The floating action button gives the client access to a menu that allows them to easily find all their bookings and their basket. You can then integrate it with your widget to make the customer's experience easier.
1st Step : Activate the client interface floating action button.
In "Settings" > "Widget" > Check the box "Add an EasyConnect button".
⚠️Warning : you can't use both the floating action button and the compatibility mode at the same time ! If the last one is checked, the floating button will then not appear. ⚠️
Integrate the code on your website following these steps
2nd Step : Use the floating action button.
Let's take the example of the schedule. Here is what the client will see on your website, when he wants to book a session.
At the bottom left, a floating button appeared.
The button gives you 5 options : Bookings, basket, profile, subscriptions and the log-out button.
1st Button : Bookings.
When you click on this button, the client accesses directly to all his past and future bookings.
2nd Button : Basket.
Here, the client see directly all the products that he added to his basket (passes, articles ...). He can also finalize his payment on this widget.
3rd Button : Profile.
This option allows the client to find directly all his general informations.
4th Button : Subscriptions.
When the client clicks on this button, he is directly redirected to a menu displaying all his contracts.
5th Button : Log out.
This button allows simply the client to log out.
⚠️ Warning : you can only use this button on the page where the widget is integrated ! It will not appear on the rest of the website. ⚠️