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Product feed integration

Sync your product catalog through XML, CSV, or TSV feeds

Viktor Atterlönn avatar
Written by Viktor Atterlönn
Updated over a week ago

To be able to tag your UGC posts with your product, we need to sync your product catalogue to our systems. Follow the steps below to get set up correctly. Note that it can, in some cases, be good to set up additional feeds for Cevoid instead of trying to configure or optimize your product feeds that are already in action.

Format requirements

The product feeds need to be made available through a URL.
The accepted format for your product feeds are:

  • .xml

  • .csv

  • .tsv

Among the three formats, the most common is .xml which is the default for Google Shopping feeds.

Make sure you follow Google’s standard formatting when creating your feed and that they contain the required attributes below.

Follow this documentation from Google for guidelines on formats for product information.

Required values

  • id

  • title

  • link

  • price

  • image_link (Main image of for the product)

Try to keep the image size smaller than 500px in width and height. If you need a large image for Google, we recommend creating a new set of feeds for Cevoid instead.

Example feed

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<rss xmlns:g="" version="2.0">
<title>Name of the feed</title>
<g:title>Name of the product</g:title>

Optional values (use for best practice)


In our popups, we alternate the product image to a second image to show more details about the product. If you provide additional image links, this function will be supported in the galleries and popups.

Try to keep the image size smaller than 500px in width and height. If you need a large image for Google, we recommend creating a new set of feeds for Cevoid instead.


Use the item group ID [item_group_id] attribute to group product variants in your product data. Variants are a group of similar products that only differ from one another by product details like size, color, material, pattern etc.

Including the item_group_id value is crucial for a good product linking experience between variants on your website and will save you lots of time!

google_product_category or product_type
You can use any of the two fields to specify what category the product belongs to. For example, A shirt might belong to the "T-shirt" category and another shirt to the "Hoodie" category.

Categories let you search and find correct products based on the category when tagging content, allow you to create category-specific galleries, and add support for fallback settings in the product page gallery.


Allows you to hide product tags or mark them as unavailable if the product is out of stock.


Allows you to create brand-specific galleries.

Connect your product feed to Cevoid

When the market is created, we will start importing your products and assign them to the specified market. We automatically sync your Google shopping feeds every hour and check if data has been updated!

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