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Venues and Facilities

What are Venues, Facilities, and Spaces? And how to set them up.

Updated this week

Training Outline (Total Length: 23 minutes)

Part 1 - Venues & Facilities: What are Venues, Facilities, and Spaces? (9 minutes)

Part 2 - Venues & Facilities: How to Enter Them (14 minutes)

Part 1 - What are Venues, Facilities, and Spaces?

1. Watch Video

2. Activity: Make A List

List Your Venues

  • High Schools

  • Middle Schools

  • Athletic Complexes

  • Etc

List Facilities At Those Venues

  • Main Gym

  • Multipurpose Room

  • Wrestling Room

  • Stadium

  • Baseball Complex

  • Etc

List Spaces At Those Facilities

  • Courts (Inside & Out)

  • Classrooms

  • Etc

Part 2 - How to Enter Them

1. Watch Video

2. Homework: Enter Your Venues, Facilities, and Spaces


  • Go to the Venues page and add your schools Venues

  • Within each Venue, add that Venue's Facilities

  • Within each Facility, add that Facilities Spaces (if applicable)

3. Resources

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