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Inventory Item & Lot
Updated over a week ago

Inventory Items


Inventory Items in the Bottleneck Manufacturing Portal represent the individual products or materials that your Manufacturer Org deals with. These can include raw materials, work-in-progress, or finished goods. Inventory Items can be owned by either the Manufacturer Org or a Customer Org. When owned by a Manufacturer Org, these items are usually used in the production process. When owned by a Customer Org, these items may represent products that are manufactured on behalf of the customer and are visible to them through the self-service brand portal.

Inventory Items can either be tracking or non-tracking. Tracking Inventory Items have lots created under them and their stock levels are tracked. Non-tracking Inventory Items don’t have lots, and are usually used for items that are not inventory related, such as shrink wraps, or service charges.

Tracking Inventory Items can further be categorized as:

  • RAW_MATERIAL: Basic materials that are used to produce finished goods.

  • WORK_IN_PROGRESS: Products that are in the process of being transformed or assembled into finished goods.

  • FINISHED_GOOD: Products that have completed the production process and are ready for sale.


For instance, “Sunshine Beverages LLC” could have tracking Inventory Items such as “Organic Apple Juice Concentrate” as a raw material, and “16oz Organic Apple Juice Bottle” as a finished product. Additionally, they could have a non-tracking Inventory Item like “Shrink Wrap” used for packaging.

A Customer Org, "Healthy Juices Inc.", might own a tracking Inventory Item like “8oz Healthy Green Juice Bottle” as a finished good, which is produced by "Sunshine Beverages LLC" on their behalf.


  • Manufacturer Org: Inventory Items can be owned by the Manufacturer Org for use in its own production processes.

  • Customer Org: Inventory Items can also be owned by a Customer Org, indicating products manufactured on their behalf.

  • Inventory Lots: Each tracking Inventory Item can be associated with one or more Inventory Lots, representing batches of the item with specific attributes such as manufacturing date, expiration date, and quantity.

Example Relations

“Organic Apple Juice Concentrate” owned by “Sunshine Beverages LLC” might have multiple Inventory Lots representing batches of concentrate purchased or produced on different dates. However, “Shrink Wrap” being a non-tracking item, would not have Inventory Lots associated with it.

The “8oz Healthy Green Juice Bottle” owned by "Healthy Juices Inc." might have Inventory Lots representing different production runs with different expiration dates.

Entity Lifecycle States

Inventory Items can have statuses such as:

  • ACTIVE: The item is actively used or sold.

  • INACTIVE: The item is not currently in use.

Inventory Lots


Inventory Lots represent batches or groups of an Inventory Item with specific attributes such as quantity, manufacturing date, expiration date, and batch number. Inventory Lots help in tracking and managing inventory at a more granular level, which is particularly important for items with expiration dates or varying attributes.


A batch of “Organic Apple Juice Concentrate” produced on June 1st, with an expiration date of December 1st, and containing 500 liters, would be an Inventory Lot. Another batch of the same concentrate produced on June 15th, with an expiration date of December 15th, and containing 600 liters, would be another Inventory Lot.


  • Inventory Item: Inventory Lots are always associated with an Inventory Item, and represent batches of that item.

  • Manufacturer Org/Customer Org: Inventory Lots inherit ownership from the Inventory Item they are associated with. If the item is owned by the Manufacturer Org, the lot is also owned by the Manufacturer Org, and vice versa for Customer Org.

Example Relations

The “Organic Apple Juice Concentrate” Inventory Item might have two Inventory Lots, each with different manufacturing dates, expiration dates, and quantities. These lots are associated with the “Sunshine Beverages LLC” Manufacturer Org, as they own the Inventory Item.

Entity Lifecycle States

Inventory Lots can have stock level statuses such as:

  • IN_STOCK: The lot is currently in stock and available.

  • INCOMING: The lot is expected to arrive or be produced soon.

  • OUT_OF_STOCK: The lot has been depleted.

  • LOW_SUPPLY: The quantity in the lot is below a predetermined threshold.

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