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Hide the search bar and filters on the pass page
Hide the search bar and filters on the pass page

In this article, you will learn how to hide the search bar and filters on the page selling passes.

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Written by Customer QA
Updated over a week ago

On the page where your members can purchase passes, appointment passes, and packs, you can hide the search bar and filters.

This setting is configured independently for the website and the widget.

For the widget:

The setting is configured in Settings > Widgets, by selecting the Passes widget, check or uncheck the "Do not display search bar and filters" option.

To note: To apply this change you will have to copy and paste again the code of the widget on your webpage.

For the website:

This setting is configured in Settings > Marketplace Settings, by adding or editing a Passes tab, and checking or unchecking the "Do not display search bar and filters" option.

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