How to Clone a Workout
Lauren Johnson avatar
Written by Lauren Johnson
Updated over a week ago

Cloning a workout is a quick and simple way to re-use the same workout without needing to rebuild. This can be used if you're going to repeat the way workout within the week for example or if you'd like to use it as a foundation and make other edits.

To clone a day, first, open the builder.

Next, hover over the workout you'd like to clone. Click on the double paper icon at the top of the workout.

The cloned workout will appear directly next to the original workout.

You can now drag the workout to the correct place within the week.

Cloning from the calendar:

You can copy a day directly from the calendar as well. This is a quick way to clone a day without needing to go into the builder.

To do this, open the program to the phase overview page.

Click on the day on the calendar.

Select Copy.

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