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Enrollment & Quote History

See how to view quote & enrollment history on a profile.

Updated over a week ago

Enrollment History

Enrollment history will be displayed at the bottom of the profile. This section will show you:

  • The plan name (and H-code)

  • The last time the enrollment was updated (to see updates if you emailed or texted the enrollment to the consumer)

  • Whether the enrollment was submitted or if it was incomplete (Successful enrollments will have a confirmation number)

  • The total monthly premium (This will include any extra benefit ridders you may add on)

Quote History

Quote history is very similar to enrollment history. It will display:

  • When the quote was sent, and to which email and/or phone number?

  • Which plans were attached to the quote.

  • An authorization code is needed for the consumer to access the quote.

  • The email body/text that was sent.

NOTE: Consumers can enroll straight from a quote. They click the "Add To Cart" button under the plan they would like to choose and can complete the application independently. If a consumer decides to do so, you will be notified.

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