Navigate to the Discount Codes section
If you are on a booking management plan with us, you will be able to start creating a discount code by clicking on the pink button
If you are not on a plan that includes this feature, your screen will look slightly different, but can reach out to discuss upgrading your plan by hitting the pink button
Create your Discount Code
Once you click Create Discount, you'll enter a page where you can set up your code and put in place a number of flexible rules or restrictions that suit your needs.
Summary Box
The summary box will show you a dynamic overview of any settings you have put in place, as well as telling you whether the code is On or Off.
On or Off
A code that is Off will not be redeemable by your customers. You can use this to create codes that don't need to go live yet.
If you want your code to be instantly usable and redeemable, ensure you toggle this to ON before you save your code (you can freely change this at any point after saving).
Name your code
Give your code any name using numbers or letters, as long as it's between 3 and 15 characters!
Important to note:
You can't ever make two discount codes with the same name, even once a code has expired. Please bear this in mind when choosing the name for your discount code.
Discount Type
You can choose to discount a fixed amount (e.g Β£10) or a percentage of the booking total.
If you choose a percentage, you have the option of capping the maximum amount that can be discounted from the booking. For example, you could create a code that is 15% off but only up to a maximum discount of Β£30.
Note: you can create a discount code that will discount 100% of the booking, meaning your customer may check out for free.
Note: discounts apply to the whole order including Add-Ons
Valid for
In this section, you can choose what kinds of activities your code can be redeemed against. By default, your code will be valid on all of your activities.
If you only want your code to be valid for specific activities, you can select this option and choose which activities in the pop-up. If someone tries to use the code on any other activity, it won't work!
If you want your code to only be valid on certain activity categories, such as Holiday Camps, you can select this option and choose the category
Ticket type
By default, your code will be valid on any ticket type. However, you can use this setting to restrict your code so that it is only be redeemable when someone purchases either an individual ticket (single session) or a block ticket.
Note: codes are not yet supported on subscription ticket types
Maximum discount uses
Here you can choose to cap the total amount of times your code can be redeemed. For example, if you want your code to expire after 50 redemptions, enter 50 into the box.
If you want each customer to only be able to redeem your code once, as opposed to each customer being able to redeem a code an unlimited amount of times, you can toggle the second setting in this section.
For example, you can create a code which will expire after 50 redemptions, but can only be used once per customer. This ensures that 50 different people will be able to redeem your code instead of one person redeeming it 50 times.
Note: You can edit the maximum total number of redemptions at any point to reactivate a code that has been fully used.
Customer eligibility
Here you can choose whether your code is for all types of customers or first-time bookers only.
Note: We confirm first-time bookers by their phone number. If no previous record of a booking is found under that phone number, the discount will apply.
Minimum purchase requirements
Here, you can choose whether your code is valid only when someone purchases a minimum amount of sessions, or checks out with a minimum amount of attendees.
For example, you could create a code that will only work when someone books at least 10 sessions. This could be a block or 10 single sessions unless you specify Ticket Type rules in the Valid for section.
If you specify a minimum amount of attendees, such as 2, the code will only apply if someone books for at least 2 attendees in one go. This is handy for things like sibling discounts.
Active dates
Here you can set the dates between which your code is 'live' and redeemable. By default, it will be valid from today's date and never expire.
You can edit the expiry date at any point to extend the duration of a promotional discount, even after your code has been redeemed.
Editing a code
Once you have created a code, you can edit any of the sections freely before it has been redeemed.
Once your code has been redeemed by at least one customer, the only editable fields will be the maximum total redemptions and the end date, so that you can remove a code from expired status. All other sections will be locked, so please bear this in mind when creating a code by double checking that you have used the correct settings.
Once you have created a code, you will then be able to view, edit and manage your discount codes. You will also be able to see data and financial information about discount code redemptions. To read more about this, click here!
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us on