If you're wanting to book a sit, and know exactly who you're after, you can request a specific sitter you know.
From Favourites
Go to your favourites tab
(optional) Filter by date and time you're looking for to see who is free
Click β on the sitters you wish to request then Add to request
Fill out the request form as usual and send
From rebooking cards
You can rebook a sitter you have used recently by clicking "Rebook" on the card on the homepage or from your bookings history section.
It will pre-fill your previous booking's details apart from times.
From search
Wherever you see a π you can search for a particular sitter by name, namely from the homepage and bottom of favourites.
Once you find the sitter you're looking for you can tap Book now on their profile and this will draft a direct request just with them.
βFrom a request form
Click the search button at the top of the homepage
Fill out the date, times of the sit like usual
Click Request a specific sitter and search for the sitter(s) you are looking for
The sitter you specify will automatically be added to the request and we'll check their availability. They will be notified of your request.
If you've decided not to let others apply they will immediately be able to accept the direct request, otherwise they are invited to apply.
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