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How to customize your emails

Our app sends automatic emails at certain points in the member process. Learn how to edit them here.

Avian Rubio avatar
Written by Avian Rubio
Updated over a week ago

Note: We use "Program" and "Member" as label-agnostic terms to refer to any marketing you are using Buzzbassador to facilitate, whether you refer to it as an affiliate program, influencer marketing, ambassador program, referral program, creator partnerships, brand reps, partner program, etc.

The Buzzbassador emails are another very important part of your program structure and onboarding flow. They are sent automatically on certain triggers, which you can learn about in this article.

These emails were incorporated into our app to attempt to make life easier for you: you no longer have to manually send a "You Got Accepted!" email when you add a new member, or a "We're Moving Our Program to a New Software!" email when you transition existing members to our system, and so on. These emails -- if turned on -- now just get sent automatically for you.

If you want even more email customization and the ability to do more with your members' email campaigns, make sure to check out our Klaviyo Integration!

If you want to learn what each of these email templates are and when they are sent, check out this article. For now, we are just going to be covering how to edit and customize the emails.

Step 1: Navigate to the Emails page

Click "Engage" > "Emails" on your left-side menu to open your Emails page.

If you are new to Buzzbassador, chances are you have most likely already selected the templates you want to use for your emails before you reached your app dashboard. If that's the case, you will see a template populate into each email already.

Step 2: Open the email editor for the email you want to edit

You may want to change the template, customize your template further, or start over from scratch and build out the email on your own! To start on any of those processes, just click "Edit" on the email you want to edit.

Step 3: Choose a template, or start from scratch

If you want to start with one of our pre-made templates to build your email:

Make sure you have one loaded into the editor. If you don't already have a template there that you want to use, to add one, just click "Templates", find the template you want to use, and click "Use". Then, make sure you publish your changes so that the template saves.

If you'd rather start from scratch with a blank page and custom-build your email yourself:

Just make sure the page is clear. If there is already a template loaded into the editor from our Buzzbassador onboarding process, just clear the page. To do this, simply click each row and delete it.

NOTE: Whether you are using a template or building from scratch, all of the elements in the editor work the same way. So, the following steps will look relatively the same for everyone. The only difference is what you start with. In this article, we'll use the example of building with a template, since that has been the most common choice amongst our current merchants.

Step 4: Use the right-side editing panel to structure your email

In the right side of the editor, there is an editing panel that includes multiple content elements. These are the main items you are going to be working with to structure your email. If you are using a template, you will simply add on to or delete things from the structure that is already there. If you are building from scratch, you will use these content elements to fully build out your email's structure. Here are a few things you can do as a part of this step:

Add new rows

A row is a full-width section that you can add columns and content into. You must always have a row in any place that you want to add content to. To add a row, simply drag the "Columns" content onto the screen. You can then change the Column(s)' background color, Column(s)' padding, Column(s)' border color and size, Row background color, Content background color, Row padding, and more. Make sure to publish any changes!

Add columns to existing rows

You may want a row to have multiple columns so that you can add multiple sections of content in one row. To do this, simply click on the row you want to edit, and in the columns section on the right, click the image that displays how you'd like the row's columns to be structured. This will update the structure of that row. Make sure to publish any changes you make.

Add content to existing columns

Once you get all of your rows customized to your liking with the correct amount and placement of columns, it's time to start adding content elements.

Below is a description of each element and what it can be used for:


This is the element you will drag and drop whenever you want to add a button to your page. When this element is added and selected, you can edit the URL the button directs to, the button's background and hover color, width, size, alignment, padding, and more.


You can drag this element into your page if you want to add a sleek line to divide your content. If you add it to your page and select it, from within the editing panel you will be able to edit its width, line style, alignment, padding, color, and more.


Pretty straight forward! This is just a way to add header (title) text to your page. You can customize the font, color, and size once you add it.


This element is for the pro's out there. You can use it to add your own custom HTML anywhere on your landing page. Complete editing freedom!


This element is pretty straight forward: just drag and drop it into your page to add your own image! Once the image element is added to your page and selected, you can upload your image, size it, apply effects, link it to an external URL, and more.


This element is for if you want to add a site menu to the top of your landing page. Since your landing page is just one page (and also can be integrated with your Shopify site, therefore showing your regular site menu), you most likely won't use this element much. But it's there if you ever need it! You can customize the font, color, layout, sizing, and more.


This element gives you a way to link your social media accounts directly to your landing page! You can customize which social platforms you include, and even what the icons look like.


Another straightforward element, this is just the element you add to implement text into your landing page. You can edit the color, font, alignment, spacing, padding, and more-- all from the editing panel on the right side of the screen.


This element gives you a way to add a video to your landing page. You can link one from an existing URL (i.e. YouTube), or even upload a video file.

Discount Code & Referral Code

These elements, specifically designed for the "Your application was accepted" and "You've been imported" emails, use cross-checking technology to display the correct codes for the particular member that is opening the email. So, instead of them opening the email to see a generic "check your account to see your codes!" message, they can actually see their unique referral code and program discount code directly in the email (like the screenshot below).

Once these code elements are added to the page, you can change their background color, font style/size, and more from the editor. Learn more about this here.

Change the size, padding, or alignment of an element

Once you add your elements, you can change their height, alignment, spacing/padding, and more. For example, check out the different sizing settings you can edit for this button element!

Step 5: Optimize the emails for various screen sizes

Once you've filled out your email with your desired structure of rows, columns, and elements, you may want to ensure that the structure looks good on both mobile and desktop screens. To preview what it looks like, click the eye icon at the top of the editor page, and toggle between mobile view, tablet view, and desktop view.

Once you decide which rows may need some adjustment/optimization, all you need to do is duplicate the element, then edit one copy for mobile and the other copy for desktop. Once you have the two copies each edited in a way that looks good in that screen size, you can hide the desktop element on mobile and hide the mobile element for desktop. You can do this using the switch at the bottom of the editor panel in the "Responsive Design" section.

For more details on this process, read this article.

Step 6: Customize Each Element to Cater To Your Brand

Now that you have all of your elements added and your email structured how you would like it, you can start filling in the email with your own flare. You can use the editor panel on the right side to edit the colors and fonts of each element, upload your own images and videos, and connect links. Just make sure the email is unique to your brand!

This part includes customizing the text in the email. When you are editing the text, you will notice a pop-up text editor in the main email (not the right-side panel). This is how you can edit the text, font color, and more directly. You can also add merge tags.

What are merge tags?

Merge tags will be dynamically populated with the correct information with each individual recipient of the email, allowing you to make the emails more personalized.

By using the merge tag drop-down menu in the text editor, you will be able to add the following tags into your template:

  1. Member First Name - Displays the first name on record for the member receiving the email

  2. Brand Name - Displays the brand name that the merchant has entered into Settings > Brand Profile

  3. Brand Email - Displays the email address that the merchant has entered into Settings > Account Settings

  4. Brand Address Displays the street address that the merchant has entered into Settings > Brand Profile

Learn more about merge tags here.

Step 7: Make sure all necessary elements are in place for the particular email you are sending

Make sure that the content needed for that particular email is included. For example, if you are editing the "Your application was accepted" email, you may want to make sure that the discount and referral code elements are in place (so that your members can see their codes) and the button at the bottom is linked to the member's account login. On the other hand, if you're editing the "You're invited to apply" email, you'd need to make sure that the live link to your application form is included somewhere in the email. To help you figure out what elements may be important to include, check out thisarticle!

Step 8: Customize the subject line and reply-to address

At the top of the email editor, type in the Subject Line for the email, and the reply-to address (the email that your member's replies will be sent to).

Step 8: Remove the Buzzbassador branding

If you are on the Launch plan ($39 per month) you may notice that there is a Buzzbassador logo at the top of all of your email templates. This will be visible to all your members as well. If you want to remove this logo, all you need to do is upgrade to any of our higher plans (Build, Scale, or Enterprise). You can learn more about our pricing options here. To upgrade, simply go to Settings > Account Settings and in the Billing section, click "Change Plan".

Step 9: Publish Your Work

When you're done editing, click the purple/pink gradient "Publish" button at the top right corner to publish your changes!

Also, make sure the email you edited is set to active so that it's sent when a member completes the particular trigger for that email (or when you send it manually).

And that's it! As always, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to email us at, or send us an instant chat from the bottom right corner of your app window.

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