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In the Bottleneck Manufacturing Portal, the concept of owners is an important element that helps classify and provide visibility into entities for the Manufacturer Org and their customers on the Brand Portal side. By designating owners, the Manufacturer Org can distinguish the parties on whose behalf work is being done and determine who has access to view and interact with specific entities within the Brand Portal. This concept allows for effective collaboration and tailored visibility, ensuring transparency and efficient communication between the Manufacturer Org and their customers.

Entity Ownership and Visibility

The concept of owners applies to various entities within the Bottleneck Manufacturing Portal. By assigning owners to these entities, the system determines who has visibility into them on the Brand Portal side. Some example of entities that can have owners include:

  • Inventory Lots: Assigning owners to Inventory Lots helps determine the visibility of these lots for the designated customers. Only the owner and the Manufacturer Org can access and manage the Inventory Lots on the Brand Portal, ensuring appropriate information sharing and control.

  • Production Orders: Owners can be designated for Production Orders, representing the customers for whom the production runs are initiated. This classification allows the designated customers to have visibility into the production progress and related information on the Brand Portal.

Collaboration and Visibility

By utilizing the concept of owners, the Bottleneck Manufacturing Portal facilitates collaboration and visibility between the Manufacturer Org and their customers on the Brand Portal side. This classification enables the following benefits:

  1. Tailored Visibility: Assigning owners ensures that the right customers have access to relevant entities on the Brand Portal. It allows customers to view and interact with their specific orders, work progress, and related information, enhancing transparency and customer satisfaction.

  2. Efficient Communication: With the designated owners having visibility into relevant entities, communication between the Manufacturer Org and their customers becomes more streamlined. Customers can easily track the status of their orders, collaborate with the Manufacturer Org, and address any queries or concerns directly through the Brand Portal.

  3. Transparency and Accountability: The concept of owners promotes transparency and accountability. By providing customers with access to relevant entities, they can actively participate in the manufacturing process, ensuring that their requirements are met and maintaining a transparent relationship with the Manufacturer Org.


Owners in the Bottleneck Manufacturing Portal play a significant role in classifying and providing visibility into entities for the Manufacturer Org and their customers on the Brand Portal side. By designating owners, the system distinguishes the parties for whom work is being done and determines who can access and interact with specific entities. This concept enhances collaboration, transparency, and efficient communication between the Manufacturer Org and their customers, fostering a successful and mutually beneficial partnership.

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