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Assign Job Roles & Locations in Rota, Time & Attendance
Assign Job Roles & Locations in Rota, Time & Attendance

Assigning multiple job roles and locations to your people in Rota, Time & Attendance

Russell avatar
Written by Russell
Updated over a month ago


Assigning multiple roles to users in Rota, Time & Attendance

You can add multiple roles in Rota by going to Rota > People > User > Roles > Edit.

Please note: These will have to be already existing Job titles in HR first in order to assign them to your users.

You can also indicate which is their main role here:

Creating/assigning job roles in HR:

The job title in HR is what carries over into Rota as roles to assign. As long as one of your users has this assigned to them in HR, you will be able to assign this to any user in Rota and designate shifts to them for this role.

Please note: Only the new current job added in HR pulls through to Rota; therefore, you must make this newly added job the current job role with the latest start date.

If you haven't assigned a job title, a department or a location to a person, they'll be assigned default values.

To change the job title or add another job role, you can head to People > Our people, select your person, then go to More > Jobs:

Assigning Departments & locations

Departments and locations can also be changed by heading to People > Our people, select your person, then go to the Job tab and click the edit (pencil) icon:

Please note, you need to update the company location - this pulls through to Rota, Time & Attendance:

In order for there to be multiple locations to select within the rota, you will have to first create these within HR and assign at least one person to that location. Once these have been added and assigned to a person these will show up when assigning a role and location to a user within RTA.

Bulk Assign Roles & Locations

You can also bulk update employee locations and roles within the people page:

Locations Video Overview

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