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Can I use my store membership card?
Can I use my store membership card?
Updated over a week ago

Your Loyalty Card

At this time, your membership card cannot be used at the store in order to get loyalty points or discounts. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

What We're Doing to Help

We understand that loyalty points and discounts are a valuable part of your customer experience, and we are committed to ensuring you have the best customer experience. To that end, we are actively working on adding a feature to allow you to add your membership card in-app, allowing your personal shopper to scan a digital version when they checkout of the store.

As soon as the feature is available, you will be notified so you can begin taking advantage of membership offers and bonuses.

Having Trouble?

Contact us in-app or send a message to our support team at

We are here to help you with any issue you may have and will do our best to get it resolved as quickly as possible.

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