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How to use the Customer Directory
Support Pebble avatar
Written by Support Pebble
Updated over 3 months ago

1. Access

You can access the directory of all your customers by navigating to the Customers section in the side bar.

2. Customer List

Here you can see a list of your entire customer-base.

  • A customer is the person who made the booking or the account-holder, classified by their unique email address

  • You can see attendees associated with a customer by using the toggle in the top-left

  • The list is sorted by Latest Booking date, meaning that customers who booked an activity recently will be displayed at the top

  • You can search your directory to find any customer. This will search your directory for data that matches, or is a close match to, any of the following:

    • Customer name

    • Attendee name

    • Customer email

    • Customer phone number

  • The list will show you whether a customer has opted into your marketing (note that this is separate to their Pebble marketing consent status)

3. Customer spend and booking data

In this list, and also in the customer profile, we show you some helpful information about your customer's booking and spending history:

Latest booking date

This is the date of the most recent booking for the customer.

  • This includes manually added bookings

  • This includes new bookings that were created due to a move

    • Whenever an attendee is moved, we create a brand new booking in the system to reflect the new details

Total bookings

This figure simply shows you a running count of bookings initiated by a customer, regardless of any changes made afterwards.

  • Total Bookings will not be affected by cancellations.

  • Moved bookings will not affect the Total Bookings figure.

  • Manually added bookings are counted towards the Total Bookings figure

Total sessions

This figure tells you how many session the customer has ever been booked onto.

  • It takes into account both past and future sessions

  • Total Sessions will accurately update and take into account any movements made on a booking (any sessions that an attendee has been moved away from will not be reflected in the figure, and the new sessions will be accounted for)

  • Total Sessions will be affected by cancellations (cancelled sessions are deducted from the total)

  • A Subscription will count as 1 booking, however the Total Spend and Total Sessions figures will update on a month-by-month basis when the customer pays their invoice

Total spend

This figure tells you how much a customer has spent on your activities since they first booked with you. It tells you the lifetime value of your customer.

  • Total spend is calculated on how much a customer has paid, after discounts (but before the Pebble or Stripe fee is taken)

  • Any transaction through the platform is counted towards the Total Spend

  • Refunds will be deducted from Total Spend and will not count towards Avg Spend

  • Manually added bookings are not included in any spend figures

Average spend

This figure is calculated by taking the Total Spend and dividing it the number of payments a customer has made.

  • For this calculation we divide Total Spend by the number of payments, not bookings. This gives you a more accurate average for various reasons:

    • For example, a subscription is 1 booking but the customer will make many payments over time for that same booking

  • If a customer books for free or uses a discount code to book for free, this counts as a transaction/payment. This will therefore be accounted for in the average spend calculation.

4. Customer Profile

Here you can review details about your customer and all of their attendees:

5. Customer Booking History

Here you can see a list of bookings for each of your customers:

  • The list is organised chronologically with the most recent bookings (transactions) at the top

  • You can see when the booking was made and how much the customer spent (after discount and before Pebble fees)

  • You can click on the Activity Name to reveal more details about its dates and times

  • You can click on the Attendee name to reveal more information about the booking, such as Booked Dates, Booking Questions and Add-Ons

  • If your customer is on a trial, you will see a free or paid trial icon next to their name:

  • If your customer is on a Subscription with an outstanding failed payment, their name will turn red as follows:

  • If a booking has been moved, you will see the following:

  • If a booking has been created due to being manually added, you will see the following:

If you have any questions or feedback, please do not hesitate to reach out to

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