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Communicate a promotional code only to the members who have booked a specific class
Communicate a promotional code only to the members who have booked a specific class

This article will allow you to send a promotional code only to customers who have booked a specific course

Sam avatar
Written by Sam
Updated over a week ago

1st Step: Create the promotion

You can create your promotion in Products >> Promotions

2nd Step: Create a smartlist gathering the members to whom the promotion will be addressed

Go to Marketing >> Smartlists then click on Add a Smartlist

You will now be able to apply filters to your smartlist depending on how you want to target the members who will benefit from the promotion

Let's take the example where you want to communicate your promotion only to members who have booked a session of a specific course (ex: Capoiera)

Add a filter Bookings >> Number of bookings

By specifying Booked more than (⩾) 1 session(s) and checking the Capoiera activity >> only members who have booked at least one session of this activity will be targeted by the smartlist

In this example, we target members who have booked a certain activity

However, as you can see on the screenshot, it is possible to do the same for a specific teacher or an establishment or a pass...

3rd Step: Associate an automatic messaging rule to the smartlist

In order for an email, including the promotional code, to be automatically sent to all the members of this smartlist, you must now add an entry automatic messaging rule to the smartlist

In the meantime, in Marketing >> Emails >> Add a template you will have to create an email template with the promotional code you want to communicate to this group of members

Then you will be able to add the email template that you created previously

Don't forget to click on Confirm to save the automatic sending rule

Well done! 👏🏻

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