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Poll Question Bank: Engaging Questions to Use on CampusKnot
Poll Question Bank: Engaging Questions to Use on CampusKnot
Blake Tarver avatar
Written by Blake Tarver
Updated over 8 months ago

Inside CampusKnot professors can publish a variety of poll-type questions. This poll bank walks you through questions you can use across any discipline. When creating polls, start small and have fun while creating your questions.

If you're unsure how to use the CampusKnot polls, check out our poll guide

View our question bank for:

Open-Ended Polls:

A type of poll that allows participants to provide a written response rather than selecting from a pre-determined list of options.

Open-ended polls are often used to gather more detailed or qualitative data, as they allow respondents to express their own thoughts and opinions in their own words.

  1. What was the most significant concept or idea you learned in today’s class? How will it impact your understanding of the subject matter going forward?

  2. Were there any topics or points discussed in today’s class that you found particularly intriguing or thought-provoking? Why did they capture your attention?

  3. Can you identify any connections or relationships between the material covered in today’s class and other topics or courses you have taken? How do these connections enhance your overall understanding?

  4. Were there any aspects of today’s class confusing or unclear? Is there a specific concept or idea you would like further clarification on?

  5. In your opinion, what were the most engaging or effective teaching methods employed during today’s class? How did they contribute to your learning experience?

  6. Did today’s class challenge your preconceived notions or assumptions about the topic? Can you identify any specific instances where your perspective shifted or evolved?

  7. Reflecting on your participation and engagement during today’s class, what strategies or techniques did you find most helpful in promoting active learning? Is there anything you would like to improve upon in future courses?

  8. Can you identify any real-life applications or implications of the concepts covered in today’s class? How might they relate to your future career or personal interests?

  9. Were there any alternative viewpoints or perspectives discussed during today’s class that you found particularly interesting or valuable? How did they contribute to your understanding of the subject matter?

  10. Looking ahead, what questions or areas of exploration would you like to see addressed in future classes? Are there any specific topics or subtopics you want to delve deeper into?

  11. What are the main arguments or key points made in the assigned reading? How do they contribute to our understanding of the topic?

  12. Were there any aspects of the reading that you found challenging or difficult to grasp? Can you identify specific areas where you would like further clarification?

  13. How does the assigned reading connect to or build upon the concepts covered in previous lectures or readings? Can you draw any connections or identify any contrasting viewpoints?

  14. Can you provide an example or real-life scenario that illustrates one of the concepts discussed in class? How does it enhance your understanding of the material?

  15. Are there any questions or points of contention that arose in your mind while reading the material? What are they, and how do they relate to the broader themes or arguments presented?

  16. Can you identify strengths or weaknesses in the author’s approach or argumentation? Do you agree or disagree with their perspective? Why or why not?

  17. How does the assigned section/chapter contribute to the current state of knowledge in the field? Can you think of any implications or potential applications of the ideas presented?

  18. Are there any connections between the assigned reading and current events, societal issues, or personal experiences? How does the reading shed light on or relate to these contexts?

  19. Did the assigned chapter/sections challenge or change your preconceived notions or beliefs about the topic? How did it shape your understanding or perspective?

  20. What would it be if you were to summarize the main message or key takeaways from the reading in one sentence? How does this summary align with your overall understanding of the subject matter?

Word Cloud Polls:

Word cloud questions can be a great way to engage students and encourage them to think creatively and critically about a topic.

Here are some examples of word cloud questions that instructors can use across various disciplines:

  1. Biology: What words come to mind when you think of biodiversity?

  2. History: Depict important events and figures during the Renaissance period.

  3. Literature: What words come to mind when you think of the themes present in the novel "1984" by George Orwell?

  4. Mathematics: Construct a word cloud showcasing mathematical concepts that relate to probability and statistics.

  5. Psychology: Illustrate the various branches and areas of study within the field of psychology.

  6. Art and Design: Craft a word cloud that captures the elements and principles of design in visual arts.

  7. Economics: Generate a word cloud representing terms associated with macroeconomic factors influencing a country's economy.

  8. Physics: Create a word cloud depicting fundamental principles and theories in the realm of quantum mechanics.

  9. Political Science: Construct a word cloud highlighting the key ideologies and terms related to international relations.

  10. Sociology: Using a word cloud, visualize the concepts that encompass the study of social inequality in modern society.

  11. Environmental Science: Generate a word cloud that encapsulates terms linked to sustainable practices and ecological conservation.

  12. Anthropology: Create a word cloud representing the various subfields within anthropology and their respective focuses.

  13. Business Management: Craft a word cloud that portrays essential leadership qualities and attributes for successful managers.

  14. Chemistry: Using a word cloud, illustrate the fundamental elements and compounds found in organic chemistry.

  15. Music: Generate a word cloud showcasing different genres, musical instruments, and composition elements.

  16. Philosophy: Create a word cloud that captures the key philosophical movements and thinkers throughout history.

  17. Health Sciences: Construct a word cloud representing terms related to public health and epidemiology.

  18. Engineering: Using a word cloud, visualize the diverse fields and disciplines within the realm of engineering.

  19. Communications: Generate a word cloud that reflects the various forms of media and communication channels in today's digital age.

  20. Education: Create a word cloud showcasing important principles and methods in modern pedagogy.

Multiple Choice Polls:

Multiple choice types of polls can be used to assess different levels of understanding and critical thinking. It can also help assess various cognitive levels, from recall and comprehension to application, analysis, and evaluation.

Choosing the right question type depends on your learning objectives and the level of critical thinking you want to evaluate.

  1. Single Best Answer (Traditional):

    Which of the following is the primary function of the mitochondria?

    1. Protein synthesis

    2. Energy production

    3. Lipid storage

    4. Waste elimination

  2. Multiple Correct Answers:

    Which of the following are considered greenhouse gases? (Select all that apply.)

    1. Oxygen

    2. Carbon dioxide

    3. Nitrogen

    4. Methane

  3. True/False Conversion:

    Convert the following statement into a true/false question: The Earth orbits the Moon.

  4. Scenario-Based:

    Based on the provided scenario, what should the protagonist do next? Sarah is lost in a dense forest. She has a map, a compass, and some food supplies. What should she use to find her way back to civilization?

    1. Map

    2. Compass

    3. Both map and compass

    4. Food supplies

  5. Evidence-Based:

    In a study on climate change, which of the following pieces of evidence supports the theory of global warming?

    1. Anecdotal reports from individuals

    2. Decreased ice melt in polar regions

    3. Speculative opinions from climate skeptics

    4. An increase in annual snowfall

  6. Critical Thinking:

    What are the potential advantages and disadvantages of implementing renewable energy sources on a large scale? Choose the best answer.

    1. Advantages: Reduced carbon emissions; Disadvantages: High initial costs

    2. Advantages: Low maintenance; Disadvantages: Limited energy output

    3. Advantages: Quick implementation; Disadvantages: Unsustainability

    4. Advantages: Abundant resources; Disadvantages: Environmental degradation

  7. Likert Scale:

    On a scale of 1 to 5, how strongly do you agree with the statement: "The current grading system accurately reflects students' understanding of the material."

    1. 1-Strongly Disagree

    2. 2-Disagree

    3. 3-Neutral

    4. 4-Agree

    5. 5-Strongly Agree

True/False Polls:

  • Quick Comprehension Check: Assess whether students have grasped a concept by posing true/false questions based on the lecture content.

  • Myth Busting: Challenge misconceptions or common myths related to your subject matter.

Sample Questions:

  1. True or False: The Earth's moon has its own light source.

  2. True or False: William Shakespeare wrote all of his plays alone without any co-authors.

  3. True or False: Water boils at 100 degrees Fahrenheit at sea level.

  4. True or False: Photosynthesis is the process by which plants convert carbon dioxide into oxygen.

  5. True or False: The Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776, by all thirteen American colonies.

Survey or Likert Scale Polls:

  • Student Feedback: Gather opinions and preferences on course materials, teaching methods, or overall course satisfaction.

  • Self-Evaluation: Encourage self-reflection by asking students to rate their confidence in understanding a topic.

Sample Questions:

  1. Please rate your level of agreement with the statement: "The instructor provides clear explanations during lectures.

  2. Rate your level of agreement with the statement: "The course workload is manageable and balanced."

  3. Do you agree or disagree with the statement: The course's pace aligns with my learning style and needs.

Rating Polls:

  • Measuring Attitudes: Assess students' opinions, attitudes, or perceptions using a scale.

  • Nuanced feedback: By assigning numerical values to their experiences, opinions, and perceptions. This data can help you assess different aspects of your course and make improvements where needed.

Pro Tip: Elevate rating-based polls by following up with open-ended polls for deeper insights and feedback.

Sample Questions:

  1. On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate your overall satisfaction with this course, with 1 being extremely dissatisfied and 5 being extremely satisfied?

  2. Please rate the effectiveness of the recent guest speaker's presentation, with 1 being not effective at all and 5 being extremely effective.

  3. How would you rate your level of engagement during group discussions in this course, with 1 being not engaged at all and 5 being highly engaged?

  4. Rate the clarity of the course instructions and assignments, with 1 being not clear at all and 5 being very clear.

  5. On a scale of 1 to 5, how well do you feel the course material aligns with your learning goals, with 1 being not aligned at all and 5 being perfectly aligned

Implementing polls effectively involves designing clear and unbiased questions, promoting participation, and analyzing the results accurately.

CampusKnot Polls can serve as a powerful tool for engaging, understanding, and connecting with your students. All questions presented here can be used to create fun activities during or after class.

Don't know where to start? Check out our faculty guide where we cover everything you need to know about creating polls inside CampusKnot.

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