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SuperUser: Integrations Settings
SuperUser: Integrations Settings

Empower your teams with integrations that connect Bonzo to external systems and software.

Updated this week

For the SuperUser, the Integrations Settings section is crucial for establishing seamless connectivity and data flow between Bonzo and external systems for your entire organization. With Action Buttons, Event Hooks, Webhooks, and API, you can automate processes, synchronize data, and enhance the overall efficiency of your operations.

System Integration

Action Buttons, located in the System Integrations section of the Integrations settings, are interactive elements that can be configured to initiate various tasks, such as sending data to or triggering an event on an external system. Once set up, these buttons can be accessed and triggered by navigating to an account record and scrolling to the bottom of the "Prospect Data" section.

  1. Click on "System Integration" to manage and create new "Action Buttons."

  2. To add a new action button, click "+Add Action Button" in the top right.

    In the "Label" field, enter the name you want displayed for the button in Bonzo. Paste the URL, typically a Zapier-based webhook link, into the designated field. Lastly, choose a color for the button to make it stand out, which is especially helpful if you have multiple action buttons.

  3. Once created, these buttons are housed in the profile view of a contact record.

    Navigate to your "People" tab under the data dropdown and click into a contact record. Scroll down on the right hand side to the bottom of the "Prospect Data" section. Your new action button can be found under the "Action Buttons" dropdown. Simply click on the button to trigger the webhook.

    It's important to remember that once created at the SuperUser level, action buttons filter down to your teams throughout the organization. This can be a powerful tool for updating records, sending notifications, or executing other predefined tasks in an external system.

Event Hooks

Definition: Event hooks are internal mechanisms within an application that trigger custom actions or functions based on specific events.

SuperUsers can utilize Event Hooks to automate actions in response to specific events occurring within Bonzo. For example, a SuperUser can configure an event hook to notify external systems or automatically trigger workflows whenever a specified event occurs in Bonzo, such as lead updates or changes in a prospect's status. These hooks must be applied at the team level.

  1. Click on "Event Hooks" under the "Integrations Settings." Here you can select a team from the dropdown menu in the top right and view any created event hooks or create a new event hook.

  2. To create a new event hook, click on "+Add Hook" in the top right corner. Enter the URL where Bonzo should post notifications in the first field. Copy the security code by clicking on the "page" icon. Then, scroll down and select the appropriate event or events for this hook. For example, you could set a trigger to notify an external system or activate workflows whenever a prospect is created in Bonzo.

    It's important to note that each event hook can have multiple event triggers.

  3. Once configured for a specific team, the event hooks will be visible to top-visible users that have access to them. Only the SuperUser will be able to update or delete the event hook.


Definition: webhooks are HTTP callbacks that send real-time data or notifications to external systems when certain events occur, facilitating cross-application communication and integration.

When set up by the SuperUser, these Webhooks efficiently transport event driven data—known as payloads—from the external source directly into your teams' Bonzo accounts. Just like event hooks, webhooks must be configured for each individual team.

Lead Generation Webhooks are typically set up and managed by the Bonzo Integrations Team, ensuring a stable integration. However, SuperUsers can manually create Webhooks by following these steps.

  1. Navigate to the settings menu located in the upper left-hand corner of your screen. Scroll down to "Integrations" and click on "Webhooks."

    Here, you'll see any previously created Webhooks and their statuses.

  2. To create a new Webhook, click on the "Add Webhook" button.

  3. First, give your Webhook a name that clearly indicates its purpose. Next, select the team you want to set up the Webhook for from the "Select Team" dropdown menu.

  4. For the following fields, decide where you want these leads to go. You can assign them to a team's previously created campaign or pipeline stage. If these fields are left blank, the lead will be pushed into your team's People tab, and they will be able to manually move them from there.

  5. Select the integration you're using to connect to Bonzo. If you don't see the system listed, just select Bonzo.

    It's important to note, if you see the name of the product you'd like to connect to Bonzo listed here, select it. This means our integrations team has already done the necessary work to ensure the connection is seamless.

  6. For Webhook settings, check the boxes if you would like the following rules to apply to this webhook:

    Merge Duplicates: All new, incoming leads possessing a matching email/or phone number will merge with the existing contact, overwriting the old data. If not checked any new, incoming leads with a matching email and/or phone number will be rejected as a duplicate, and won't be added to the team's database.

    For SuperUsers, this feature requires that the 'user_id' parameter be explicitly included in the webhook payload. This parameter is essential for resolving duplicates; without it, the merge process will fail. The 'user_id' must be managed and integrated by the person creating the integration, as it is not automatically added by Bonzo.

    Re-attach Duplicates to a Campaign or Pipeline: any contacts pushed through this Webhook that already exist in your team's Bonzo account will be restarted on the campaign or pipeline that the Webhook is set up for. This means that if Bonzo finds a duplicate match, it will restart the campaign or pipeline for those contacts.

    Mute: turns off in-app notifications for this Webhook, meaning users won't be notified when new leads are pushed over into Bonzo.

    Disable Webhook: temporarily deactivates the Webhook. The Webhook stops accepting new prospects but you and your team retain access to previous log data. To permanently remove a Webhook, go to the Webhooks page, click on the three vertical dots (breadcrumbs), and select "Delete." Note that deleting a Webhook will result in the loss of all established routing rules and log data.

    Run Scrubber: compares all new, incoming lead numbers to those found on the national "Do Not Contact" list. If identified as DNC the Webhook will still push the contact into your team's Bonzo account, but the Scrubber will mark them as DNC. It's important to note that "Run DNC Scrubber" is a feature only found on accounts that have migrated to our new Token-based Communication System.

  7. In the advanced settings, you'll find the callback URL. This URL is where you can pass lead information to another system.

  8. Once everything looks good, click "Create" to finalize the Webhook.

  9. Once you've created the Webhook, it will appear in your Webhooks tab and will be visible to any top-level users on the assigned team. These top-level users, typically team leads, can edit the Webhook, create specific routing and mapping for their team, and view the logs of data pushed into their team's accounts.


SuperUsers have the ability to configure Application Programming Interface (API) that allows software systems to communicate with Bonzo. Further, it provides protocols and tools for building applications, enabling SuperUsers to integrate external systems and enhance Bonzo's functionality.

  1. Click on "API" under "Integrations" to see any currently configured API and create new connections by clicking "+ Add Token" in the top right.

  2. API tokens act as authentication keys and are tied to the permissions of the user account that created them, with the ability to scope the specific permissions for those tokens down to specific resources on this screen below.

    API tokens are NOT related to the tokens used as internal digital currency in Bonzo.

    First name the token and then check the appropriate boxes for the scope of the API (multiple boxes can be checked). Any user type in Bonzo can utilize Bonzo's API and create a new token, but as stated above, tokens are tied to the permissions of the user account that created them.

    For instance, if a team uses the API to sync prospect data from an outside system, and those prospects will be owned by multiple team members, the API token must be created from the Team Lead or SuperUser account. Creating the token from a Team Member account would restrict API interactions to managing only those prospects owned by that specific Team Member.

    Once scoping is complete, click "Create" to finalize.

  3. Next, you will be provided with the token link that you can utilize for API authorization with your external systems.

    As stated above the link, you won't be able to access this unique token again once you leave this window. Make sure to store the token link securely.

  4. Back on the main API page, click on "Documentation" to access Bonzo's public API information. This documentation, available at, is updated live as the API evolves. While interacting with APIs may not be common for the average Bonzo user, it offers a wealth of options for SuperUsers and Enterprise tech and marketing departments looking to extend Bonzo's functionality.

Import to CRM Accounts

CRM Import Accounts allow users to integrate and import data from external CRM systems, such as HubSpot, by pasting an API key and creating the integration. This feature is effective for users like Team Leads who need to synchronize and manage prospect data seamlessly within Bonzo.

However, it is not functional for SuperUsers because these seat types are administrative and do not own prospects or manage individual data entries. SuperUsers are designed to oversee administrative functions rather than perform direct data imports, which are typically handled by user accounts associated with specific teams. Therefore, the CRM Import feature is specifically tailored for users who require direct interaction with CRM data.

By understanding and utilizing these integration settings, SuperUsers can greatly enhance productivity and ensure seamless data synchronization for their teams across mutiple platforms. The tools listed above empower teams to integrate Bonzo with other software and external systems, enhancing the overall business efficiency of their digital ecosystem.

To learn more about the SuperUser, please click the box below.

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