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Sitters and Nannies on Bubble
Want to be a sitter on Bubble? Read up on top tips for creating an optimised profile to ensure you're in the best position to be successful on the app.
93 articles
Favourite Parents: How-To Guide for Sitters
The Availability Calendar — FAQ
Sitter Safety Bubble - explained
I want to be a nanny but I’m not sure how I can get the experience I need!
Sit filters
Thinking of becoming a Nanny?
Reminder feature
How the Availability Calendar works
Babysitter Code of Conduct
I’m not 18 yet, can I become a sitter on Bubble?
What checks do I need to pass before signing up?
How do I rate a parent at the end of the sit?
What happens after I've accepted the sit?
Use Helpr to provide other services on Bubble
When and how does a sit stop?
How do I boost my chances of getting Book Now requests?
Get an enhanced DBS Check through Bubble
Invite Parents & Earn Credit
What if I’m going to be late?
Can I have both a sitter, and a parent account?
"Post a Job" for sitters: FAQ
Our DBS Certificate checking Policy
How do I get paid / can I accept a cash payment?
How do I get my DBS verified by Bubble?
What’s the difference between Browse and Post a Job?
Why do I need to sign-up with Facebook?
How do I become a sitter on Bubble?
Setting your price per hour
How do I accept a direct sit request?
Who pays for the taxi home?
Connecting my Address Book: The what and the why
Safeguarding for children
Do I pay a platform fee if I refer a parent and they book a sit with me through the app?
Who can sign up?
How much does it cost to be a babysitter on Bubble?
Our tips for a successful bio
How does Bubble connect me to parents?
Do parents pay me a cancellation payment?
What checks does Bubble do on parents?
How to apply to jobs with a different hourly rate?
What do I need to become a sitter on Bubble?
How to get more jobs on Bubble
Choosing a great profile photo
Ideas for sharing your Bubble profile
Platform fees: FAQ
How does insurance work for babysitters?
Sitting for a new Bubble Parent
Why should I become a sitter on Bubble?
What does the Facebook integration do?
How do I set my availability?
What information about me is visible to parents?
How do I delete my account?
How to build your network on Bubble
How can I cancel a sit?
Cancelling on a Parent: Our Policy
What are push notifications? How can I turn them on?
Bookings on Bubble – how do they work?
How do I earn credit?
How does Bubble prioritise babysitters?
Why do I need to give my bank details before I can apply for jobs?
Why do I have to update my availability every 28 days?
Getting a multi-booking request
Helping you stay safe
Getting your first sit on Bubble: 6 Tips.
What are the platform fees?
What is a “Regular Help” booking?
Tax for sitters
Upcoming Sit: Best Practice For Sitters
When is my holiday rate applicable for?
Get your Med, Healthcare or Nursing Student badge on Bubble today
Volunteering for the NHS on Bubble
Can I look for parents on the app?
Can I see my reviews?
How to respond when a parent asks you to book a sit off the app?
What is Bubble?
Recording your profile video
Can I add my email address and telephone number to my bio?
What types of jobs can I do on Bubble?
Where do my platform fees go?
What is my employment status if I find work on Bubble?
Can I send direct messages to parents?
Using Instant Book
Instant Book FAQs
Super Sitter Rewards — the info
Regular Help Counter-offers
Petcare: What bookings can I apply for?
Petcare: How do payments work for sitters?
Petcare: What can I add to my Petcare profile?
Petcare: Can parents book me directly?
Petcare: Preparing for your first job
Petcare: Tips for your sitter
Petcare: Important questions to ask
Petcare: During a booking