If you find yourself needing to leave a workspace for any reason, bubbles makes it quick and simple to do so.
However, if you're the only Admin on a workspace, you'll need to designate at least one other teammate as Admin before leaving. Simply go to Workspace settings from the workspace dropdown menu and select the Members tab at the top. From there, you can assign a new Admin by selecting a teammate and changing their role to Admin:
If you only need to leave the workspace you're currently in, you can do so by going into Workspace settings and clicking on the red Leave team button at the bottom of the General tab. This will completely remove you from the workspace, and you'll need to be invited to join it again.
We hope that these steps have helped you if you needed to leave a workspace. If you still have questions or need further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team. We're always here to help!