Available today, we have a few updates to Elevate GO reporting. Here's what's new...
New OTC Report
In your DLAR menu, you'll now find a new OTC report. This report will show you, by store, Over The Counter migrations completed based on the date range chosen in the filters. You can use the top filters to narrow down the data however you choose, or you can export this report.
Additionally, you can see rep-level reporting by clicking on any store name.
Find this report under the DLAR menu, or by clicking here.
DLAR Updates
Pay Now & Pay Later Stats
To help you keep tabs on your Pay Now activations vs. Pay Later activations, we've provided you with a breakdown of these metrics within your DLAR reporting. On standard DLAR, you will see this as two new top widgets and two new columns. These replace the former widgets and columns for iPhone activations & upgrades.
You will also see these updates reflected in the Markets DLAR report.
2MR% No Longer Available
We are no longer receiving the data for 2MR% and therefore, this column will be displayed as 0 on all reports where that data point is displayed. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and are currently evaluating a better data point to display in place of 2MR.