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Introducing: Three New Poll Options
Introducing: Three New Poll Options
Amanda avatar
Written by Amanda
Updated over a week ago

This month we've introduced new poll types to CampusKnot. To start using the new polls, please create a poll and select one of our three new options

These new polls—True/False, Survey/Likert Scale, and Rating—open up a world of possibilities for interactive learning. Let's explore these new poll types and discover when and how to use them effectively. Plus use one of our sample questions to start 💡.

True/False Polls:

Use Cases:

  • Quick Comprehension Check: Assess whether students have grasped a concept by posing true/false questions based on the lecture content.

  • Myth Busting: Challenge misconceptions or common myths related to your subject matter.

Sample Questions:

  1. True or False: The Earth's moon has its own light source.

  2. True or False: William Shakespeare wrote all of his plays alone without any co-authors.

  3. True or False: Water boils at 100 degrees Fahrenheit at sea level.

  4. True or False: Photosynthesis is the process by which plants convert carbon dioxide into oxygen.

  5. True or False: The Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776, by all thirteen American colonies.

Survey or Likert Scale Polls:

Use Cases:

  • Student Feedback: Gather opinions and preferences on course materials, teaching methods, or overall course satisfaction.

  • Self-Evaluation: Encourage self-reflection by asking students to rate their confidence in understanding a topic.

Sample Questions:

  1. Please rate your level of agreement with the statement: "The instructor provides clear explanations during lectures.

  2. Rate your level of agreement with the statement: "The course workload is manageable and balanced."

  3. Do you agree or disagree with the statement: The course's pace aligns with my learning style and needs.

Rating Polls:

Use Cases:

  • Measuring Attitudes: Assess students' opinions, attitudes, or perceptions using a scale.

  • Nuanced feedback: By assigning numerical values to their experiences, opinions, and perceptions. This data can help you assess different aspects of your course and make improvements where needed.

Pro Tip: Elevate rating-based polls by following up with open-ended polls for deeper insights and feedback.

Sample Questions:

  1. On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate your overall satisfaction with this course, with 1 being extremely dissatisfied and 5 being extremely satisfied?

  2. Please rate the effectiveness of the recent guest speaker's presentation, with 1 being not effective at all and 5 being extremely effective.

  3. How would you rate your level of engagement during group discussions in this course, with 1 being not engaged at all and 5 being highly engaged?

  4. Rate the clarity of the course instructions and assignments, with 1 being not clear at all and 5 being very clear.

  5. On a scale of 1 to 5, how well do you feel the course material aligns with your learning goals, with 1 being not aligned at all and 5 being perfectly aligned

These new poll types offer an array of possibilities for engaging your students, whether you're teaching in person or online.

Embrace the Potential

1. Enhance Engagement:

  • Use True/False polls to spark discussions by following up with explanations for correct answers.

  • Conduct surveys to involve students in decision-making and tailor your course to their needs.

  • Gauge students' confidence levels with Likert Scale polls, and tailor your teaching accordingly.

2. Encourage Critical Thinking:

  • Challenge students' assumptions with thought-provoking True/False questions.

  • Surveys can encourage students to think critically about course content or real-world issues.

  • Likert Scale responses provide insights into students' thought processes.

3. Promote Active Learning:

  • Incorporate True/False polls into lectures to maintain students' attention and assess understanding.

  • Use surveys to foster collaboration among students and empower them in group project planning.

  • Likert Scale questions encourage self-assessment and reflection.

4. Immediate Feedback:

  • True/False and Likert Scale polls offer instant insight into student comprehension and attitudes.

  • Surveys provide valuable data to adapt your teaching methods in real time.

5. Personalize Teaching:

  • Use poll results to tailor your teaching approach to students' needs and preferences.

  • Recognize areas where students may need additional support or clarification.

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