1st Example: People who have booked X sessions for a specific period of time.
You have to select the filter Bookings > Booking number and fill in the different data :
Number of sessions: less, more, exactly or between 2 values.
With the following teachers: by default all
By using the following passes: by default all
For the following activities: by default all
For a period of time: by default all
The interest of this filter is also to identify the students coming frequently to your courses, for a particular type of course or during a particular period and thus to send them the appropriate communication (new course launch).
2nd Example: People who have booked during a period but have not booked the last X days.
1st Step: People who have booked more than one course during the desired period are selected in Bookings > Booking number.
2nd Step: from this group, we select the people who have booked 0 lessons during a period in Bookings > Booking number.
3rd Step: in this group, we also remove the people who have booked a course in the future in Bookings > Booking number.