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CASEpeer Integration Setup & Overview

Overview of the setup between CASEpeer and Case Status for a Firm Staff Member

Updated over 2 months ago

The CASEpeer integration allows cases created in CASEpeer to be imported into Case Status and for certain pieces of those cases to sync between the two systems. Below is an overview of how the integration is setup and how it works.


Please Note: The CASEpeer integration uses two API keys to link the two systems. The Case Status team will be able to generate an API key on our end. Once the key has been generated, follow the steps below.

  1. Navigate to your CASEpeer portal and go to Settings > Account Settings

  2. In Account Settings, scroll down to Integrations and then search for Case Status. Then click Manage.

  3. A pop up will appear that will have the CASEpeer key on the left (labeled Key) and the space to input the Case Status API Key on the right.

    1. Input the Case Status API Key that was provided by Case Status Support and click Enable

  4. Then copy the CASEpeer API Key and send it to Case Status support so they can take care of the setup on our end. Then click Save.

    1. Case Status will then alert you when the setup on our end is complete.

Importing/Syncing Cases

Initial Import

  1. Once the integration has been setup, if there is a large quantity of existing cases that need to be imported into Case Status, this will be handled by CASEpeer.

  2. Please reach out to your CASEpeer account rep and specify which cases need to be imported into Case Status. CASEpeer will then put together a script and have those cases synced with Case Status.

New Imports

  1. After the initial import, any time you need to import a new case into Case Status you will need to do so within CASEpeer.

  2. Navigate to the case in question and click the green arrow at the top right of the case. Click the option Connect to Case Status highlighted in green below.

  3. After clicking Connect to Case Status a secondary modal will pop up. This modal will detail the case information that will be pushed into Case Status.

  4. Ensure that all required information is present and accurate. The Attorney Email that is listed must exist as an attorney user in Case Status and the client must have a valid cell phone number. If either of these are missing you will see an error appear when you attempt to sync.

  5. Click Confirm and the case should be instantly imported into Case Status.

Syncing Cases

Once a case has been imported into Case Status, the nightly sync will ensure that the information in CASEpeer matches up to the information in Case Status.

Please Note: The nightly sync will only sync cases that already exist in Case Status. It will not import new ones. To import new ones, please see the above process.

  • Automatic Sync: The automatic sync runs nightly at 9:00 PM EST and will sync all cases that exist in Case Status.

Please Note: This is a configurable setting by the CaseStatus team and can be turned on or off at the firms request.

  • Manual Sync: The sync can be triggered manually by clicking the 'Sync with CasePeer' button where the user will select 'All Cases'.

After manually syncing, a CSV will be sent to whoever triggered the sync with a breakdown of which cases were attempted, and the results of those attempts.

Individual Case Sync

  1. To sync a singular case choose Individual Case after clicking Sync with CasePeer, and type in the integration ID

  2. The Integration ID can be found in the CASEpeer URL of the case in question. It is the number after case

  3. After syncing, the pop out will display the results of the attempted sync

Sending & Syncing Messages

Sending Messages

  1. CASEpeer has created an internal way to send messages to Case Status from within CASEpeer.

  2. Navigate to a case and then hit the menu dropdown on the right hand side. Select Send Message to Case Status. Then type your message and simply hit send.

  3. This will send your message to the Case Status platform as the Primary Attorney on the case.

  4. If a message needs to be sent by a different attorney or paralegal, this can be done by logging into the Case Status platform.

Syncing Messages

  1. Case Status supports message and document syncing. Messages will sync automatically every two minutes.

  2. When they are synced they can be found in the Case under Case Notes.

    1. All messages that are synced will have pre-text that states "Received message from Case Status: Message from Case Status:"

Stage & Status Updates

  1. When a stage changes in CASEpeer the stage in Case Status will be automatically updated as well. Case Status currently supports 12 stages that can be mapped to stages in CASEpeer. If the stage names in CASEpeer differ from those in Case Status, contact Case Status support so we can map the stages accordingly.

  2. Additionally, when a case is closed in CASEpeer, it will also be closed in Case Status when the nightly sync runs.

Syncing Documents

  1. Documents sync to the document section in CASEpeer, and are automatically synced by CASEpeer on a nightly basis

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