upload a custom image cover for your subforum.

๐Ÿ’กTip: Subforums without a custom image will use the main community banner instead.

โ€‹6. Click on [Add New] to create your subforum

7. Click on the [Edit Roles] button on your desired subforum

8. With the "Members" role selected on the left menu, turn off the "Access Subforum" option

9. Click on the [+] button on the left menu and choose the role you'd like to give access to this subforum

10. With your desired role selected, make sure that the "Access Subforum" setting is turned on

11. Click on [Save] buttons to save your settings

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