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Adding a Profile

Learn how to transfer and add profile information in the quoting and enrollment system.

Updated over 10 months ago

Creating a profile is as simple as two clicks. Starting on the profile page in your MedicarePRO CRM follow these steps:

  1. Click the green "Enroll" button in the top left of the profile next to "Actions". (Don't have an enroll button? Make sure you have an account set up. You can see how to do that here.)

  2. You will be taken to a new login screen to validate your credentials. You will use the SAME username and password you use to login to the CRM.

  3. After your credentials are validated, you will have a new popup confirming that data can be transferred and you will click "Continue".

That's it! You are now on that clients profile page in the quoting & enrollment system.

The first time you "create" a profile, you need to press save at the bottom.

NOTE: ALL basic profile information seamlessly transfers including MBI information. If a piece of information does not transfer over, please submit a ticket.

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