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How to set up and edit Markets
How to set up and edit Markets

Learn how to set up a new market and how to edit an existing one

Erik Droh avatar
Written by Erik Droh
Updated over a week ago

You need to set up markets if you’re selling products to customers in different regions and wish to use localized copy and prices. We’ll make sure your UGC widgets show the correct language and currency based on your customer is browsing from.

Set up a new market

Here’s how you can set up a new market:

  1. Navigate to settings

  2. Click Products and markets

  3. Scroll down to see the Markets section

  4. Click New market

Next up, follow the Customize a Market section in this tutorial.

Edit an existing market

  1. Navigate to settings

  2. Click Products and markets

  3. Scroll down to see the Markets section

  4. Click the dots (...) next to the market you want to edit

  5. Click Edit

Next up, follow the Customize a Market section in this tutorial.

Customize a market

Market details

This is the main information about your market; these fields are mandatory.

  • Domain. The specific domain for the market. For example, or for a Swedish market

  • Country/Region. Choose which country or region is relevant for this market

  • Language. Choose the language for this market

  • Currency. Choose what currency should be used

  • Title. Pick a name for your market so you know what it’s used for; this is useful when you create multiple markets in the same country or region

  • Default. Your store can have one default market that's used for fallback cases; if no market matches the current structure, we’ll use this market. This is also the market we use when you tag posts with products.

Currency settings

Here you can change how the currency is displayed for your new market. These fields are optional. If not filled out, they’ll follow the best practices of the currency you chose under Market details.

Available options are:

  • Hide prices - Toggle if you want to hide the prices completely on this market

  • Currency display - How the currency should be displayed e.g. (USD or $)

  • Currency position - Before or after the numerical price

  • Display 2 decimals - Toggle if you want decimals to be displayed with two decimal accuracies. ($43.50 vs $43.5)

  • Decimal delimiter - The symbol used to separate decimals (comma or period)

  • Thousand separator - The symbol used to separate thousands (space, comma, or period)

  • Round prices - Should the prices be rounded on the current market? $4385.30 becomes $4387.00

Advanced settings

Non-available products allow you to decide what happens when product tags in the UGC widgets when the tagged product is not available in the current market.

  • Show as normal will link customers to the product page URL from the default market

  • Show as unavailable will show the product tag but include an "Unavailable text" and not link to any product page.

  • Hide will hide the product tag completely

Feeds (Only for product feed integration)

If you are using a feed integration for your product catalog you will need to add your product feeds here. You can upload multiple feeds if you have your catalog split up. Usually, one is only needed.

The unique identifier is used to identify your products and connect them across your markets (this way, you only need to tag a product once, no matter of how many markets you have). Please ensure that this identifier is used and available in all of your feeds and markets.

You have now set up your Market, please read these tutorials to understand how to learn more about Markets and how to customize translations

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