When a parent posts a Repeat request, as a sitter you have three options:
Decline the request
Apply to the request
The option to Counter-offer, is when you can do some of what the parent is looking for in their request, but not all of it.
With this option, you can still apply to their request, but also send a note along with it that informs the parents of the timings you can and can’t do.
It allows the parent to consider your request and, if they’re still happy to go ahead, they can amend the job details to suit you before booking you in.
Please note: the Counter-offer feature is only available on Repeat requests.
When is it appropriate to Counter-offer?
There’s no hard and fast rule here.
We know as parents that we’d much prefer to get some offers and some help in, than none at all. So, if you think you can offer something that a parent will find useful, go ahead and Counter-offer.
Some examples where we think you could Counter-offer are:
If a parent’s looking for someone for 12 weeks but you can only do 6
If a parent needs someone for 4 hours a day but you can only do 2.5
If a parent needs someone 3 days a week but you can only do 2
How do I use the Counter Offer feature?
When you’re viewing a Repeat request, you’ll now have the option to “Counter-offer”, alongside the options to Apply or Decline.
When you Counter-offer, you are prompted to send the parent a message, detailing what timings you can and can’t do. The parent will then get to read this with your application.
If you’re absolutely fine to do the job as requested, there’s no need to counter offer, simply Apply to the job as normal.
How can the parent amend their job request, once we’ve discussed the new timings?
It’s really easy for parents to edit and amend their request details before confirming the job with you — once you've agreed to alternative timings with them, they can go ahead and edit their request before confirming the sits with you.
What if the parent goes ahead and confirms the job for their original timings?
If you’ve agreed new timings on chat and they’ve then mistakenly confirmed the job at the original timings, it’s really easy for the parent to edit the sit details inside of their app. And if they have any trouble with it, they or you can always get in touch with our support team and we can help do it for them.
If the parent simply went ahead and confirmed the sit details, despite you only agreeing to different timings, then of course it would be understandable if you need to cancel the sits.
Again, if this happens and you want some support from us, just drop us a message and we’ll help get everything straightened out.
Can I use this feature on all booking types?
No. This feature is only available when applying to Repeat booking requests.