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How to view financial and redemption data for your discount codes
How to view financial and redemption data for your discount codes
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Written by Support Pebble
Updated over 8 months ago

Once you have created at least one discount code, you will be able to view and manage your codes, as well as view data about your discount code redemptions.

To learn about how to create your discount code, and what you can do with our discount code creation settings, click here!

Your Discount Summary Data

Once you have created at least one discount code, you'll see the following page with some data across the top and a list of your codes at the bottom:

At the top of the page, you will notice four sections each displaying data. Here's what they mean:


This number represents the total amount spent by your customers on bookings after promotional discounts have been applied.

For example if a 10% code was applied to a £10 booking, then £1 would be discounted and £9 feeds into your Revenue data.

The Profit figure below your revenue amount is the total revenue minus the expense of your promotions.

Note that both of these numbers represent totals before any Pebble/transaction fees have been applied.


This number represents how much money has been discounted from customer bookings.

For example if a 10% code was applied to a £10 booking, then £1 would be discounted and this feeds into your Expense data.

Total Redemptions

This number tells you how many times customers have redeemed a discount code and made a booking for your activities. This is your all-time total.

Redeemed last 7 days

This number tells you how many times customers have redeemed a discount code and made a booking for your activities over the last 7 days.

Your List of Discounts

In this list, you can see the same data which sits the top of the page on each row, so that you can review how your codes are performing independently.

Colour Coding

You will notice a colour code system on the left-hand side of the table. Here's what the colours mean:

  • Green: Code is On and redeemable

  • Grey: Code is Off and not redeemable

  • Red: Code is Expired and cannot be turned On

On/Off toggle

You can freely use the On/Off toggle on each row to change the status of your codes, as long as they are not expired.

Expired Codes

If your code is expired, either the Uses figure or the Available date will turn red to indicate which setting has caused it to expire.

You can edit a code and readjust the maximum total uses or the end date to extend your code and remove the Expired tag.


You can filter your list of discount codes so that you are only looking at codes that are On, Off, or Expired.

Note, that if you are using one of the filters, you will need to refresh the page before you see your codes in their correctly filtered list

Your Redemptions

If you toggle over from the Discounts view to the Redemptions view, you will see a list of all customers who have redeemed your discounts.

Redemptions Searching

You can search your redemptions to quickly filter or find data. Here's what you can enter into the search box:

1. Discount Code Name

If you enter a specific discount code into the search box, you will see a filtered list of all redemptions for that discount.

2. Customer (parent/guardian) Name

If you enter a specific customer name (this is the person who made the booking) into the search box, you will see a filtered list of every redemption associated with that customer.

3. Attendee Name

If you enter a specific attendee name (this is the person who is named on the ticket) into the search box, you will see a filtered list of every redemption associated with that attendee.

4. Customer Phone Number

If you enter a phone number into the search box, you will see a filtered list of every redemption associated with that phone number.

5. Customer Email Address

If you enter an email address into the search box, you will see a filtered list of every redemption associated with that phone number.

Redemptions Financial Data

If you make a search in the search box, you'll notice that the summary statistics at the top of the page will change. The data across the top of the page will dynamically change to give you total of all the filtered data based on your search.

For example if you enter a specific discount code into the search box, the data across the top will update to give you statistics just for that particular code.

If you have any questions or feedback on this feature, please feel free to reach out to

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